DOC - Europa

Bruxelles, 24 iulie 2012
Institutul European de Inovare și Tehnologie: Comisia
numește 12 noi membri ai consiliului de conducere
Comisia Europeană a numit astăzi doisprezece noi membri ai consiliului de conducere al
Institutului European de Inovare și Tehnologie (EIT). Noii membri (a se vedea prezentările
din anexă) își vor prelua în mod oficial funcțiile la 31 iulie.
Androulla Vassiliou, comisarul european pentru educație, cultură, multilingvism și tineret,
a declarat: „Le mulțumesc membrilor consiliului de conducere al EIT al căror mandat se
încheie pentru eforturile și dăruirea lor și le urez bun venit noilor membri. Sunt extrem de
satisfăcută de componența noului consiliu de conducere și sunt convinsă că noii membri
vor contribui în mod durabil la atingerea obiectivelor EIT. Acum, mai mult decât oricând,
avem nevoie de astfel de oameni talentați care să imprime direcția inovării în Europa.”
Toți membrii consiliului de conducere al EIT au o reputație solidă în domeniile lor
respective și au demonstrat un interes real pentru inovare.
Consiliul de conducere este responsabil pentru strategia globală și pentru selecția,
coordonarea și evaluarea „comunităților cunoașterii și inovării” (CCI), centrele de inovare
în parteneriat public-privat aflate la baza EIT. CCI reunesc instituții de învățământ
superior, centre de cercetare și întreprinderi de excelență, pentru a aborda în mod
inovator provocări societale majore precum schimbările climatice și energia durabilă.
Consiliul de conducere va supraveghea punerea în aplicare a Agendei strategice de inovare
a EIT, propusă de Comisie. Agenda va reprezenta un stimulent pentru înființarea de până
la 600 de întreprinderi noi și pentru formarea a 10 000 de masteranzi și a 10 000 de
doctoranzi în cadrul unor noi programe de învățământ care să combine excelența în știință
cu o componentă antreprenorială puternică.
Principala misiune a EIT, creat în 2008 ca organism independent al UE, este de a promova
competitivitatea statelor membre prin reunirea unor instituții de învățământ superior,
centre de cercetare și întreprinderi de excelență.
În următorul cadru financiar, Comisia Europeană a propus un buget de aproape 3 miliarde
EUR pentru a permite EIT să creeze șase noi CCI în plus față de cele trei centre inițiale
axate pe schimbările climatice, energia durabilă și TIC (a se vedea IP/11/1479).
Consiliul de conducere al EIT cuprinde 22 de profesioniști, asigurându-se un echilibru în
ceea ce privește specializările și experiența în sectoarele educației, cercetării și
întreprinderilor. Cei 12 noi membri se vor alătura celor șase membri din consiliul de
conducere inițial, care vor continua să ocupe această funcție timp de patru ani, înainte de
următoarea rotație. Consiliul de conducere include, de asemenea, patru membri aleși din
rândul personalului administrativ, al studenților și al candidaților la doctorat din cadrul EIT
și al CCI-urilor.
Pentru mai multe informații
Comisia Europeană: Educație și formare
Site-ul comisarului Androulla Vassiliou
Urmăriți-o pe Twitter pe Androulla Vassiliou @VassiliouEU
Persoane de contact:
Dennis Abbott (+32 2 295 92 58); Twitter: @DennisAbbott
Dina Avraam (+32 2 295 96 67)
EIT governing board 2012 appointed members – curriculum vitae
Current position: Founder and Chairman of Graphisoft SE, Graphisoft Park SE, and
Aquincum Institute of Technology (AIT)
Gabor Bojar founded the architectural software company Graphisoft in 1982 in Hungary.
Today Graphisoft is the worldwide market leader in the field of 3D building modeling.
Graphisoft Park SE a real-estate enterprise, spin-off of the software firm, re-cultivated an
industrial site on the bank of the river Danube and turned it into a state-of-the art science
park, which now hosts Microsoft, SAP, Servier and many other high-tech companies. In
2007, Gabor established a school of information technology and entrepreneurship for an
international student body. AIT is an example of social entrepreneurship demonstrating
the viability of a self-sustaining investment in higher education.
