ViNA Board of Directors Meeting - Victory Neighborhood Association

ViNA Board of Directors
May 1, 2013
Present: Directors Diane Spector, Claire Shaw, Kristopher Ehlert, Ann Kaari, Kris Brogan, David Younk, Duane Atter
and staff-Debbie Nelson.
The meeting was held at the ViNA office and was called to order at 7:01 by Chair Diane Spector.
The Board requires all committees to document current membership, note members attending committee
meetings, and identify the meeting date/time/location on each committee’s monthly minutes.
The Agenda was approved.
The Minutes of April 3, 2013 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Ann Kaari presented the treasurer’s report and spoke about the financial picture of the
organization. 200 Welcome Bags have been ordered and paid with funds from: $249.43 from the Great Streets grant and
$249.43 from the Welcome Programs fund. The report was accepted by the Board. Ann noted that ViNA needs a Youth
Corp Coordinator. Debbie will place an article in the newsletter.
Housing/Livability Committee: Chair Kris Ehlert reported the proposals for the Art Wraps program are in process.
Continuing to try and get confirmation that the Police Chief will be at the Ice Cream Social.
Business Committee: Chair David Younk will provide a plan, budget, and time line for the co-working space. Meetings
with local home-based businesses and the community will take place over the next 30 days.
Events Committee: Chair Ann Kaari reported the next scheduled meeting is May 11, at 9:00 at the ViNA office. The
Memorial Day Concert is set. The garage sale preparation is moving along. The Salvation Army will be picking up
unsold merchandise from the garage sale on June 8th at the parking lot at Loring School.
Environment Committee: Chair Diane Spector reported that Randy Bergman from Noble Academy will meet with the
environment committee to discuss a partnership between the school and the committee. Emily Organ has a proposal for
“Tiny Fields” – an idea to turn Victory front yards into gardens growing heirloom vegetables. The Environment
Committee has applied for a Rain Garden grant. Nice article in the North News about the Garden Club and landscaping
Community Volunteering & Fundraising Committee: No committee at this time.
Staff Report: Debbie presented the Board with a written staff report. Debbie is to send letters to (1) David Rubedor
regarding the NCEC, who is ViNA’s representative, how is the engagement process to work, what is Latrelle Beeman’s
role?; (2) Jon Hinchcliff regarding the process to alert the Neighborhood Association about meetings, did the meeting at
St. Austin’s occur? what was the outcome?; and (3) work with the Livability Committee to send out letter regarding
dumpster enclosures. Debbie is to work with David regarding ordering ViNA pens.
Unfinished Business:
ViNA Priority Plan: The Victory Neighborhood Association proposes to use $19,128 of Community
Participation Program funds to support a co-working space for small and home based business. Duane Atter
made the motion to accept and send the Neighborhood Priority Plan to the City of Minneapolis. David
Younk seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion.
LBNA Housing Fair: Victory has been invited to join the housing fair at Jenny Lind School (5025 Bryant Ave
N) on June 8th from 1-5. It is a promotional opportunity for the Victory Neighborhood. ViNA will have a table at
the event staffed by Board members.
New Business:
 NCEC Elector/Elections: ViNA to send a letter to NCEC stating Victory will pass on sending a representative.
 Plan Modification: Ann Kaari made a motion, seconded by Kristopher Ehlert, followed by discussion.
Motion: Modify the NRP Phase II plan by reallocating $10,000 to Strategy C.2.1.1 Neighborhood Events from
Strategy E.1.1.1 Loans for Targeted Businesses and $14,999 to Strategy E.2.1.1 Local Businesses and ViNA
partnerships from Strategy E.1.1.1 Loans for Targeted Businesses. The motion was approved by the Board.
 Northside Home Fund: Victory has been asked if a representative should be involved in the discussions. Jean
Bain could be asked to report periodically on the efforts of the Northside Home Fund.
 May 22 Community Meeting suggestions: “Uncle Kwazi” and a drumming demonstration from Restoration
Counseling and Community Services – Duane to talk with Paul Kusterman; 44th/Penn/Osseo update; Business coworking spaces – David to report.
Other Business:
Ice Cream Social: Kris B. to contact Bill Moore regarding the Leo’s and opportunities for volunteering at the Ice Cream
Social; is there interest to close 44th Ave between Thomas and Upton for Chalk Art, and is there a volunteer to organize a
pet parade.
The next Board meeting will be held on June 5 at 7:00 at the ViNA office.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kris Brogan, Secretary
May 1, 2013