ancient history 10 - Nova Scotia Department of Education

Teacher: A. Roughneen
Ancient History provides an introduction to the study of history in high school. There are two overall goals: (1)
to examine and understand these events and outcomes which are considered to be "foundation stones" of
Western civilization, and (2) to explore with students why the story of human experience should lead all
people to respect and appreciate others, regardless of location, culture, religion, race or gender. Topics
include archaeology human development, Cradles of Civilization, religion, Classical Greece and Rome, SubSaharan African Kingdoms, among others.
This course allows students to develop an understanding of the concept of civilization. During the semester
students will examine the origins of civilization and comparing various civilizations that have contributed to
the nature of the modem world. The course will be organized into 5 units as listed in the chart below. As we
study each unit students will consider geography, social structure, religion, literature & art, technology and
governance. Major themes spanning the broad chronological period (for example, agriculture, development of
government, religion and revolutions) may also be explored. (Adapted from: Nova Scotia Department of
Education, Public School Programs S-6 Social Studies 2003.)
In order to receive a passing grade in History 10, students must demonstrate that they have met the
outcomes of the course. The Sir John A. Macdonald High School Assessment and Evaluation Policy states that
term work will comprise 70% of the final grade and the midterm and final exams will be worth total
(15% each). Marks will be updated on Powerschool. The mark represents the standing of the student at that
point in the course; it is a “snapshot” of his/ her mark. This mark will change as the student continues to work
toward the outcomes. When the final mark is calculated at the end of semester the marks earned from the
whole semester will be included.
Term marks will be calculated based upon the outcomes covered in each unit. Assessment events may include
but are not limited to assignments, tests & quizzes, debates, formal papers, multimedia presentations
document analysis, artifact analysis, self-evaluations and reflections, and student/teacher conferences. During
each unit student will be assessed and evaluated in two ways:
1) Formative assessments are an opportunity for students to submit work for evaluation and to receive
feedback to guide his/her learning. Formative assessments will be posted on PowerSchool but will not
be calculated in the final grade (examples: homework tasks, small in class activities, entrance and exit
2) Summative assessments will be used at the end of a specific period of learning and give students the
opportunity to demonstrate what they know about the topic or skill(s) in question (examples: formal
assignments tests, presentations). These are formal assessment events and are calculated as part of
the term mark.
Please note: The breakdown of unit values on the term is subject to change based on class needs.
UNIT 1: The Nature of History and human development
Value on term 15%
(The value of history, the historical method of inquiry, the prehistoric era, the chronology of human
 How do history and other related disciplines contribute to our understanding of the nature of the
modern world?
 What changes occurred during the prehistoric periods that have had a lasting impact on human
development and history?
UNIT 2: The Neolithic Revolution and Birth of Civilization
Value on term 15%
(The impact of farming, the rise of cities, characteristics of civilizations)
 How did the agricultural revolution (advent of farming) shape social, political and governmental
structures in early civilizations?
 What criteria do societies meet in order to be deemed civilizations?
UNIT 3: The Near East
Value on term 20%
(Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Minoan and Mycenaean culture, geography, religion, government, writing, art,
architecture, historical overview, daily life)
What were the factors that led to the development of civilizations in the near east?
What were the most significant and lasting contributions of these cultures?
UNIT 4: Early and Classical Greece
Value on term 15%
(The rise of city-states, Athens vs. Sparta, Persian Wars, Peloponnesian Wars, Alexander the Great)
 In what ways was Classical Greece the foundation for modern Western civilization?
UNIT 5: The Roman Empire
Value on term 15%
(The rise of the Republic, daily life, government, art, civil war, Julius Caesar and the Triumvirate, the Second
Triumvirate, the rise of the empire imperialism, fall of the empire)
 What contributions to our modern civilization can be traced to the Roman Empire?
UNIT 6. Independent Research Skills
Value on term 20%
Discuss and evaluate the ideas, events and accomplishments of past civilizations within historical context.
Become familiar with different regions of the ancient world and the contribution that each has made to the
development of civilizations.
Understand the interaction of ancient cultures.
Make inferences and predictions based on prior knowledge, events, and evidence.
Use a variety of printed, artistic and media texts to gather information to prepare written and oral reports.
Examine and interpret primary and secondary sources about historical figures civilizations, geographic regions,
or specific periods in history.
Think and write analytically and critically using historical data.
In keeping with the initiatives laid out in SJA’s Planning for Improvement document, this course will
Literacy Goal: To improve students’ 21st Century Literacy Skills. Proficiency in these skills includes;
collaboratively addressing problems through the appropriate use of technology, by finding, validating,
synthesizing, contextualizing and leveraging relevant and appropriate information, and then communicating
and publishing a solution and reflecting on that solution and the process of creating it.
Math Goal: To support students in improvement in the area of fraction concepts and operations, use and
analyze graphs, tables and statistics applied to social issues and to support a point of view or hypothesis, etc.
It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher if any class-work, tests or assignments are missed.
Students who miss a class have access to folders with handouts and copies of assignments. A class
calendar is also available on my webpage.
Students are expected to pass in assignments at the beginning of class on the due date. Parents are
encouraged to check PowerParent on a regular basis to monitor student progress and attendance
(available on the school website). Incomplete work can impact the student’s summative evaluation. Please
refer to the HRSB Assessment and Evaluation Policy.
If a student misses a test he/ she will be expected to write the test the next day during lunch or at an
alternative time arranged in advance with the teacher.
In order to minimize distractions, no cell phones/ iPhones are permitted for personal use during class time.
There is no eating during class time.
Please see the school website to review the attendance and exam exemption policies.
This course outline is subject to change- any change of a significant nature will be clearly communicated to
students and parents/guardians.
Messages can be left for me at 826-3222 extension 7901123 and my email address is I also maintain a website (class information, an assignment calendar, useful links
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