A MODEST PROPOSAL Q`S - Brookwood High School

A MODEST PROPOSAL Questions – answer in complete sentences, in ink, front only on a separate sheet
Is the speaker only considering children of beggars? Who else is he including in his proposal?
At what age is a child ready for sale according to the speaker and why?
Does the speaker propose eating all of the poor children? Why not? Who should be saved?
What specific details does the speaker include that suggest he is serious about his proposal?
Provide and explain at least 3 details.
5. Why does the speaker think the food he proposes is “very proper for landlords”?
6. Why are children more plentiful in March according to the speaker?
7. What does the speaker suggest the more “thrifty” may do to make more money on their children?
8. Why does the speaker reject the idea of selling and eating the 12-14 year olds?
9. Describe one objection that the speaker anticipates to his proposal.
10. What does Salmanaazor say happens in his country that the speaker sees as a good use of “plump
young girls”? Why is this action a good use of these girls?
11. Why is the speaker unconcerned about old people suffering from sickness, poverty, and neglect?
12. About midway in the essay, the speaker lists the advantages of his proposal. What are the 6
principal advantages?
13. Near the end of the pamphlet, the speaker lists “other expedients” that might help lessen the
present distress in Ireland. List and explain at least 4 of these.
14. Why would Ireland not be “disobliging” England with this product? What country is the speaker
referring to that would be glad to “eat up” Ireland?
15. What two points does the speaker request his opposition to consider before rejecting his plan?
16. Why does the speaker suggest that he does not have a personal interest in promoting his idea? List
and explain the two reasons her provides.
17. List and explain with specific support from the text at least 3 different examples of Irony from the
18. Whom or what is Swift trying to reform? In other words, what does Swift believe to be the reason
why many of the poor people in Ireland are poor, or unable to earn enough to survive? Explain
with at least two pieces of support from text.
19. What sort of persona does Swift create for the speaker in “A Modest Proposal”?
20. What other human disasters resulting from bureaucratic incompetence around the world could be
targets for another “modest proposal”?
21. Do you think Swift goes too far in his essay? Is this an effective way to address the problems he
has emphasized in this piece? Why or why not?