LABORATORY 3: Solving the Quadratic Equation

COP 4232
Software Systems Development
Lab1 Requirements Documents
© Dr. David A. Workman
School of Computer Science
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
August 30, 2005
COP 4232
Lab1: OO Data and Exception Handling
Summer 2005
Lab1: Designing, Implementing and Testing an Abstraction for Money
To gain experience designing, implementing and testing classes in C++.
To develop a reusable type for later assignments.
To learn how to use the following features of C++:
Writing classes.
File IO using fstream and its subclasses ifstream and ofstream.
Exception classes and exception handling.
Overloaded extraction (>>) and insertion( << ) operators as friend functions.
General Requirements (all Labs):
All programming labs associated with this course shall include, as a minimum, the following
deliverables: all source files necessary to successfully compile, link and execute the delivered
application program using g++ on Unix (Olympus or monroe); all input and output data files used
to test the program prior to delivery; a Readme file giving your name (or team members), submission
date, Lab number, and any comments about the submission that will help in fairly evaluating your
All delivered files shall be submitted electronically via email in the form of a (.zip) file with a prefix
having the form: Lab <number> - <Last name> - <month><day>. For example, the file name for
Dr. Workman submitting Lab 1 on May 21 would be: Note that only the
first letter of each hyphenated phrase should begin with an upper case character; <number> is a single
digit, <month> is three letters, <day> is two digits.
Any resubmission of the same Lab shall be submitted using the same file format – only the date
portion would need to change. If you have more than one submission of a given Lab on the same day,
then only the latest one will be evaluated for a grade.
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COP 4232
Lab1: OO Data and Exception Handling
Summer 2005
Lab Introduction
Implement a new base class, Money, according to the class specification given below.
As part of that implementation effort, test the Money class independently to ensure all methods
work according to their specification. Include among your deliverables the test data and test
driver for this requirement. Put your test driver (main() function) for this assignment in a file
named, lab1.cpp. Define a header file, “Money.h”, as your Money interface file, and a file,
“Money.cpp” as your implementation file. An exception class, AppError, will be provided for
you to use with this assignment.
Your main() shall catch any AppError exceptions and output the exception message
and origin before terminating the program.
Your main() shall prompt the user for the names of the input and output files used for
testing purposes.
Specification for class Money
Class Money shall provide a type and an abstraction for real money. Money shall appear on external
ASCII io streams as strings of the form $dd…, where “dd…d” is a decimal digit string of length at
least 1 and represents a number of dollars – the leading digit must be non-zero if the number of dollar
digits exceeds 1. The number of cents digits (cc) shall be exactly two. Negative values of Money
shall have the form $(dd… on external ASCII media. Both positive and negative representations
do not permit embedded blanks, and the dollars and cents fields are separated by a decimal point.
Class Money shall also provide arithmetic operators for adding and subtracting values of type Money
and for computing scalar integer multiples of Money values. Equality and relational operators shall
also be overloaded for type Money. Finally, class Money shall provide boundary methods for IO of
Money values from ASCII input and output streams in C++ - this includes overloaded versions of the
extraction and insertion operators.
Data Member
Table 1. Attribute Table for Money
Indicates whether or not the Money instance is
positive or negative. “$0.00” is treated as a positive
value. (sign has one of two values, ‘+’ or ‘-’).
The dollar amount of a Money instance. A nonnegative integer.
The cents amount of a Money instance. A nonnegative integer.
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COP 4232
Lab1: OO Data and Exception Handling
Table 2. Method Table for Money
Purpose and Functional Requiremenst
Default constructor.
Yields +0.00
( ifstream& )
Boundary constructor. Reads ASCII values of the
form: “$dd…” or “$(dd…” as described
above. Note: “$(0.00)” is an illegal value. An
AppError exception shall be raised if the external
image is syntactically incorrect.
( char Sign,
short Dollars,
char Cents)
(): char
(): int
(): int
(): Money
( Money RightOp ):
( Money RTop ):
( Money RTop ):
( Money RTop ):
( Money RTop ):
( Money RTop ):
( Money RTop ):
(ifstream & fin):
throw( AppError )
Summer 2005
Parametric constructor. An AppError exception
shall be raised if Sign == ‘-’ when both Dollars and
Cents are zero, or any of the following constraints
are violated: Dollars < 0, Cents < 0 or Cents > 99.
Inspector for the implied data member.
Inspector for the implied data member.
Inspector for the implied data member.
Unary negation operator on Money. Returns the
negative equivalent of the given object, provided
the object is not +0.00 – an AppError exception is
thrown otherwise. The given object is unchanged.
Binary subtraction operator on Money. Returns
the difference of the two Money operands. Both
operands are unchanged.
Binary addition operator on Money. Returns the
sum of the two Money operands. Both operands
are unchanged.
Returns true if and only if the Sign, Dollars and
Cents members of both operands are identical;
returns false otherwise.
Returns true if the left operand is less than the
right operand; returns false otherwise.
Returns true if the left operand is greater than the
right operand; returns false otherwise.
Returns true if the left operand is less than or equal
to the right operand; returns false otherwise.
Returns true if the left operand is greater than or
equal to the right operand; returns false otherwise.
Virtual boundary effector: extracts an image of a
Money value from the input stream (fin) in
conformance with the OO Data protocol. An
appropriate exception is thrown if the input image
violates the format described above. Note: Extract
reads and validates the opening token “$” – there
© David A. Workman
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Lab1: OO Data and Exception Handling
Summer 2005
Purpose and Functional Requiremenst
is no closing token.
(ifstream & fin):
Virtual boundary effector: extracts the data
members of a Money value from the input stream
throw( AppError )
(fin) in conformance with the OO Data protocol.
An appropriate exception is thrown if the input
image violates the format described above. Note:
Get reads and validates the sign, dollars and cents.
(ostream& fout):
Virtual boundary output: inserts a Money image
into the output stream, (fout) in accordance with
the OO Data protocol. Note: it writes the opening
token, “$”.
(ostream& fout):
Virtual boundary output: inserts a Money image
into the output stream, (fout) in accordance with
the OO Data protocol. Note: it writes the data
NOTE: Operators != is automatically provided by default in C++.
Table 3. Table of Friends and Neighbors (Functions) for Money
(ifstream& fin,
friend: the extraction operator. Calls the
Money& value):
virtual method Extract().
(ostream& fout,
friend: the insertion operator. Calls the
Money& value):
virtual method Insert().
( int Left, Money Right): neighbor function: left scalar multiplication
by an integer for Money.
( Money Left, int Right): neighbor function: right scalar
multiplication by an integer for Money.
NOTE: friends are declared inside the class declaration, neighbors (functions) are declared
outside the class declaration in the header file for Money.
Data Member
© David A. Workman
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