Template for abstract (, MS Word)

Template of abstract for ICAS2011
Taro Kann,1 Hanako Hatoyama,2 Jiro Asoh3
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University,
Kyoto 606-8502, Japan, 2Central Research Institute, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Osaka 540-8645,
Japan, 3Gerontology Research Center, National Institute on Aging, NIH, Baltimore, MD
21224-6825, USA. Correspondence: jasoh@xxx.xx.xxx.nih.gov
* On this page you will find instructions for the preparation of your Abstract, which should be
contained on a single sheet of A4 format.
* Please leave margins of 25 mm at top, bottom, left, and right.
* Please use 12 pt Times Roman (or similar) font except for the title, with line spacing 1.0.
* The title of your contribution should be written in Bold 14 pt font.
* The name of the author presenting the contribution should be underlined. Please write the
corresponding author's full mail and email addresses. If there is more than one affiliation,
indicate them by superscript numbers for each author as shown above.
* Please leave an extra blank line between the address and the text.
* Color figures and photos can be included.
* Please give references in the way shown below.
* Abstracts must be submitted as both Word and PDF files of camera-ready versions through the
website at http://www.icas2011.com/.
* The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 30, 2010. October 31, 2010
[1] T. Kann, H. Hatoyama, J. van der Geer, J. Sci. Commun., 163, 51–65 (2000).
[2] J. Asoh, W. Strunk Jr., The Elements of Style, 3rd ed., Macmillan, New York, 1999.
[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare a molecularly imprinted polymer, in: B.S. Jones,
R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
2009, pp. 281–304.