Crisis Intervention Services of Mahaska County

Staff Member Job Description
Job Title:
Immediate Supervisor:
Overnight/Shelter Advocate
Housing Services Coordinator
Full and part time position available. Nights, Weekends and some
day hours required depending on the position. Flexibility required.
Minimum Qualifications:
High school diploma required, college degree preferred, strong oral
and written communication skills, experience with shelter
management and experience with/knowledge of DV/SA issues
preferred, Bi-lingual in Spanish strongly preferred
 Client Centered Responsibilities
o Provide confidential crisis intervention; criminal/legal, medical, and economic advocacy;
information and referrals; transportation; support groups; and other needed services to
adult and child victims of sexual assault and domestic violence
o Work with shelter residents to secure resources
o Assist clients calling the 24-hour crisis line
o Assist with staffing shelter during evening and overnight hours
 Shelter Responsibilities
o Put donations away
o Keep empty bedrooms and client linens clean
o Keep storage room in basement clean
o Keep laundry room and playroom clean
o Turn security system on/off
o Maintain humidifiers and dehumidifier
o Perform other duties as assigned by your immediate supervisor
 Comply with all CIS personnel policies
 Demonstrate a positive attitude and professional manner, both in appearance and actions
in carrying out job responsibilities
 Build and maintain collaborative relationships with community professionals and human
services agencies, religious and civic organizations, and educational institutions
 Attend and participate in staff meetings as directed
 Maintain scheduled work hours and notify your immediate supervisor personally of
 Support, plan for and attend CIS events
 Accurately maintain necessary forms and records and submit them in a timely manner
 Attain and maintain state, ICADV, and IowaCASA required Victim Counselor and
Certified Shelter Advocate certifications and continuing education requirements for
 Meet requirements of any funding grant
 Perform all other duties as assigned by your immediate supervisor
Revised July 2015
Serving 12 counties in South Central Iowa, the mission of Crisis Intervention Services (CIS) is to
provide support, resources, and hope for a better future to persons affected by domestic abuse,
sexual assault, and other crises. CIS believes that everyone has the right to freedom from
violence and oppression. We commit ourselves to this vision through intervention, prevention,
and education and offer our services every day of the year. CIS provides free and confidential
housing and advocacy services for people affected by domestic abuse and sexual assault. Our
domestic violence housing services include free and confidential housing, emergency shelter,
transitional housing, rapid rehousing assistance, case management, landlord relationship
building, financial empowerment classes, career readiness assistance, support groups,
transportation assistance, safety planning, court advocacy, and personal advocacy. Our sexual
assault services include child advocacy, hospital and medical response, court advocacy, support
group, and personal advocacy. In addition, CIS offers both a 24/7 housing and sexual assault
crisis line, community education and prevention education.
For additional information or to apply for this position please contact Jen at
or call our main office at 641-673-0336.
Revised July 2015