Denterius Jackson Science- 6th period Earth and Space Science

Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
Earth and Space Science Objective Booklet
4a. Compare and contrast the lithosphere and the asthenosphere.
1) Illustrate a picture of the Earth and label the crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, mantle, outer core, and
inner core. How thick is each layer?
The oceanic crust is 5 km (3 mi) to 10 km (6 mi) thick and the continental crust is typically from 30 km
(20 mi) to 50 km (30 mi) thick.
Earth's mantle is about 2,900 km (1,800 mi) thick.
The oceanic lithosphere is typically about 50–100 km thick, while continental lithosphere has a range in
thickness from about 40 km to perhaps 200 km; the upper ~30 to ~50 km of typical continental
lithosphere is crust.
The asthenosphere is about 400 - 700 kilometers deep or 250 - 435 miles thick.
The outer core of the Earth is about 2,300 kilometers thick.
The inner core of the Earth is about 1,200 kilometers thick.
2) Compare and contrast the composition, density, and location of continental crust and oceanic crust.
Continental crust and oceanic crust both behave as brittle solids and are both formed of a mixture of
igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
Continental crust is composed of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and make up the
continents. It is less dense than oceanic crust, though it is considerably thicker; mostly 25 to 70 km
versus the average oceanic thickness of around 7–10 km. It has a density of about 2.7 g/cm3 and is less
dense than the material of the Earth's mantle (density of about 3.3 g/cm3), which consists of mafic rock.
Continental crust does not subduct. Continental crust makes up about 70% of the volume of Earth's
Oceanic crust is the part of Earth's lithosphere which is denser, thinner mafic rock layer that makes up
ocean basins. It has density of about 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter. Oceanic crust subducts under a
less dense crust whether it's oceanic or continental.
3) Compare and contrast the lithosphere and the asthenosphere.
Lithosphere is the rocky outer shell of Earth that includes the crust and upper mantle. (brittle and rigid)
more solid.
Continental Crust: composed of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and make up the
Oceanic Crust: denser, thinner mafic rock layer that makes up ocean basins.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
The asthenosphere lies just below the lithosphere. It is much hotter with a low density and very ductile.
(plastic and flowing) more liquid.
4) Explain what is meant by the plastic-like nature of the asthenosphere.
The temperature of the materials that make up the asthenosphere tend to be just below their melting
point. This gives them a plastic-like quality that can be compared to glass. As the temperature of the
material increases or as the pressure exerted on the material increases, the material tends to deform and
flow. If the pressure on the material is sharply reduced, so will be its melting point, and the material
may begin to melt quickly. The fragile melting point pressure balance in the asthenosphere is reflected
in the estimate made by some geologists that up to 10% of the asthenospheric material may actually be
molten. The rest is so close to being molten that relatively modest changes in pressure or temperature
may cause further melting.
5) What is a plate and what is the theory of plate tectonics? What forces drive the movement of tectonic
Tectonic plates are large pieces of the lithosphere that are in constant motion. Some move cm each
year; others just mm Distance=5cm/year x 1000 years=5000cm (50m)
Theory of Plate Tectonics states that Earth’s plates move slowly in various directions through
convection energy transfer in the mantle. (some push away; some push together).
Their movement is thought to be driven by a combination of the motion. At the boundaries of the
plates, various deformations occur as the plates interact; they separate from one another (seafloor
spreading), collide (forming mountain ranges), slip past one another (subduction zones, in which plates
undergo destruction and remelting), and slip laterally.
6) What occurs at divergent plate boundaries and what do they form?
Divergent boundaries: Plates move away each other.
Divergent boundaries within continents initially produce rifts which produce rift valleys. If the rifting
process stops, a failed rift results. Therefore, most active divergent plate boundaries exist between
oceanic plates and are often called oceanic rifts. Divergent boundaries are a type of stress called tension.
It is when two bodies of land are spread apart. Seafloor spreading is the movement of two oceanic
plates away from each other (at a divergent plate boundary), which results in the formation of new
oceanic crust (from magma that comes from within the Earth's mantle) along a mid-ocean ridge. Where
the oceanic plates are moving away from each other is called a zone of divergence.
Divergent boundaries form volcanic islands which occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps
which molten lava rises to fill.
Oceanic-Oceanic Divergent: Forms mid-oceanic ridges leading to underwater volcanoes.
Continental-Continental Divergent: Produce rift valleys eventually creating oceanic.