Current position: President of Microsoft Spain.
María Garaña Corces is the President of Microsoft Spain since July 1st 2008. Previously she
was the South Cone regional director for Microsoft and directly responsible for Microsoft
business operations in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
She has a wide international experience, having lived in Brazil, Turkey, USA, Mexico,
Argentina and Europe. She has a MBA from Harvard Business School, an International
Trade Diploma by Berkeley University and a bachelor degree in Law and Business
Administration from San Pablo University in Madrid (Spain).
María Garaña is the President of Foro Con-R, a Foundation focused on improve
employability and social integration of people with disabilities. She is also a member of the
Young Presidents´ Organization Group (YPO) and of the International Women Forum
(IWF). She serves in the Board of Directors of “Fundacion Equidad” and Junior
Achievement Foundation, non-profit organizations that promotes social equity through
Information Technology. She is also member of the ESADE Professional Board and the
American Chamber of Commerce Board in Spain. In 2009, María Garaña was appointed
Businesswoman of the Year by the Spanish Association of Businesswomen (FEDEPE).
Current position: Chairman of the board of Novo A/S and Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Ulf J. Johansson is chairman of the board of Novo Nordisk Foundation. In 1990, he
founded Europolitan Holdings AB, a Swedish GSM mobile telephone operator, which was
publicly listed from 1994 to 2003. He was chairman of the board of Europolitan Vodafone
AB until 2005. He served as Chairman of the board of the Royal Institute of Technology in
Stockholm from 1998 to 2003
Dr Johansson was a member of the board of directors of Novo Nordisk A/S from 1998 to
2005. In 2000, he joined theboard of Novo A/S of which he has been chairman since
2005. In 2005, he was also appointed chairman of the board of the Novo Nordisk
Foundation, member of the board of TelefonAB LM Ericsson.
Current position: Rector of the Cyprus University of Technology.
Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou is the rector of the Cyprus University of Technology, assuming
her duties on January 4th 2012. At the University of Cyprus she served as vice-rector for
academic affairs, as dean of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences (1999-2002) and as
the first chairperson of the Department of Computer Science (1994-1998). She also
served as resident of the governing board of the Cyprus University of Technology (20092010).
In the context of her responsibilities as vice-rector for academic affairs, she coordinated
the implementation of the Bologna reforms at the University of Cyprus.
Current position: Head of research, founder and majority owner of Morana rtd.
Jana Kolar is the founder of Morana rtd. In 1990 she was employed by the Conservation
department of the National and University Library. She was head of the Conservation and
Preservation department between 1992-2005. Between 2005-2009, she was employed as
the head of the Laboratory for Cultural Heritage. In 2004-2009, she was director of
MORANA RTD. She was director general of the Science and Technology Directorate within
the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.
She has also been a consultant to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and
Technology (Slovenian EU Presidency 2008) and Slovenian Research Agency.
Prof.Marja MAKAROW
Current position: Vice-president for research of the Academy of Finland.
Marja Makarow is professor of applied biochemistry and molecular biology, and former
vice-rector for research, doctoral training and innovation at the University of Helsinki. She
served as chief executive of the European Science Foundation in 2008-2011.
Marja Makarow was advisor to the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation as vicechair of the European Research Area Board till early 2012. She advised the Finnish
Government and Parliament in the Council for Research and Innovation Policy that
recently modernised the national university system. She is implementing the University
Act in her capacity as vice-chair of the new Aalto University.
Prof. Peter OLESEN
Current position: Chairman of the Danish Council for Strategic Research.
Peter Olesen is chair of the board of the Danish Council for Strategic Research. He spent
25 years as research director, VP R&D and executive VP/CSO in four major international
food and food ingredients companies: Danisco A/S (DK) 1983-93; Sandoz Seeds Ltd.
