Meteorite Impacts-Location-Morocco to Sweden

!Meteorite Impact References-by Location-Morocco through Sweden
*lat: 32 deg. 0 min. N, long: 3 deg 0 min E
*diameter 1.9 km
*lat: 52 deg. 29 min. N, long: 16 deg. 54 min. E
*7 impact sites
*diameter of largest is 100 meters.
!Saudi Arabia
*lat: 21 deg. 30 min. N, long: 50 deg. 28 min. E
* 2 impact sites
*diameter of largest is 97 m
*Chao, E.C.T., Fahey, J.J., and Littler, J., 1961, Coesite from Wabar Crater near Al
Hadida, Arabia: Science, v.33, p. 882-883.
*Cohen, A.J., Bunch, T.E., and Reid, A.M., 1961, Coesite discoveries establish
cryptovolcanics as fossil meteorite craters: Science, v.134, p. 1624-1625.
!South Africa-Bushveld Complex
*Bisschoff, A.A., 1982, Thermal metamorphism in the Vredefort Dome: Transactions of
the Geological Society of South Africa, v.85, p. 43-57
*Bucher, W.H., 1963, Cryptoexplosion structures caused from without or from within the
Earth? (astroblemes" or "geoblemes?): Am. Jour. Sci., v.261, p.597-649.
*Cousins, C.A., 1960, The structure of the mafic portion of the Bushveld igneous comple
(with discussion): Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans., v.62, p. 179-201.
*Daly, R., 1928, Bushveld igneous complex of the Transvaal: GSA Bull., v.39, p. 703768.
*Davies, R.D., Allsopp, H.L., Erlank, A.J., and Manton, W.J., 1969, Sr-isotopic studies
on various layered mafic inytrusions in southern Africa: in- D.J. Visser and G. von
Gruenewaldt, eds., Symposium on the Bushveldt complex and other layered intrusions,
Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc. S. Africa, v.1, p. 576-593.
*Dietz, R.S., 1963, Cryptoexplosion structures-a discussion: Am. Jour. Sci., v.261, p.
*Glikson, A.Y., 1976, Earliest Precambrian ultramafic-mafic volcanic rocks-ancient
oceanic crust or relic terrestrial maria?: Geology, v.4, p. 201-205.
*Hamilton, W., 1970, Busgveld Complex-product of impacts?: Geol. Soc. South Africa
Spec. Pub. I, p. 367-374.
*Mc Call, G.J.H., 1964, Are cryptovolcanic Structures due to meteoric impact?: Nature,
v.201, n.4916, p. 251-254.
*Rhodes, R.C., 1975, New evidence for impact origin of the Bushveld complex, South
Africa: Geology, v.3, p. 549-554.
!South Africa-Lalkkop
*lat: 32 deg. 43 min. S, long: 24 deg. 34 min. E
*diameter: 640 meters
*age: less than 200 mya
!South Africa-Pretoria Salt Pan
*lat: 25 deg. 30 min. S, long: 28 deg 0 min. E
*diameter: 1 km
*age: less than 1 mya
!South Africa-Reitz Ring
*lat: 27.5 deg. S, long: 28.2 deg. E (or 27.9 deg S and 28.6 deg. E)
*diameter: rings, 350 km and 525 km
*age: over 3 bya
*Hardgraves, R.B., and Fuller, A.O., 1981, The Reitz ring- a possible circular structure,
350-500 km in diameter: South Africa Precambrian Research, v.14, p. 99-106.
!South Africa-Vredefort
*lat: 27 deg. 0 min. S, long: 27 deg. 30 min. E
*diameter: 140 km
*age: 1970 +/- 100 mya
*Abat, H.M., and Mayer, J.J., 1989, Megascopic planar shock fracture in the Vredefort
structure-a potential time marker?: Tectonophysics, v.162, n.3-4, p. 265-276.
*Alexander, S.S., and Hawk, J.H., 1971, The use of shatter cones to estimate the energy
of meteorite impacts (abstr.), EOS (Trans. AGU), v.52, n.4, p. 264.
*Bishopp, D.W., 1962, The Vredefort Ring- Jour. Geology, v.70, p. 500-502.
*Brink, A.B.A., and Knight, K., 1961, Shatter cones of the Vredefort Ring-discussion:
Geol. Soc. South Africa Proc., v.64, p. 157-158.
*Bucher, W.H., 1963, Cryptoexplosion structures caused from without or from within the
Earth? ("astroblemes" or "geoblemes"?): Am. Jour. Sci., v.261, p. 597-649.
*Carter, N.L., 1965, Basal quartz deformation lamelle-a criterion for recognition of
impactites: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 263, Nov. 1965, p. 786-806.
*Carter, N.L., 1968, Meteorite impact and deformation of quartz: Science, v.160, p. 526528.
*Daly, R.A., 1947, The Vredefort ring-structure of south Africa: Jour. Geol., v.55, p.
