Hello, and welcome to the PRSA College of Fellows Web page

Hello! Welcome to the PRSA College of Fellows Web page.
I’m proud and pleased to serve the College as 2009 chair, and am honored to be
working with a strong Executive Committee comprised of Judy Phair, APR,
Fellow PRSA chair-elect; Fred Bagg, APR, Fellow PRSA, vice chair; Mary
Barber, APR, Fellow PRSA, secretary-treasurer and Bob Frause, APR, Fellow
PRSA, immediate past chair.
Bob and his predecessor, Debra Miller, APR, Fellow PRSA, have built a solid
foundation over the past two years with their aggressive efforts to increase the
visibility of the College and reach out to those many PRSA members who are
worthy of Fellow status.
In 2008, we proudly welcomed 19 successful candidates, who received their
Fellows Medallions at our induction dinner at the PRSA International Conference
in Detroit.
For 2009, we are already hard at work communicating with and encouraging
those PRSA members who have had long and illustrious careers to consider
applying to join the ranks of those currently involved in building and preserving
our profession.
For those who apply, the College offers personal one-on-one mentoring
assistance through the GoodFellows program and several “demystifying”
sessions — online and through teleconferences — to help explain the process
and the application.
The College offers leadership to PRSA and the profession overall. Its members
serve as mentors to PRSA members in face-to-face sessions at conferences,
online and through the PRSA Job Bank. In addition, College of Fellows members
provide speakers to Chapters around the country and internationally, as well as
PRSSA Chapters and college classes.
We are involved in a number of initiatives, including one to match up colleges
and universities looking for teachers with those in the College of Fellows looking
to make a career transition to teaching. Another involves helping create a
glossary of public relations words and terms that can be used with search engine
identification and optimization.
We are also in the process of updating our policies and procedures, expanding
our communication activities with members and reviewing the College of Fellows
endowment to assure that it continues to be relevant to the goals and objectives
of the membership.
I join with the other members of the Executive Committee in encouraging you to
let us know your thoughts and ideas on how to continue to build our reputation,
expand our activities and improve the effectiveness of the College in 2009. I look
forward to working with you, and for you, in the pursuit of excellence.
Michael L. Herman, APR, S.A.G.E., Fellow PRSA
Chair, College of Fellows