board of education excellence awards - Zion

May 28, 2015 – 6:30 p.m.
Jerome & Donna Cole
It is our sincere pleasure to honor Jerome & Donna Cole this evening
for, as their nominators described, “their amazing dedication, support and
tireless efforts on behalf of the District and community. Their contributions
are impossible to count! They have truly made a positive difference in the
lives of so many.”
In 2005, the Coles founded Valor Faith Ministries, a local Bible
church, where, until retiring last year, Jerome served as pastor. The acronym
VALOR stands for Victoriously Apply Love, Order and Responsibility back
to a hurt and dying world. Valor’s mission was: “To produce well adjusted,
whole and productive human beings who can function, inspire and change
this planet for the betterment of all mankind.”
Jerome and Donna have lived out this mission not just in their ministry
but in their places of employment and life. Jerome has been a valuable staff
member of District 126 for 15 years, always demonstrating sincere care for
our students as he quietly attends to his duties and supports extracurricular
events. Donna has operated a home daycare center for many years, before
recently retiring, where she showered many children with love and
acceptance. In addition to nurturing 3 of their own children, the Coles
responded to what they saw as a great need and have over the years fostered
13 children and adopted 9.
Managing the needs of such a large family would be a challenge for
any parents. And yet, the Coles have found time to run their ministry, serve
as board members for several community organizations, volunteered with
DCFS, Kids Hope United, CareNet Family Resource Center, CREW,
Coalition for Healthy Communities, Zion Police Chaplains Association, and
Zion Park District Youth Summer Work Program, just to name a few.
Donna has also led the African American Achievement Program
Committee for the past few years, which honors honor roll students in grade
3 through 12 and that is always a wonderful community celebration hosted
by District 126.
In preparation for retirement, over the last year Jerome and Donna have
closed their church and quietly stepped back from volunteer work.
want to celebrate the Coles this evening and wish them a wonderful
retirement as they rest, reflect, and spend more time together.
Melissa Neargarder
We honor Melissa Neargarder this evening as one of our exceptional
District 126 parents. Melissa and her husband Tim are proud parents of
graduating senior, Samantha, who is an excellent student, athlete, and a very
active all around Zee-Bee. Melissa has served as treasurer of the Parent Bee
Network and the last two years as president, leading PBN in sponsoring
various worthwhile activities for students and parents. One of the most
exciting additions has been the fall Parent University offerings, as PBN has
sought to expand its understanding of and involvement in the important areas
of teaching and learning. Melissa understands how to foster rapport amongst
students, parents, and the administration and loves to celebrate our students
and district. Her unconditional service and positive energy is remarkable,
and we thank her for her dedicated service to our District, the Parent Bee
Network, and her family. Melissa is indeed a wonderful example to all.
Roger & Sandy Schwab
The Schwabs were nominated by Coach Karner, Coach Voss, and the
Athletic Department for their outstanding commitment to the Athletic
Department over the past several years. We would like to recognize Sandy
for serving as the Z-B Athletic Booster president for the past 4 years. Under
her leadership, the Boosters have raised and contributed significant funds
that have benefitted all of our sports teams by providing them with various
equipment, uniforms, and professional development opportunities. One very
noteworthy accomplishment is the success of our annual golf outing
fundraiser, to which the Schwabs have contributed countless hours. The
outing has been reinvigorated under their leadership and has been
remarkably successful even during difficult economic times.
In addition, the District has had the pleasure of educating Justin and
Jeremy, Roger and Sandy’s two student athletes. The Schwabs have
faithfully supported and attended their students’ contests and events, which
we are confident, has led to their continual success.
We appreciate the Schwabs’ demonstrated ZB spirit and for modeling
the athletic department’s mantra: compete with class.
Paulette Van Erden
Paulette Van Erden is nominated for a Board of Education excellence
awards by the District’s two college/career counselors, Mrs. Zameck and Mr.
Goldman. They write in their nomination: “Out of the blue a few years ago,
the Van Erden Family contacted ZBTHS about giving out a scholarship in
memory of Don Van Erden, Paulette’s husband. The family had no
connection with the Zion-Benton community, but was looking to assist high
achieving, students of need who would be studying a science or math field in
college. The scholarship awards initially began at $5,000 and increased to
$9,000 this year. The funds have been split across both District 126
campuses to support deserving students who will now go on to make a
difference in the field of science or math.
In addition to the generous scholarships the Van Erden family has
provided, Paulette’s compassionate heart has led her to assist graduating
seniors who need assistance with their ability to meet financial requirements
in order to graduate. And this year, she also collected prom dresses for
students who could not afford the expense of a new dress for the always
important prom night.
The Van Erdens passionately believe in assisting those who
demonstrate academic potential, but who’s means are limited.
They are about opening doors of opportunities for students who otherwise
may never be able to experience prom, graduation, or, importantly, college.
We are very appreciative of their extraordinary kindness and generosity to
our students and District 126.