7) What occurs at convergent plate boundaries and what do they form? (Oceanic/Continental,
Continental/Continental, Oceanic/Oceanic)
Convergent boundaries: Plates move towards each other. When two plates collide at a convergent plate
boundary, some crust is destroyed in the impact and the plates become smaller. The results differ,
depending upon what types of plates are involved.
Oceanic-Continental Convergent: Oceanic plate is more dense and subducts the continental plate
creating an ocean trench and a chain of volcanoes.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
Continental-Continental Convergent: The two plates collide creating a mountain range.
Oceanic-Oceanic Convergent: collide to create volcanoes and islands in between.
4b. Describe the cause and effect relationships between the composition of and movement within the
Earth’s lithosphere.
1) Compare the modern distribution of continents to the supercontinent Pangaea.
Wegener proposed that all modern continents were once assembled together in a supercontinent he
named Pangaea. Pangaea, he thought, had existed since the beginning of the earth and had begun
breaking apart during the Mesozoic. He believed tidal forces were responsible for breaking up Pangaea
and causing the continents to drift.
2) What is convection and how does it cause movements of the lithosphere?
Convection is a mode of heat transfer which includes the movement of the molecules of the material. It
is only observed in liquids and gases. It is not possible in solids because the molecules in solids are
tightly packed and are not free to move.
Convection currents rotate in the lithosphere, which causes the surface of the Earth to move. When the
upper mantle moves on the lower mantle the crust moves slowly on the upper mantle and moves the
crust and convection currents.
3) What is an earthquake and how does it occur?
An earthquake is the shaking and trembling that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s
The forces of plate movement cause earthquakes. Plate movements produce stress in Earth’s crust,
adding energy to rock and forming faults. Stress increases along until the rock breaks. An earthquake
begins. In seconds, the earthquake releases an enormous amount of stored energy. During an
earthquake, seismic waves race out from the focus in all directions.
4) How does density of material affect wave speed?
Wave speed varies in different media. Sound waves travel faster in water than air. (Sonar) Light waves
travel faster in air than water.
5) Explain how seismology can be utilized as well as its limitations.
Seismology is the study of earthquakes.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
6) Explain how each of the following are formed:
a. Mid-ocean ridge is formed when two plates are pulling apart from each other as hot magma (liquid
rock) emerges from the mantle and oozes forth as lava to fill the crack continuously created by plate
separation. The lava cools and attaches itself to the trailing edge of each plate, forming new ocean
floor crust in a process commonly known as sea-floor spreading.
b. Rift valley is formed when the tensional forces are strong enough to cause the plate to split apart it
will do so such that a center block will drop down relative to its flanking blocks, forming a graben.
This creates the nearly parallel steeply dipping walls. As this process continues, the valley gets
wider and wider until it becomes a large basin that fills with sediment from the rift walls and the
surrounding area.
c. Island arc is formed when one oceanic plate subducts beneath another subducting plate. This
subduction allows water to get into the mantle, causing volcanism. This volcanism pops up in a
chain along the boundary between the plates. Since you have two plates on a sphere, the general
shape they take is an arc.
d. Volcano is formed when tectonic plates are diverging (pulling apart) or converging (pushing
4c. Examine weather forecasting and describe how meteorologists use atmospheric features and
technology to predict the weather.
1) Explain the difference between a land breeze and a sea breeze?
During the day, cool air moves from the sea to the land, creating a sea breeze. At night, cooler air
moves from the land to the sea creating land breeze.
Sea breeze is a local wind that blows from an ocean or lake. It is created by increased warming of the
land (as on sunny days) and the rising warmer air draws in air from the sea which doesn’t increase as
much in temperature.
At night, the process is reversed. Land cools more quickly than water, so the air over the land becomes
cooler than the air over the water. As the warmer air over the water expands and rises, cooler air from
the land moves beneath it.
2) What is the Coriolis effect?
Coriolis effect is the way Earth’s rotation makes winds curve. As the winds blow, Earth rotates from
west to east underneath them, making it seem as if the winds have curved.
3) What are the polar easterlies?
The polar easterlies blow cold air away from the poles. Cold air near the poles sinks and flows back
toward lower latitudes. The Coriolis effect shifts these winds to the west.
4) What are the global winds?
Global winds are winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances.
5) What are the westerlies?
Westerlies are the prevailing winds in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude, blowing
from the west to the east. They blow away from the horse latitudes.
6) What is precipitation? List four forms of precipitation.
Precipitation is any form of water that fall from clouds and reach Earth’s surface.