*Dietz, R.S., 1961, The Vredefort ring structure- meteorite impact scar?: Jour. Geol.,
v.69, p. 499-516.
*Dietz, R.S., 1962, Rhe Vredefort ring structure-a reply (to discussion by D.W. Bishopp):
Jour. Geology, v.70, p. 502-504.
*Dietz, R.S., 1963, Cryptoexplosion structures-a discussion: Am. Jour. Sci., v.261, p.
*Fricke, A., Medenbach, O., and Schreyer, W., 1990, Fluid inclusions, planar elements,
and pseudotachylites in the basement rocks of the Vredefort structure, South Africa:
Tectonophysics, v.171, p. 169-183.
*Gibson, R.L., and Wallmach, T., 1995, Low-P/high-T metamorphism in the Vredefort
dome, South Africa-anticlockwise P-T path followed by rapid decompression: Geological
Journal, v.30, p. 319-331.
*Gibson, R.L., Reimold, W.U., and Wallmach, T., 1997, Origin of pseudotachylite in the
Witwatersrand Supergroup, Vredefort dome (South Africa)-constraints from
metamorphic studies: Tectonophysics, v.283, p. 241-262.
*Gibson, R.L., Armstrong, R.A., and Reimold, W.U., 1997, The age and thermal
evolution of the Vredefort impact structure- a single-grain U-Pb zircon study: Geochim.
et Cosmochim. Acta, v.61, p. 1531-1540.
*Glikson, A.Y., 1976, Earliest Precambrian ultramafic-mafic volcanic rocks-ancient
oceanic crust or relic terrestrial maria?: Geology, v.4, p. 201-205.
*Grieve, R.A.F., Coderre, J.M., Robertson, P.B., and Alexopoulos, J., 1990, Microscopic
planar deformation features in quartz of the Vredefort structure- anomalous but still
suggestive of an impact origin: Tectonophysics, v.171, p. 185-200.
*Hardgraves, R.B., 1961, Shatter cones in the Vredefort ring: Geol. Soc. South africa
Proc., v.64, p. 147-153.
*Hart, R.J., Nicolaysen, L.O., and Gale, N.H., 1981, Radioelement concentrations in the
deep profile through Precambrian basement of the Vredefort structure: Jour. of Geophys.
Res., v.86, p. 10639-10652.
*Henkel, H., and Reimold, W.U., 1998, Integrated geophysical modeling of a giant,
complex impact structure- anatomy of the Vredefort structure, South Africa:
Tectonophysics, v.287, p. 1-20.
*Howard, K., and Offield, T.W., 1968, Shatter cones at Sierra Madre, Texas: Science,
v.162, p. 261-265.*Innes, M.J.S., 1964, Recent advances in meteorite crater research at
the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Canada: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 219-241.
*Jones, M.Q.W., 1988, Heat flow in the Witwatersrand basin an environs and its
significance for the South African shield geotherm and lithosphere thickness: Jour.
Geophys. Res., v.93, p. 3243-3260.
*Kamo, S.L., Reimold, W.U., Krogh, T.E., and Colliston, W.P., 1996, A 2.023 Ga age
for the Vredefort impact event and a first report of shock metamorphosed zircons in
pseudotachylite breccias and granophyre: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.144, p.
*Lilly, P.A., 1981, Shock metamorphism in the Vredefort collar- evidence for internal
shock sources: Jour. Geophys. Res., v.85, p. 10,689-10,700.
*Manton, W.I., 1965, The orientation and origin of shatter cones in the Vredefort ring:
in- Green, J., ed, Geological problems in lunar research, N.Y. Acad. sci. Annals.
*Marce, B.D., 1945, The Vredefort structure as revealed by a gravimetric survey: GSA
Bull., v.35, p. 305-320.
*Martini, J.E.J., 1992, The metamorphic history of the Vredefort dome at approximately
2 Ga as revealed by coesite-stishovite-bearing pseudotachylites: Jour. Metamprphic
Geology, v.10, p. 517-527.
*Mc Call, G.J.H., 1964, Are cryptovolcanic structures due to meteoric impact?: Nature,
v.201, n.4916, p. 251-254.
*Nel, L.T., 1927, The geology of the country around Vredefort- an explanation of the
geological map: Geol. Survey South Africa, p. 9-130
*Poldervaart, A., 1963(?), Notes on the Vredefort dome: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans.,
v.65, 17 p.
*Ramsay, J.G., 1961, Shatter cones in the rocks of the Vredefort ring- discussion: Geol.
Soc. South Africa Proc., v.64, p.156-157.
*Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., 1996, Geology and evolution of the Vredfort Impact
Structure, South Africa: Jour. African Earth Sciences, v.23, p. 125-162.
*Slawson, W.F., 1976, Vredefort core- a cross-section of the upper crust?: Geoch. et
Cosmochim. Acta, v.40, p. 117-.
