
Volunteer Panel
Dev is a technical consultant for a company that is global leads in Information Management, helping
companies manage complex data. He has experience of IT work in law enforcement organisations.
Anthony Warren is a retired teacher. He was a lead teacher for 16+ education in a special school.
He has an M.A. in Social Science and is interested in improving the lives of people with learning
difficulties/disabilities. He is Chair of the Youth Opportunities Committee of his local Rotary Club.
Philip Marshall is the Director of Customer Services for Bristol Water. From 2001 to 2008 he was
the independent Chair of the Standards Committee of the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority
and also served as Independent Chair of the Standards Committee of Kirklees Council. He is a
volunteer for the National trust, trustee of a hospital radio station and volunteers at his local church.
James Mochnacz was a member of the Avon and Somerset Police Authority between 2001 and
2005. He was Vice Chairman of the Devon and Somerset Fire Authority between 2005 and 2009 and
has held various roles as a councillor on Somerset County Council including community safety. He is
a public governor of Musgrove Park Hospital and sits on both the Strategy and Public Care groups.
Catherine Shewan is a solicitor and former Head of Compliance for a local solicitors practice. She
previously worked for the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority monitoring compliance and reviewing
complaints. She has been a legal advisor to the Mendip District Council Standards Committee and is
a volunteer assistant at her local cathedrals junior church.
Liam Doyle is a retired prison officer (governor grade) and was a senior house parent at a boarding
school for the children of armed services personnel. He is a member of his local Neighbourhood
Watch, PACT Team and Village Society. He is a case worker for the Royal British Legion.
Jasmin Ullah is a Customer Services Advisor for Aviva, handling complaints about investments and
life cover. She has volunteered at a local school helping young children to read and gain confidence.
Sue Lloyd is a Programme Management Coordinator for Victim Support responsible for developing
and delivering national audit standard and assessment frameworks. She is a school governor and a
member of the Management Committee of Bristol Women’s Voice.
Professor Ian Jamieson OBE, has recently retired as Pro-Vice Chancellor of is the University of Bath.
He is now a visiting Professor in the School of Management and Vice Chair of the Bath Students’
Union. He is a consumer representative for the National Cancer Research Institute and a member of
the Academy of the Social Sciences. He has sat on the Board of UCAS and various other public
bodies. In 2010 he was asked by Wiltshire Police Authority to carry out an independent review of
custody practices.
Professor Mark Vinney is a Professor of Zoology at the University of Bristol. Mark has been a
Samaritan volunteer, a school governor and is a judge for the Institute of Ideas – Debating Matters.
The Make-up of the Panel
Male 7
Female 3
Over 60 3
50 – 59 2
40 – 49 3
30 – 39 1
-30 1
BME background 2
Non BME background 8
Somerset 3
North Somerset 1
Bristol 5
South Gloucestershire 0
One panel member has identified themselves as disabled.