Four forms of precipitation are rain, sleet, snow and hail.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
7) What is air pressure and how do we measure it?
Air pressure is the result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area. The column of air
extends upward through the entire atmosphere. It is measured with a barometer.
8) What is humidity and how do we measure it? What is air pressure? How does a high-pressure system
form and what type of weather does it produce? How does a low-pressure system form and what type
of weather does it produce?
Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air. It is measured with a psychrometer. It is
also measured on a global scale using remotely placed satellites.
Air pressure is the result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area. The column of air
extends upward through the entire atmosphere.
High pressure systems are normally caused by a phenomenon called subsidence, meaning that as the air
in the high cools it becomes denser and moves toward the ground. Pressure increases here because more
air fills the space left from the low. Subsidence also evaporates most of the atmosphere's water vapor.
High pressure systems are usually associated with clear skies and calm weather.
A low pressure system, or "low," is an area where the atmospheric pressure is lower than that of the area
surrounding it. Lows are usually associated with high winds, warm air, and atmospheric lifting.
Low pressure systems normally produce clouds, precipitation, and other bad weather such as tropical
storms and cyclones.
9) What is the difference between a cold front, stationary front, occluded front, and a warm front? What
type of weather does each one produce?
Cold front – a fast moving cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass. As the warm air rises, it expands
and cools. And clouds form. If there is a lot of water vapor in the warm air, heavy rain or snow may
fall. If the warm air mass contains only a little water vapor, then the cold front may be accompanied by
only cloudy skies. Since cold fronts tend to move quickly, they can cause abrupt weather changes,
including thunderstorms.
Stationary Fronts – Cold and warm air masses meet, but neither can move the other. The two air masses
face each other in a “standoff.” Where the warm and cool air meet, water vapor in the warm air
condenses into rain, snow, fog, or clouds. If a stationary front remains stalled over an area, it may bring
many days of clouds and precipitation.
Occluded Front – A warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses. The denser cool air masses
move underneath the less dense warm air mass and push the warm air upward. As the warm air cools
and its water vapor condenses, the weather may turn cloudy and rain or snow may fall.
Warm front – A warm air mass overtakes a slow-moving cold air mass. when a warm moist air mass
rises above a cold air mass, a warm front forms. Clouds and precipitation also accompany warm fronts.
If the warm air is humid, light rain or snow falls along the front. If the warm air is dry, scatted clouds
form. After a warm front passes through an area, the weather is likely to be warm and humid.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
10) Draw the weather map symbols for a high-pressure system, low-pressure system, precipitation (rain,
snow), cold front, warm front, and stationary front.
High Pressure System
Low Pressure System
11) What is a jet stream?
A jet stream is a band of high-speed winds above Earth’s surface. They generally blow from west to
east at speeds of 200 to 400kilometers per hour.
12) Explain what weather satellites are and how they can be utilized to predict the weather.
Weather satellites are satellites that transmit frequent picture of the earth below. It is used to monitor
the weather and climate of the Earth.
Satellites orbit Earth in the exosphere. Cameras on weather satellites in the exosphere can make images
of Earth’s surface, clouds, storms, and snow cover. These images are then transmitted to meteorologists
on Earth, who interpret the information. Modern satellites collect data on temperature, humidity, solar
radiation, wind speed and wind direction, and provide images of clouds and storm systems.
13) What is a computer model and how can it be utilized to predict weather.
A computer model is a computer program, or network of computers, that attempts to simulate an
abstract model of a particular system. They are used to help forecast weather. Instruments can gather
large amounts of data, including temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind speed, and direction, and
other factors. Computers process such information quickly to help forecasters make predictions. To
make a forecast, the computer starts with weather conditions reported from various weather stations
over a large area. Then it works through thousands of calculations using equations from weather
models. Each forecast builds on the previous forecast. When the new weather data come in, the
computer forecasts are revised.
4h. Justify why an imaginary hurricane might or might not hit a particular area, using important
1) List three websites that can be utilized to track the path of hurricanes. – National Hurricane Center; – Stormpulse; and – National Weather Service
2) Describe the transition from a depression to a hurricane.
A hurricane begins over warm ocean water as a low-pressure area, or tropical disturbance. If the
tropical disturbance grows in size and strength, it becomes a tropical storm, which may then become a
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
hurricane. A hurricane draws its energy from the warm, humid air at the ocean’s surface. As the air
rises and forms clouds, more air is drawn into the system. Inside the storm are bands of very high winds
and heavy rains. Winds spiral inward toward the area of lowest pressure at the center. The lower the air
pressure at the center of the storm, the faster the winds blow toward the center. Hurricane winds may be
as strong as 320 kilometers per hour.
