Literacy Biography

Literacy Biography
Most of us did not wake up one morning with a sudden fondness for the
linguistic arts (reading, writing, etc.), but rather developed this fondness
over a lifetime. Then again, maybe you woke up one morning a changed
person. Who knows?
Your purpose in responding to this prompt is to inform me, the class, and
perhaps even yourself, about your development as a reader and writer. This
can include anything from your humble beginnings to your favorite writers,
genres of writing, etc. There is no specific length requirement and though I
will collect and read these, I will not formally evaluate them. You should,
however, be prepared to share your response with the class.
A few questions to consider when writing (from a Norton Field
Guide to Writing)
 Any early memory about writing or reading that you recall vividly
 Someone who taught you to read and write
 A book or other text that has been significant for you in some way
 An event at school that was interesting, humorous, or embarrassing
 A writing or reading task that you found to be difficult or challenging
 A memento that represents and important moment in your literacy
 The origins of your current attitudes about reading and writing
 Perhaps more recent challenges: Learning to write instant messages,
learning to write email appropriately, learning to construct a webpage