(France) 1994-95; CPKelco/Hercules Inc. (DK & US) 1996-2000; Chr.Hansen A/S (DK)
2000-2008. He has held three appointments as affiliated professor at the University of
Copenhagen: Plant Sciences 1986-91 and 1993-98; Functional Foods 2008-13.
addition, he was employed as part-time MSO professor at the Department of Plant Biology
and Biotechnology at LIFE, University of Copenhagen 2009-11.
Today, he is manager of his own company, ActiFoods, which offers counseling and
knowledge sharing to companies and research institutions within food and health
Current position: Provost/President of Trinity College Dublin.
Patrick Prendergast is provost of Trinity College Dublin. He held the chair of bioengineering from 2007 to 2011. He has been a visiting professor in the Institute of
Fundamental Technological Research in Warsaw and the Institute of Bioengineering of
Catalonia in Barcelona. He was senior research fellow at the Technical University of Delft in
the Netherlands and has also held several positions in Trinity College such as director of
the Centre for Bioengineering, dean of graduate studies and vice-provost/chief academic
officer of the University of Dublin.
Dr. Prendergast is widely known internationally, having held several high profile positions
in national and international scientific societies. He was president of the European Society
of Biomechanics from 2002-2004; president of the European Alliance of Medical and
Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES) in 2007; and elected as a founding fellow of
EAMBES in March 2012.
Current position: President of the National Academy of Technologies of France.
Bruno Revellin-Falcoz is the former vice chairman of Dassault Aviation Corp.
Graduated engineer of Sup’Aéro, he joined Dassault Aviation in 1963 until 2008. He was
appointed senior vice president engineering in 1982 and carried the technical responsibility
of all Dassault’s civilian and military aeronautical and space programmes. Throughout his
career, Bruno Revellin-Falcoz set up and built on partnerships with various public R&D
laboratories in order to develop co-operation leading to industrial applications.
Gianfelice ROCCA
Current position: Chairman of Techint Group.
Gianfelice Rocca is chairman of the Techint Group and is member of the board of directors
of Tenaris and Ternium. He is president and founder of the "Istituto Clinico Humanitas",
one of the most important hospitals in Europe.
He is chairman of the board of IIT (the Italian Institute of Technology), and chairman of
the advisory committee of ANVUR (the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of
Universities and Research Institutes). From May 2004 to May 2012 he was vice president
for Education of Confindustria, the leading association of Italian industrialists.
He sits on the board of directors of Allianz SpA, Brembo SpA, Buzzi Unicem SpA. He is a
member of the Allianz SE Advisory Board, of the Aspen Institute Executive Committee, of
the Harvard Business School Advisory Board and of the Trilateral Commission. He is
president of the “Fondazione Fratelli Agostino and Enrico Rocca”.
In June 2007 he was appointed Cavaliere del Lavoro of the Italian Republic and in March
2009 he was presented with a honoris causa degree in management engineering by Milan
Politecnico. In 2010 he received from the president of the Italian Republic, Giorgio
Napolitano, the 2009 Leonardo Award.
Gianfelice Rocca graduated cum laude in Physics at University of Milan and holds a
postgraduate degree from Harvard Business School.
Prof. Nigel THRIFT
Current position: Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick.
Nigel Thrift is the current vice-chancellor of the University of Warwick and a world-leading
academic in the field of human geography.
Warwick is known for its close links with industry, especially through the Warwick
Manufacturing Group (WMG). Since joining Warwick, Professor Thrift has led the University
on a programme of substantial, innovative and selective internationalisation, culminating
in a unique strategic alliance with Monash University (Australia), and Warwick’s recent
selection as the only European university member of the new Centre for Urban Science
and Progress in New York (CUSP).
Prior to joining Warwick in 2006, he was the pro-vice-chancellor for research at the
University of Oxford (2005-06) and head of the Division of Life and Environmental
Sciences at Oxford (2003-05).
Current position: Non-executive Director of Shell Company
Born October 27, 1947. A Dutch national, appointed as non-executive director of Shell
Company with effect from July 2009.
Previously, he was chief executive since October 2004. He was appointed president of
Royal Dutch Petroleum Company in 2000, having been a Managing Director since 1997.
He was a director of Shell Canada Limited from 2003 until 2005. He was named chief
executive in 2004 and led Shell through major change, simplifying governance and
organization, while clarifying accountabilities.