3) What is a hurricane?
A hurricane is a tropical cyclone that has winds of 119 kilometers per hour or higher.
4) Explain the difference between latitude and longitude.
Latitude is distance from the equator, measured in degrees. It is the distance north or south of the
earth’s equator.
Longitude is an angular distance on the earth’s surface measured east or west from the prime meridian
at 00 measured by the angle between the plane of the prime meridian and that of the meridian through
the point in question.
5) Outline the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.
The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale (SSHS) classifies hurricanes into five categories distinguished by
the intensities of their sustained winds.
Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale
Wind speed
Storm surge
≥ 157
> 18
(≥ 252
(> 5.5)
(≥ 137)
Additional classifications
4d. Research the importance of the conservation of renewable and nonrenewable resources including (but
not limited to) Mississippi, and justify methods that might be useful in decreasing the human impact on
global warming.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
1) What is the difference between a renewable resource and a nonrenewable resource? Give five examples
of each.
Renewable resources are those resources that can be replaced as they are used up. Some examples
include solar energy, water, the wind, biomass fuels, and hydrogen.
Nonrenewable resources are those natural resources that cannot be replaced once they are used up.
Some examples include: coal, petroleum, natural gas, uranium, and certain aquifers.
2) What is conservation?
Conservation is the prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss.
3) List three ways to conserve.
Energy conservation- the reduction of energy use.
Water conservation- reducing the use of water to protect the environment.
Habitat conservation- a land management practice that seeks to conserve, protect and restore, habitat
areas for wild animals, fungi and plants.
4) What is the greenhouse effect? How is it caused naturally? Infer how humans contribute to the
greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is a process by which gases hold heat in the air.
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps Earth’s atmosphere at a temperature that is
comfortable for most living things. Over time, the amount of energy absorbed by the atmosphere and
the Earth’s surface is in balance with the amount of energy radiated into space. In this way, Earth’s
average temperatures remain fairly constant.
While the greenhouse effect is an essential environmental prerequisite for life on Earth, there really can
be too much of a good thing. The problems begin when human activities, such as increasing carbon
dioxide levels, may distort and accelerate the natural process by creating more greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere than are necessary to warm the planet to an ideal temperature.
5) What is global warming?
Global warming predicts that the increase in carbon dioxide levels will cause the average temperature to
continue to rise.
6) Explain how the greenhouse effect and global warming are related.
The green house effect is when the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is sent to form a layer on just
the outside of the world. The rays of the sun goes into the world but gets trapped by the carbon
monoxide and carbon dioxide. If this doesn’t happen, the earth would be too cold at night. Because
there is an increase of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (which is pollution), the layer gets thicker
trapping more and more of the sun’s rays which makes the earth a hotter place which causes global
7) What are three effects of global warming?
The effects of global warming are parts of the Antarctic ice cap would melt, raising the level of the
oceans and causing increased flooding. The temperature change would affect climate patterns all over
the world. This change would, in turn, affect where crops could be grown. There might also be more
hurricanes and other severe storms.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
8) What is overpopulation? How does it decrease the planet’s biodiversity?
Overpopulation is a generally undesirable condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying
capacity of its habitat.
Overpopulation can decrease the planet’s biodiversity because as the world’s population grows
unsustainably, so do its unyielding demands for water, land, trees and fossil fuels — all of which come
at a steep price for already endangered plants and animals.
9) Draw the water cycle.
10) Draw the Carbon cycle.
11) Draw the oxygen cycle.
12) Draw the nitrogen cycle.
4g. Justify the importance of continued research and use of new technology in the development and
commercialization of potentially useful natural products, including, but not limited to research efforts in
1) What is a natural product and give 3 examples?
A natural product is a chemical substance produced by a living organism, found in nature that usually
has a pharmacological/biological activity for use in pharmaceutical drug discovery and design. **made
naturally** Examples of natural products are Paclitaxel (Taxol), Amrubicin, and Fumagillin.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
2) What is a synthetic product?
A synthetic product is a substance that is reconstructed by chemically combining molecules from other
known products.
3) What are advantages and disadvantages of natural vs. synthetic products?
