Thesis Statement for Problem

CP Writing – Thesis Statements and Outline Notes
Thesis Statement for Problem-Solution Essay
1. consists of 2 parts: topic and then the blueprint
2. very specific statement
3. end of 1st paragraph
4. can be written as two sentences
Examples: Look at the examples provided and identify if this would an appropriate
problem-solution thesis or not. If it isn’t, tell what is wrong with it.
1. Internet piracy is a big problem for many companies.
2. Smoking should be banned because it is bad for your health, it costs too
much and it affects those who do not smoke.
3. The melting ice caps pose a real and present danger to our world and, if left
unchecked, will cause world-wide disasters in the future. Scientists have
researched two viable ways to slow the disintegration of the ice caps.
4. Many children suffer long-term consequences of bullying. However, the
problem can be remedied through a three-pronged approach: educating the
parents, encouraging a community atmosphere, and implementing a peer
mediation program.
The purpose of your outline is to provide you with a very specific road map for
your essay. If you have a strong, well-written outline, written the essay should not
be that problematic because you will have what you want to say in the correct
1. Equal parts should be written in parallel form.
a. all written as nouns, verbs, prepositional phrases, etc.
example: NOT
TS. Fish make excellent pets.
A. Small appetites
B. Quiet
C. They are well-behaved
CP Writing – Thesis Statements and Outline Notes
TS: Fish make excellent pets.
A. They don’t eat much
B. They are quiet
C. They are well-behaved
2. Ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have equal value.
a. every main supporting number must have the same kind of letter or
NOT: TS – One problem is the city’s unreliable public transportation system.
A. Daily schedules are unreliable
B. Busses arrive late
C. Busses come in bunches
D. Passengers are victims
E. They are late to appoint, work, classes
F. They must allow extra time to wait for buses
YES - One problem is the city’s unreliable public transportation system.
A. Daily schedules are unreliable
1. Busses arrive late
2. Busses come in bunches
B. Passengers are victims
1. They are late to appoint, work, classes
2. They must allow extra time to wait for buses