*Willemse, J., 1938, On the old granite of the Vredefort region and some of its associated
rocks: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans., v.40, p. 43-119.
*Wilshire, H.G., and Howard, K.A., 19678, Structural pattern in central uplifts of
cryptoexplosion structures as typified by Sierra Madre: Science, v.162, p. 258-261.
!South West Africa-Roter Kamm (now Namibia)
*lat: 27 deg. 46 min., long: 16 deg. 18 min.
*diameter: 2.4 km
*Koeberl, C., Fredriksson, K., Gotzinger, M., and Reimold, W.U., 1989, Anomalous
quartz from the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia- evidence for post-impact
hydrothermal activity?: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.53, p. 2113-2118.
*lat: 61 deg. 50 min. N, long: 16 deg. 45 min. E
*diameter: 15 km
*age: 230 mya
*Svensson, N.B., 1968, The Dellen lakes, a probable meteorite impact in central Sweden:
Geol. Foeren. Stockholm Foerh., v.90, p. 309-316.
*lat: 57 deg. 22 min. N, long: 16 deg. 15 min. E
*diameter: 1.2km
*age: 500 +/- 100 mya
*lat: 56 deg. 25 min. N, long: 14 deg. 55 min. E (or 14 deg. 52 min. E)
*diameter: 5 km
*age: 118 +/- 2 mya
*Bottomley, R.J., York, D., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1978, Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of Scandinavian
impact structures-I, Mien and Siljan: Contr. Mineral. Petrol., v.68, p. 79-84.
*Svensson, N.B., 1969, Lake Mien, southern Sweden-a possible astrobleme: Geol.
Foeren. Stockholm Foerh., v.91, p. 101-110.
*lat: 61 deg. 2 min. N, long: 14 deg. 52 min. E (or 61 min. 5 deg. N and 15 deg. 0 min.E)
*diameter: 52 km
*age: 365 +/- 7 mya
*Aberg, G., and Bollmark, B., 1983, Rb-Sr dating of a postorogenic Svecokarelian
composite dike within the Siljan ring structure, central Sweden: Geoloiska Foreningens,
Stockholm Forhandlinger, v.105, p. 75-77.
*Dachille, F., 1976, Frequency of the formation of large terrestrial impact craters
Meteoritics, v.11, n.4, p.270-271.
*Bottomley, R.J., York, D., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1978, Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of Scandinavian
impact structures-I, Mien and Siljan: Contr. Mineral. Petrol., v.68, p. 79-84.
*Grieve, R.A.F., 1987, The formation of large impact structures and constraints on the
Siljan structure (abstr,): in- International symposium onobservation of the continental
crust through drilling, 3rd: Stockholm, Vasttenfall (Swedish Power Board), p. 42
*Johansson, A., 1984, Geochemical studies on the Boda Pb-Zn deposit in the Siljan
astrobleme, central Sweden: Geol. Foren. i Stockholm Forh., v.106, p. 15-25.
*Juhlin, C. and Pedersen, L.B., 1988, Reflection seismic investigations of the Siljan
impact structure: Jour. Geophys. Res., v.92, p. 14,113-14,122.
*Komor, S.C., Valley, J.W., and Brown, P.E., 1988, Fluid-inclusion evidence for impact
impact heating at the Siljan Ring, Sweden: Geology, v.16, p. 711-715.
*Komer, S.C., Valley, J.W., Brown, P.E., and Collin, B., 1988, Fluid inclusions in granite
from the Siljan ring impact structure and surrounding regions: in- Deep drilling in
crystalline bedrock, v.3, Berlin, Springer-Verlag (in press).
*Lindblom, S., and Wickman, F.E., 1985, Fluid inclusions from a quartz breccia in the
Siljan ring structure, central Sweden: Geol. Foren. i Stockholm Forh., v.107, p. 53-58.
*Swesson, N.B., 1971, Probable meteorite impact crater in central Sweden: Nature,
v.299, p. 90-92.
*Svensson, N.B., 1973, Shatter cones from the Siljan structure, central Sweden: Geol.
Foren. i Stockholm Forh., v.95, p. 139-143.
*Tamminem, J., and Wickman, F.E., 1980, Shock effects in pegmatite quartz from the
Siljan ring structure, central Sweden: Geol. Foren. i Stockholm Forh., v.102, p. 275-278.
*Valley, J.W. et al, 1988, Calite crack cements in granite from the Siljan ring, Swedenstable isotopic results: in- Deep drilling in crystalline bedrock, v.3: Berlin, SpringerVerlag (in press).
*Wickman, F.E., 1980, The impact center of the Siljan structure, central Sweden: Geol.
Foren.i Stockholm Forh., v.102, p. 105-109.
!Sweden-Tvaren Bay
*lat: 58 deg. 46 min. N, long: 17 deg. 25 min. E
*diameter: 2 km