Advantages of natural products
Advantages of synthetic products
**Contain no unnatural chemicals
** Can be made to suit the task to perfection
**Helps the environment as animal
testing is not allowed on most natural
** Often cheaper to make; therefore,
cheaper for the consumer
** Animal byproducts are not included
**Manufacture of products doesn't
release the same toxins into the
**Effectiveness of the product
Disadvantages of natural products
**Limited scientific research
**Not all products can be fully
**Many have very complex structures
that are too difficult and expensive to
synthesize on an industrial scale.
Disadvantages of synthetic products
** Harmful nature of chemicals used
**Products are not properly labeled
**Time consuming
4) List five natural products, their sources and their uses.
Paclitaxel is a mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy. The bark of the Pacific yew was the
original source of paclitaxel.
Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture. It is widely used and is an important
energy source in many applications including heating buildings, generating electricity, providing heat
and power to industry and vehicles and is also a feedstock in the manufacture of products such as
fertilizers. Natural gas is found in deep underground natural rock formations or associated with other
hydrocarbon reservoirs, in coal beds, and as methane clathrates.
Amrubicin is an anthracycline used in the treatment of lung cancer. Amrubicin acts by inhibiting
topoisomerase II, and has been compared in clinical trials with topotecan, a Topoisomerase I inhibitor.
5) What companies in Mississippi are involved with research and development of new natural products?
Biotechnology Industry Organization, ChromaDex in Oxford, and Oxford Polyscience Corporation are
companies involved with research and development of new natural products.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
4e. Explain how the tilt of Earth’s axis and the position of the Earth in relation to the sun determine
climatic zones, seasons, and length of the days.
1) What is the difference between revolution and rotation?
Rotation is the spin of an object about its axis. The Earth rotates once a day (once every 24 hours).
Revolution is the orbit of one object around another. The Earth revolves around the Sun every 365.26
2) Explain how the Earth’s revolution around the Sun and the Earth’s axial tilt cause seasons on Earth.
The path of the Sun through the sky is called the ecliptic. The axis around which the Earth rotates is
tilted by 23.5 degrees with respect to the ecliptic. The equator is an imaginary line that divides Earth in
half horizontally. The half of Earth north of the equator is the Northern Hemisphere. The half of Earth
south of the equator is the Southern Hemisphere. The seasons are a result of the tilt of the Earth on its
axis. The tilt affects how much sunlight different parts of the Earth’s surface receive. Areas pointing
towards the sun have more hours of daylight and higher temperatures (Summer). Areas pointing away
from the sun have fewer hours of daylight and lower temperatures (Winter).
a) Draw the position of the Sun and tilt of the Earth would look if the Northern Hemisphere was
having winter.
b) Draw the position of the Sun and tilt of the Earth would look if the Northern Hemisphere was
having summer.
3) List and explain the different climate zones. How are they divided?
Tropical Zone: closest to equator are warm to hot year-round because they receive direct sunlight
throughout the year.
Polar zone: regions farthest from equator near poles. They are cool to cold all year-round because they
receive the least direct sunlight.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
Temperate zones: located between polar and tropical zones. The angle, at which sunlight strikes,
changes throughout the year. They have distinct seasons.
The Earth is divided into climate zones by latitude.
4) What is a solstice?
Solstice is the point in Earth’s orbit when a hemisphere is tilted as far as possible toward or away from
the sun.
5) What would happen if the Earth was not tilted on its axis?
If there was no tilt to the Earth’s axis, the sun would rise and set at the same time every day and the
weather would never change. There would be no seasonal changes.
6) Relate daylight hours and amounts of direct sunlight to each of the four seasons.
The Vernal (Spring) Equinox (about March 21): The location where the Sun crosses the equator when
going from south of the equator to north of the equator. Day and night are each approximately 12 hours
long (with the actual time of equal day and night, in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring a few days
before the vernal equinox).
The Summer Solstice (about June 21): The location where the Sun is at its furthest north. On the
summer solstice, the Sun will appear directly overhead to someone at 23.5 degrees north latitude. This
latitude is called the Tropic of Cancer.
The Autumnal (Fall) Equinox (about September 21): Where the Sun crosses the equator when going
from north to south. Day and night are each about 12 hours long (with the actual time of equal day and
night, in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring a few days after the autumnal equinox).
The Winter Solstice (about December 21): The location where the Sun is at its furthest south. On the
winter solstice, the Sun will appear directly overhead to someone at 23.5 degrees south latitude, the
Tropic of Capricorn.
