integrity insights - The Integrity Team Inc.

Volume 4, Issue 1
Written by Phil Monetti
January, 2009
“Turning Resolutions into Smarter Goals” – It’s January and the New Year has begun. Undoubtedly you have set one
or more resolutions for 2009. Many of them are still intact, some unfortunately have fallen by the wayside. Either way, here is
a formula to improve the odds of their accomplishment. Now is the time to turn that resolution into a “Smarter Goal”.
The more clearly defined your goal, the higher the odds of achieving it. A good test of its specificity is
whether or not it is written. If not, now is the time to write it. Instead of “I want to lose 15 pounds”
(your subconscious can’t focus on the reverse of an idea) try “I feel fit and great at 148”
Measurable: Sometimes it’s difficult to make it measurable, but always possible. Example: “I want to strengthen my
relationship with a specific person” This can be measured by the number of “progress meetings”,
“lunches” “athletic events” or “phone calls”.
Achievable: Although you want the challenge of stretching to reach exciting goal, its achievement must be possible.
As Napoleon Hill states in “Think and Grow Rich”, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and
believe, it can achieve”.
Relevant: It’s best to set goals in all areas of your life: spiritual, mental, physical, love life, family, friends, career,
financial, and social. Goals in all areas should be relevant to each other and in balance for long term
health and happiness.
Time Frame: Setting your time frame ignites the fuse. Without timed benchmarks, your goal is merely a dream.
Emotional: We are after all, driven by our emotions. Positive emotion is needed to activate and perpetuate the
energy needed to achieve our worthy ideals. Bob Johnson, one of our “Bullet Proof Manger” video
personalities recommends we “5 Sense” our goals. Design support mechanisms that activate as many
of our five senses as possible. These may include: Pictures, Songs, Test Rides, Home Tours, Movies,
Special People, etc.
Rewards: Although we are all “grown up” we still respond to “prizes” and “rewards”. It is very helpful to
program in short term payoffs of 30 days or less. Yes, the goal of being “debt free” is great. But it may
take a year or more to achieve. Why not have a celebration with short term benchmark of each credit
card that is paid off.?
BOOK REVIEW – 12 Elements of Great Managing by Rodd Wagner & James Harter Ph.D.
This is the sequel to the Bestseller: “First Break All the Rules”. Every company wants to have talented people engaged and
performing at their potential. Opinions abound on how to do it. This book, which is based on ten million workplace
interviews, gives a “blueprint” based on objective data. It provides concepts, evidence and practical advice that will guide new
and experienced managers alike to improve the performance and productivity of their people. It is available in hard back as
well as CD’s.
If you are interested in this book, please check out my website – this book and many others can be purchased for up
to 50% off.
CLIENT SPOTLIGHT – This month we are pleased to spotlight Polly Quinn, the Training Coordinator at The Prince
George’s Community Federal Credit Union. When she was planning to launch “Integrity Service” for ten new associates she
decided to get the entire Credit Union staff involved. Polly informed the current class that they were the “ambassadors” for
the program and that she was counting on them to model the principles of the course for the rest of the staff. Polly provided
everyone with “How Did I Do With You” and “I Caught Someone Doing Something Right” cards and included everyone in
weekly email updates where she shared the covered topics, homework, award winners and their accomplishments. As a result
of her initiative, the Program reignited the passion to serve one another and members better. Well done Polly!
Quote of the Month... "Discipline is the Bridge Between Goals and Accomplishments” Brian Tracy
More info about our Services
Contact: Phil Monetti at The Integrity Team, Inc.
Phone: 410-858-2468
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