MY FUTURE : First Semester

Mrs. Campbell’s Senior Portfolio Instructions: SECOND
In order to complete this assignment you will need your 3-ring binder with dividers From
LAST SEMESTER so that you can add all the new goodies to it! Second semester expectations
are in bold and in Copperplate GOTHIC font!
If you were not in my class last semester, you should see me for instructions.
Section One: MY LIFE from first & second semesters
MY LIFE : First semester
About You! Complete pages & DON’T SKIP ANY QUESTIONS!
Photo Gallery Select and include 4 photos of people in your life who have “made a difference”. You should label each photo. You
can put all 4 on one page if they fit.
Current Events Complete this sheet. You may need to refer to local newspapers or the internet to answer some… DON’T SKIP
Quote & Explanation Fill in the sheet.
MY LIFE: Second semester:
 PHOTO GALLERY: You need a minimum of 5 photos… different
from last semester: 1. your house 2. your family 3. a
photo of you at least 10 years ago 4.a current photo of
you 5. a photo of YOUR CHOICE! PHOTOS MUST BE
 TIME CAPSULE SHEETS FILLED OUT! These sheets include:
family tree, a look at the military, the sporting world, men’s
styles, women’s styles, transportation, local info, facts
about my country, movies, music, television, books, brand
names, popular magazines, what it costs today, newspaper
clippings, business, & song lyrics.
Section Two: MY WRITING from 1st and 2nd semesters
5 Journals Choose 5 out of the many journals we wrote in class. If you need a list of these journals, please see me. You should add
to these journals/ make them everything you would hope for to be a creative/ heartfelt piece of writing. These can be neatly written
or typed.
ESSAYS: You should revise your PERSONAL NARRATIVE, your COLLEGE ESSAY, and your PERSUASIVE ESSAY. You should
include the original essay that I graded, and your revision.
Reflection: Write a 2-3 paragraph reflection about your writing. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses. Discuss whether or not
you like writing, and what you like to write about. Discuss areas where you would like to improve. Finally, which writing
assignment was your favorite? WHY? Which was the most challenging? WHY?
5 Journals: Choose 5 of the many journals we wrote in
class. (See me for list). You should add to these journals/
make them everything you would hope for to be a creative/
heartfelt piece of writing. These should be TYPED!!
ESSAYS: You should include a revised SATIRE ESSAY ,your
movie review, and a clean copy of your reflective essay. You
must include the original essay that I graded and your
revision where applicable!
FILL OUT THE WRITING INVENTORY distributed in class.
Section Three: MY READING: from 1st and 2nd semesters
MY READING: First Semester
Article Analysis: You should include your 3 favorite articles and the analysis you wrote for each. You should type a one page
reflection about which article was your favorite, why, and what you thought about reading the articles. Also, you might discuss
any ideas you have for improving the assignment.
Novel Responses (2 double sided sheets) You read at LEAST two novels this semester. Fill out these sheets for the novel that was
your FAVORITE from this semester.
My Reading Part two: SECOND SEMESTER
 NEW BOOK COVER: Design a new book cover for one of
the novels you were required to read this semester.
 Fill out READING INVENTORY distributed in class.
 ARTICLE ANALYSIS: You should include your 2 favorite
articles and the analysis for each. Include a one-page
reflection about which article was your favorite, why,
and what you thought about reading the articles.
Section Four: My Future from 1st and 2nd semesters
MY FUTURE : First Semester:
Resume: Create a resume for yourself. Many templates are available on line, or you can check out a resume book from the library.
My PLAN: Type up a few paragraphs detailing your plan for the future. You should include the following:
Where are you applying to college? Where do you hope to go? Have you completed your applications?
If you are not planning on going to college, what is your plan?
What you will do immediately after graduating from H.S.?
What do you plan to major in?
 COURSE EVALUATION: I will be keeping this
 Design a post card that reflects what your life
will be like next year. If you are going to college,
you should include the college name somewhere in
the picture.
Section Five: OTHER You will also be graded on the following:
 Creativity
 Effort/ Neatness/ Organization