4f. Describe the hierarchical structure (stars, clusters, galaxies, galactic clusters) of the universe and
examine the expanding universe to include its age and history, and the modern techniques (e.g., radio,
infrared, ultraviolet, and X-ray astronomy) used to measure objects and distances in the universe).
1) Explain how the Universe is organized beginning with stars.
A large cloud of gas (helium and hydrogen) and dust forms into a star. Dust and gas particles exert a
gravitational force on each other which keeps pulling them closer together. As the particles pull closer
together the temperature increases. At 10,000,000o C fusion takes place and energy radiates outward
through the condensing ball of gas. Fusion uses up a star’s hydrogen supply rapidly casing the core to
heat up and the outer temperature to fall. Star expands and becomes a red giant. Core continues to heat
and star expands to a super giant. As the core uses up its helium supply, the outer layers escape into
space and the remaining core is white hot and called a white dwarf. When no more material is left in the
core it explodes into a supernova. Smaller stars become neutron stars and most massive will collapse
into a black hole. Nothing, even light, can escape the gravity of a black hole. The planets orbit the stars
What are the three types of galaxies? Describe how each one is arranged and draw a picture of each.
The three types of galaxies are Elliptical Galaxies, Spiral Galaxies, and Barred spiral galaxies.
Elliptical Galaxies: Most common type of galaxy. It has a large three-dimensional football shaped
galaxies. They contain mostly older and dimmer stars.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
Spiral Galaxies: Circular galaxies that have arms curve outward from a central hub. The arms are made
up of stars and dust.
Barred spiral galaxies: Have two spiral arms extending out.
3) What is the difference between a galactic cluster and a globular cluster?
A galactic cluster is made up of tens or hundreds of galaxies. The cluster the Milky Way belongs to is
called the Local Group.
A globular cluster is a large group of older stars which are round and densely packed with stars.
4) What is the unit of distance used to describe distance between stars and how many kilometers is it
equivalent to?
The unit of distance used is light year. Light year equals to 9.5 trillion kilometers.
5) Describe the widely accepted theory regarding the formation of the universe.
The Big Bang Theory is widely accepted regarding the formation of the universe. It states that all
matter and energy were once packed into a tiny hot, dense particle smaller than a speck of dust.
Suddenly, the particle began to expand. It cooled and continued to expand outward in all directions.
Matter collected and formed dust, stars, gas clouds, and planets.
6) What evidence supports this theory of universe formation?
The movement of galaxies away from each other.
First of all, there is a reasonable certainty that the universe had a beginning. Second, galaxies appear to
be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called Hubble's Law and it
strongly supports the Big Bang Theory. This observation supports the expansion of the universe and
suggests that the universe was once compacted. Third, the cosmic background radiation was detected.
Therefore, it is evident that the leftover thermal energy from the big bang was distributed in every
direction as the universe expanded. Finally, the age of the universe is evidence. The age of the universe
can be measured based on how fast the universe is expanding.
Denterius Jackson
Science- 6th period
7) Explain three theories regarding the future of the universe.
There are three theories regarding the future of the universe. One possibility is that that universe will
continue to expand, as it is doing now. All of the stars will eventually run out of fuel and burn out, and
the universe will be cold and dark. Another possibility is that the force of gravity will begin to pull the
galaxies back together. The result would be a reverse big bang, or “big crunch.” All of the matter in the
universe would be crushed into an enormous black whole. The third theory is that the universe will
likely expand forever.
8) What is illustrated by the red shift?
The conclusion that the universe is expanding because of the red shift in light from galaxies. Quasars
which are star like objects at the outskirts of the universe which give off tremendous energy.
9) Describe at five different types of telescopes and what form of electromagnetic radiation they utilize.
Optical telescopes utilize visible light. It is used to study size composition, and movement of stars and
galaxies. Ex: Refracting telescope uses convex lens to gather and focus light. Reflecting telescope uses
a curved mirror to collect and focus light.
Radio telescopes are used to detect radio waves from objects in space. It can find black holes and map
galactic centers. Others use various forms of EM radiation like ultraviolet and infrared to determine
composition and study planets and stars.
Solar telescope is used to observe the Sun. These telescopes usually detect light with wavelengths in, or
not far outside, the visible spectrum.
Space telescopes use all types of electromagnetic radiation, both visible light and ultra violet and
infrared radiation. It can view objects in space from high above the atmosphere and produces extremely
sharp images.
Infrared telescopes utilize infrared ration, which has longer wavelengths than visible light but shorter
wavelengths than radio waves.