EGPS Brooklyn Professional Discussion Group Meetings

The Brooklyn Professional Discussion
Group Presents presents it's fall
program! This marks the beginning of
our 3rd Clinical year!
We will start on September 26th with:
Growing and Maintaining a Thriving Independent
Practice in Difficult Times!
To develop a self sustaining practice requires that you
situate yourself in a broader network of
professionals and para -professionals. By learning
effective networking skills and basic marketing
techniques, you will gain passion and power to build and
enhance your specific group
psychotherapy practice. Participants will generate an
entrepreneurial culture of abundance, gain
a ‘yes I can’ motto, and reduce resistance to marketing.
Didactic - Experiential - Sharing of
Carol Dallinga, LCSW, CGP has been a Clinical
Social Worker in private practice for over 27 years in
Westchester County. She is also a Certified Group
Psychotherapist and previousPresident of the
Westchester Group Psychotherapy
Society (WGPS). She is a board member for
Foundation for Religion and Mental Health (FRMH);
Membership Committee Chair for Eastern Group
Psychotherapy Society (EGPS); active on membership
committee for American Group
Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) and Secretary for
Riveredge Co-op. She has taught Organizational
Development, Industrial Psychology and Developmental
Psychology at several local colleges. As an
Organizational Development Consultant, she custom
designed training programs for Fortune 500 companies.
For our October 31st program:
Carl Jung Goes to Group: Jungian Approach to
Group Work
This introductory presentation will look at archetypal
patterns in group interactions and how recognizing
them may be used to more deeply understand the
psycho-dynamics of the group and the affects involved.
Archetypal patterns and their accompanying imagery as
discovered by Jung and Analytical/Archetypal
Psychology will be shown in action in group vignettes.
Using the archetypal imagery of The Ugly Duckling and
Cain and Abel we will explore typical affect patterns
commonly seen in groups and learn to recognize and
use these images in our work.
Gary Brown, L.C.S.W. – R, LP, is a Jungian Analyst in
private practice with individuals and groups in New
York City. He is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of
New York where he is a clinical supervisor and on the
faculty. He is currently vice president of the New York
Association For Analytical Psychology. He has worked
for many years in the Modern Group process of Dr.
Louis Ormont and is interested in connecting the theory
of Analytical Psychology and the methods of Modern
Group Analysis.
For our November 28th Program:
Patient Selection for Psychodynamic Group
Psychotherapy: Practical and Dynamic
Considerations-Part 2
By popular demand we will continue our stimulating
discussion on this important subject and article by
Gans and Counselman.
The Brooklyn Professional Discussion Group is open
to professionals interested in learning more about
group therapy, whether one has a group or not, in the
company of other colleagues. We meet on the last
Sunday of the Month, from 11 to 1 pm, a nice brunch
is served. $5 for Eastern Group Psychotherapy
members, $15 if not. Students pay $5. For
September's meeting, we will meet at the home of
Ethel Barber, LCSW. Further info and directions to
follow. Please call Greg MacColl, LCSW, CGP for
further information at 718-805-1660 or
Have a great summer!