Ice Cap climate

Early Edition Climate Study Guide
What the state needs you to be able to do: Determine, classify and compare regions using climate data.
Average weather conditions over a long period of time are called?
What are three things that geographers use to identify a climate?
Temperature, Precipitation, Plant life
Describe no less than two ways that affect climate. Use notes to create answer.
(You can choose between sun and location, wind, water, and mountains.)
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
What are the five climate zones? Remember: Tiny Dragon Tickles Princess Hunt
Tropical, Dry, Temperate (that’s us), Polar, Highland
This climate zone is moderate or mild. Located in the middle latitudes and has four seasons
like us.
Which type of climate can occur at many different latitudes?
What can change a highland climate?
This type of climate contains more types of plants and animals than anywhere else on
Humid Tropical (This is where tropical rain forests are)
What are the two dry climates?
Desert and steppe
Which climate has no vegetation and is home to polar bears and penguins?
Ice Cap climate
Which climate gets less than 10 inches a year?
We find most of these at 30 degrees north and south latitude?
The world’s deserts
What are semidry grasslands that border deserts called?
Describe a Mediterranean climate. (Think Italy)
Sunny, warm summers and mild, wet winters.