1. Upload Syllabus - at www.my.woodbury.edu.

How to Upload your Syllabus to the Syllabus Library on Self-Service
Woodbury University policy requires all instructors to upload syllabi for all courses to the Syllabus Library on Self-Service
at the beginning of each semester.
To do so, just log-in with your normal Woodbury log-in at: https://go.woodbury.edu
Then click the "Upload" link under "Syllabus Library"
Next, select the year and term
Select your course from the list provided
And finally, use the browse box to select your document and hit the "upload" button.
If you have more than one course, you'll need to repeat this process for each class. Self-Service only allows you to
upload one document for each course, so you will need to include your Assignment Calendar in your syllabus. Also,
please upload your document as a Word doc file (as opposed to docx, rtf, or pdf) as this format is the most universal.