In 2009-2010 Jeroen was vice-chairman of a group of experts who advised for a new
strategic concept for NATO. He was world president of the Society of Chemical Industry
from 2002 to 2004. From 2000-2004 he served as a supervisory board member of the
Dutch Central Bank. He is advisor to Oman since 2009. He chaired ‘Platform Beta
Techniek’, a governmental institute promoting education in science and technology from
2009 – 2011. He was vice-chairman and senior independent director of Unilever (which
includes Unilever N.V. and Unilever plc) to May 2011.
Nowadays (besides his above mentioned role for Shell Company) Jeroen is chairman of
the supervisory boards of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. and of ING Group. He also
has various roles in several foundations and charities.
EIT Governing Board 2008 appointed members – curriculum vitae
Prof. Alexander VON GABAIN
EIT Chairman
Strategic Advisor to the Board of Intercell AG, Chair of the SAB and Co-Founder
Alexander von Gabain obtained his Ph.D. in genetics at the University of Heidelberg and
held a post-doctorate position at the Stanford University. In the 1980s and 1990s, he was
Professor at the University of Umeå and at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm , as well
as an advisor to pharmaceutical and biotech companies. From 1992 to 1998, he was chair
of microbiology of the University of Vienna at the Campus Vienna Biocenter and has
helped to build the public private partnership of the Vienna Biocenter/IMP. In 1998, he cofounded Intercell AG and led the company as CEO until it was successfully floated on the
Vienna Stock Exchange in 2005. From 2005 to 2009, he was member of the executive
management board and CSO. Since then, he has been serving as strategic advisor and
chair of the scientific advisory board.
His research interest is in the field of biomedical research and documented by a large
number of publications, book chapters and patents. He is professor of microbiology at the
Max Perutz Laboratories of the University of Vienna, and foreign adjunct professor at the
Karolinska Institute, member of several professional organizations and serves on the
boards of biotech enterprises, including TVM Capital, Munich. His achievements have been
acknowledged by prestigious industrial awards, academic prizes, honourable
memberships, including the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Science.
Alexander von Gabain was appointed as an initial member of the EIT’s governing board on
30 July 2008; on 15 September 2011 he took up his position as the second EIT Governing
Board Chairperson.
EIT Executive Committee Member
Professor/Researcher, Warsaw University of Technology Business School
Since the launch of the EIT in 2008, Dr. Golebiowska-Tataj is a member of the EIT
Governing Board’s executive committee and has been leading the development of the
EIT’s innovative entrepreneurship agenda. She has a background in humanities and
business and was a scholar of the French government at the Sorbonne University and of
George Soros at the Central European University. She holds a PhD from the Polish
Academy of Sciences.
Daria has had an entrepreneurial business career is the emerging markets of Central and
Eastern Europe. She worked in investment banking and venture capital in media, telecom
and ICT sectors. She held supervisory board positions in technology start-ups and was a
founder and a managing partner of EMF Enterprise Management and Finance, a consulting
practice. She was also in charge of EU/EBRD SME Finance Facilities in the banking sector
helping large banks in the region restructure their small and medium size enterprise
lending. In 2006, her activity as a social entrepreneur supporting women leaders was
recognized by the US Department of State and Fortune Magazine. She became a member
of Vital Voices Global Partnership and the first president of its Polish chapter.
At present, she is pursuing her academic interests as a professor and researcher at
Warsaw University of Technology Business School and is an affiliate faculty member at the
Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan. Her research covers creativity,
innovation, entrepreneurship and their impact on the economic and social development.
She is an expert to the Lisbon Council, a Brussels-based think tank, and is also advising
the Polish Government on its research and innovation agenda.