Schuler Scholar Program
I would like to invite Beth Kainic and Bill Oakley to join us on the
stage. We are delighted to recognize and honor the Schuler Foundation, one
of our newest educational partners that is doing amazing things for our
Jack Schuler and his daughter, Tanya Schuler Sharman, established the
Schuler Scholar Program in 2001. The Schuler website states that “The
Schuler Scholar Program equips bright, motivated youth with the support
they need to gain access to and succeed at highly selective colleges and
beyond. Schuler Scholars are typically first-generation college-bound, are
students of color, or come from low-income families.”
In 2014, the District applied to become a Schuler Scholar Program
participant. After an extensive interview process, District 126 was notified
that it had been selected as the next Schuler Foundation partner school.
School year 2014-15 has been the inaugural year from our Schuler students
from both the Zion-Benton and New Tech campuses. The selected freshman
students have been provided a wealth of experiences and support that is
leading them to success in high school and beyond. We are very grateful for
Beth Kainic and her excellent efforts in establishing the Schuler Scholar
Program in our District during this first year and will miss her as she
transitions on to other opportunities. We welcome Bill Oakley, who has
recently been appointed as our director. I had the pleasure of being with Bill
and his staff for the recent 2015 Schuler Scholar Induction Ceremony, at
which 18 incoming students were celebrated for being selected as Schuler
Scholars for 2015-16.
What is thrilling about Schuler, in addition to the Schuler Scholars they
serve, is the benefit other students receive from Schuler’s presence on
campus. Schuler’s doors are always open to other students who want to join
their study sessions or who are interested in learning more about the college
acceptance process. Schuler also is generous in their efforts to work with our
counselors to broaden their knowledge of how to secure financial support
and entry into private, select colleges.
We are sincerely grateful for the level of compassion and service
Schuler is providing our students and for creating unbelievable opportunities
that will truly change the lives of our students forever.
Word of Life Ministries
We are pleased to recognize Reverend Ernest Taylor and the Word of
Life Ministries as our next recipient of a Board of Education Excellence
Word of Life Ministries was nominated by our Shades Club and
Shades sponsor, Mr. Andy Gomez. Mr. Gomez writes that Rev. Taylor and
Word of Life Ministries has been a positive force for good for the ZionBenton community by mentoring and serving youth for over a decade. Word
of Life has one of the strongest youth ministries in the area, providing
positive events and training to young people. Mr. Gomez states that “one
aspect that stands out in his mind regarding their high school members is the
word “respect.” Word of Life students are always polite and respectful in all
areas. We certainly appreciate their efforts in instilling the importance of
these character traits in our students.
We have had the pleasure of having Word of Life Ministries perform at
our Annual African-American Heritage Programs in celebration of Black
History Month. We truly appreciate the support Word of Life Ministries has
provided our Shades Club and Zion-Benton students. You are appreciated.
Family of the Year – Debbie Jablonski & Family
It is with sincerest gratitude that District 126 awards the 2014-15
Family of the Year Excellence Award to Debbie Jablonski and Family.
Debbie is the proud parent of two active Zee-Bee students—her twins Daniel
and David, who are graduating seniors this year. The Jablonski family has
always made significant investments in the success of District 126 by
supporting all events and programs. Debbie is the secretary of the Parent
Bee Network and has consistently supported all PBN activities and events, in
addition to her responsibilities as an officer. She is also very supportive of
our Thespian Club and drama program, selling goodies at the various plays
in order to raise funds. The administrative team has always been able to
count on Debbie to assist with whatever the need may be. Daniel and David
are great students, demonstrating their school spirit and taking advantage of
preparing themselves well for their futures through taking challenging
courses, participating in NJROTC, and by attending the Lake County Area
Vocational Campus.
We are proud to recognize the Jablonski Family as this year’s District
126 Family of the Year.
Zee Bee Spirit Award – Dennis LaBelle
The administration nominated Dennis LaBelle for this year’s Zee Bee
Spirit Award. Although Dennis has been a huge supporter of Zee Bee
athletics for several years, we recognize that given his new role as the
director of Youth for Christ, he set aside his coaching whistle and expanded
his role in celebrating, as well as meeting the needs of our students.
Whenever Dennis is on campus or at a sporting event, he is always
positive and providing encouraging words to students and athletes. He has a
magnetic personality that causes students to be drawn to what he has to say.
His ability to forge positive relationships provides him opportunities to
encourage students in their social, emotional, academic, and spiritual growth.
Mr. Worthington in particular was very grateful that Dennis agreed to meet
with the boys basketball team on a regularly basis to provide inspiration and
Dennis truly cares for the youth of District 126 and is a faithful and
outstanding cheerleader for our students. We thank Dennis for his
outstanding commitment and for being an energetic ambassador for District
126. You are well deserving of this year’s Zee Bee Spirit Award.
Board President’s Closing Remarks
On behalf of the Board of Education, I’d like to add our sincere thanks
for the many outstanding accomplishments of this year’s honorees. You
truly have made a difference in the lives of our students, and as a result, in
our community. We know that our school district’s success is dependent
upon partnerships such as the valuable ones we have with you. Thank you
again for your willingness to serve and for the example you have set for
I’d like to invite everyone to join us for cake and punch in the
Courtyard Cafeteria. Honorees, we would also like to take your picture for
the newspaper if you could make your way to the cafeteria quickly. Thank