February 2010 Summary

Kuali Foundation Board Phone Call
02-17-2010, 11:00am ET, 8:00am PT
219-509-8020, PIN 566266#
Bruce Alexander
Mike Allred
Chris Coppola
Ted Dodds
Steve Dowdy
Sara Gomez
Elazar Harel
Kathleen McNeely
Brad Wheeler
Jennifer Foutty (ex officio)
Barry Walsh (ex officio)
Not attending:
David Lassner
Shel Waggener
Jessica Coltrin, Kuali QA Director
Zach Naiman, Kuali Member Liaison
Farooq Sadiq, Kuali Configuration Manager
FOR VOTE: Review and approve minutes from 01/08/09 meeting
Ted moved, Bruce seconded, and the minutes were approved by the Board.
FOR VOTE: Review resolution for Chase bank for credit card authorization
Kathleen moved, Bruce seconded, and the resolution was approved unanimously.
FYI: New application for Kuali community for tools, users, tracking, reporting
Zach Naiman, Farooq Sadiq, and Jessica Coltrin are in attendance to describe a new set of tools
for the community and its activities. Zach went through the slides to demonstrate this new set
of tools. We’ll have benefits such as: single sign-on, customized directory, reporting
capabilities, intelligent email lists, enterprise calendaring, mobile integration, etc. The team has
a path laid out for migration from concept to production. Some tools are already in place. The
team will work with the projects to begin moving to this new environment; we can have parallel
tools until we have everyone moved over. The Board expressed special interest in using
InCommon and federated identity and offered assistance from IU staff on this.
There was general approval by the Board about this approach. Thanks to the team for this great
FYI: Update on Kuali Spring Workshop at CSU
Jennifer asked if all Board members plan to attend our F2F Board meeting in May at CSU, and all
Board members indicated in the affirmative. The Workshop’s web site with full details, travel
information, etc. will be up within 48 hours.
FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION: New Incubated Project: Kuali IT Support
Barry spoke on behalf of David Lassner, who is the Board advocate for this project. This
initiative started small, but has grown into a larger project. The team wants to incubate as
described in the paper, and move forward with some components first, such as the IU KB. Some
of these may look like commodity projects, but we question if those commodities really serve
our needs. We’ll want to address this issue as the project moves forward. We also may think
about a Kuali Ready SaaS type of model for some of these components.
There were concerns that we might be creating a content management system here, such as
Drupal. We might think about this as a process model for knowledge as opposed to the
technology. This remains an open question but we don’t want to recreate Drupal.
By being incubated, this can bring these types of questions into the open, so we can determine
whether to move forward or not with a Kuali project.
Note that in order for a project to go from incubation, they must bring to this Board a full
charter with partners, resources, scope, timeline, and budget.
Concern was expressed that at some point we might be stretching the Kuali community too far;
not necessarily in this case but something we need to be aware of. There was a question about
fit with Kuali and administrative systems; IU indicated that they actually put the knowledge
about administrative systems in the KB. Also, we don’t want to push away projects and they
might go somewhere else.
Ted moved to put this project into incubation, Chris seconded, and approved by all as an
incubated project.
FYI: Update on BI Initiatives
Deferred. Jennifer will work with Barry to start an email thread on this and we’ll discuss at the
March meeting.
FYI: Update on Thanos Proposal
Jennifer shared that the Thanos Group is interested in providing an overall marketing and
outreach program for a variety of open source higher ed projects, including Jasig, Sakai,
Durapace, and Kuali. This project is a start, to show value and to create a deliverable that is
useful. This project will help in analyzing the procurement process and how we can make open
source software acquisition more viable in the process. It also parallels what Brad is doing with
the “murdered by the matrix” project. The KCAs are helping to fund and Kuali will provide part
of that funding. Although it’s not in the Kuali budget for this year, because of our projected
budget balance, we can contribute to this.
FYI: Kuali Days VIII Reconciliation
The actual net revenue for this event was $40,714.44. Instead of putting this in a reserve, we
will use it to fund the umbrella workshop costs for the Spring Workshop at CSU. Mike and
Jennifer will be working on a reserve policy to bring to the Board, but pending that policy, we’ll
take this approach.
FYI: Foundation Funds Budget-to-Actual through 12-31-09
Jennifer shared that as of 12-31-09, with projections through end of our fiscal year, we will have
a projected overall balance as shown in the report.
Open discussion
Some board members believe we need to discuss how many projects Kuali can take on and if
we’re being spread too thinly. Jennifer will start an email thread about this, and we also could
discuss at our May F2F meeting.
Next meeting is March 12, 2010