Prof. Karen MAEX
Vice-rector of Science, Engineering and Technology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Full Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, K.U.Leuven
Prof. Maex obtained her PhD in electrical engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium. Having started her academic career as a research assistant (1982-1987)
she became research director (1987), assistant professor at K.U. Leuven (1989), then
professor (1998) and finally full professor (2003). Between 2002-2005 she was a member
of K.U. Leuven’s Research Council and founder-coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus
programme on nanoscience and nanotechnology. In 2005, she was appointed vice-rector
for science, engineering and technology at K.U. Leuven. Meanwhile at IMEC
(Interuniversity Microelectronics Center), of which she is a fellow since 2001, she was
strategic research adviser for the Division on Semiconductor Process and Device
Technology (2001-2005) and programme director of the IMEC Industrial Affiliate
Programme (IIAP) on Nanotechnology (2004-2005).
Prof. Maex is currently vice-rector for science, engineering and technology and a full
professor at K.U. Leuven, where she is also responsible for human resources and diversity
Head of AutoUni, Volkswagen Group
Dr. Tropschuh obtained his PhD in engineering at the Munich Technical University, where
he was also assistant lecturer (1983-1988). During this time, he simultaneously carried
out freelance work in engineering and design offices across Germany. In 1988 he joined
Audi, where his appointments have included senior supervisor of Interior Engineering and
Body Testing, Head of Vehicle Concepts, Head of Development Management, and head of
the research projects division. He has also been general secretary of AUDI AG. Since
2006, Dr. Tropschuh has been the head of AutoUni at Volkswagen Group.
Dr. Tropschuh is a lecturer at the Munich Technical University and among other
memberships and honorary appointments, he is honorary senator of Budapest University
of Technology and Economics (BME), member of the advisory board of St. Gallen
University (Switzerland), member of the Senat of GISMA Business School (Hannover),
member of the advisory board of TÜV Süd (Munich), member of the advisory board of
Foundation Lower Saxony (Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover), member of the Curatorium
of Foundation New Responsibility (Kuratorium Neue Verantwortung, Berlin), member of
the board of directors of FAT (Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik im VDA,
Frankfurt), member of the advisory board of DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
Raumfahrt, Köln) and member of the advisory board of Automotive Cluster Bavaria
(Automobil Cluster Bayern, Munich).
Linnar VIIK
Former Director, Skype Technologies Ltd
Associate Professor and Member of the Board, Estonian Information Technology College
Mr. Viik obtained an M.Sc. (information technology and informatics) at the Tallinn
Technical University and an M.Sc./Postgraduate diploma (international economy) at the
Helsinki University of Technology. Having worked as a management consultant at KPMG
(Estonia and London) between 1993-1995 he became chairman of the board of the IT
company Meediamaa Ltd. (1995-1998) and chairman of the supervisory board of
Netexpress Ltd. (1998-1999) before becoming member of the board of directors and head
of the Multimedia Department of Levicom Ltd. He was also an advisor to the prime
minister of Estonia (1999-2001). In 2001 he co-founded Mobi Solutions Ltd. and was
member of the board there until 2007. In 2004 he founded Keelevara Ltd., of which he is
still chairman of the supervisory board.
Mr. Viik was director of Skype Access at Skype Technologies Ltd. (2007-2009) and since
2000 has been lecturing at the Estonian IT College, where he was made member of the
board in 2003.
Prof. Wolfgang HERRMANN
President, Technische Universität München
Prof. Herrmann obtained his PhD in chemistry at the Universität Regensburg, where he
became a pProfessor (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry) in 1979 following a career as a
researcher. He was made chair professor of inorganic chemistry at the Universität
Frankfurt/Main (1982) and chair professor at the Technische Universität München (1985).
He became president of the Technische Universität München in 1995 and was re-elected in
1999, 2005 and 2007. He was chairman of the Bavarian University Rectors Conference
(2002-2004) and chairman of "Universität Bayern e.V" (2004-2005). He is a member of
the editorial board of numerous scientific journals and editor of the Journal of
Organometallic Chemistry since 1994. He is also a member of the supervisory board of the
E.ON Energie AG and member of the supervisory board of Evonik Industries AG.
Prof. Herrmann is currently president of the Technische Universität München and a bember
of the International Advisory Council, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
(KAUST), Saudi Arabia. He belongs to the top-100 group of the worldwide most-cited
chemists and holds numerous honorary PhD´s from Europe, USA, Russia and China.