nina multidisciplinary

Professor of National Research University “Higher School of
Economics” (HSE)
Head of HSE Public Policy Department, Academic Director of HSE
MP in Public Policy & Policy Analysis
President of Interlegal Foundation of Political & Legal Research,
enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe
Expert Panel Member of OSCE/ODIHR “On the Freedom of
Peaceful Assembly”
 Human Rights in Globalizing World
 Global Actors in Public Policy
 Conflict Management and Mediation
 Intellectual History of Europe
Member of Editorial Advisory Board Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and
Practice, 2013 - now
IPSA member from 1995 – now, participating in following research Committees
 RC05 - Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics
 RC30 - Comparative Public Policy
 RC32 - Public Policy and Administration
 Official Representative for National Research University Higher School of Economics
 Member of Standing Group on Regulatory Governance
 Member of Organizing Committee of The First International Conference on Public
Policy in Grenoble, 26-28 June, 2013
 Chair of the Panel: Changing concept of “state” and “stateness” in Global Governance
Russian Association of Political Science
 Chair of Research Committee on Public Policy & Governance
 Member of Governing Board, 2009-2013
 Member of Council on Education, 2013 - now
 Head of Working Group of Experts of the State Duma of Russia on preparation of the
Concept and the text of the bill On public associations of Russia (adopted in 199
 Expert Panel Member of OSCE/ODIHR “On the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly”, 2006
– now. Co-Author of the Guidelines on Freedom of Assembly adopted by OSCE and
endorsed by the Venice Commission
 Expert of Council of Human Rights at the President of Russia, 2012
VISITING PROFESSOR: Colorado College, 1990, 1992, 1994-1995, 1998; Moscow State
University Law School, 1994, 1995; Georgetown University, 1993; Salzburg University Law
School, 1993; Johns Hopkins University, 1992; Cape Town University, 2005; UNIBO, 20092012; University of Sarajevo (ERMA), 2009-2012
RESEARCH FELLOW: Senior Research Fellow in Residence, United States Institute of Peace,
1993; Visiting Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1992; Visiting Fellow,
UNIBO, 2009-2011
 Doctoral courses in Constitutional Law and Comparative Politics. Institute of State and
Law Academy of Sciences of the USSR. S.J.D., Doctoral Dissertation Defended .
Doctoral Thesis: ‘Political Activity of voluntary organizations in the USSR and enabling
legal regime for it’.1983 - 1986
 Moscow State University, Law School (Theory and History of State and Law, Political
System, Constitutional Law, Comparative Legal Systems, Civil Law, Criminal Law,
International Public Law), Moscow. J.D & LL.M 1976 - 1981
ADDITIONAL TRAINING: International Fellowship in Philanthropy, Institute for Policy Studies,
Johns Hopkins University. 1991; UNESCO Scholarship for young scholars, University of
London School of Law. 1987,
LANGUAGES: Russian (native), English (fluent).
 Nina Belyaeva, Brad Roberts, Walter Laqueur (Foreword by). After perestroika:
democracy in the Soviet Union. Center for Strategic and International Studies
(Washington, D.C.). Significant issues series, 1991
 Nina Belyaeva. Russian democracy: crisis as progress. Washington quarterly, 16(2)
Spring 1993
 Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Russian and American think tanks : an initial survey. Kennan
Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. Washington, D.C. 1994
 Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Public Policy in Contemporary Russia: Actors and Institutions.
(HSE, 2006)
 Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Russian Constitutional Development: Strategies For The New
Institutional Design (HSE, 2007)
 Anastasia Novokreshchenova, Maria Shabanova, Dmitry Zaytsev and Nina Belyaeva.
Linguistic processing in lattice-based taxonomy construction // CLA 2010: Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications,
University of Sevilla, (Sevilla, Spain, 2010).
 Nina Belyaeva. Development of the Concept of a Public Policy: Attention to "Motive
Forces" and Operating Actors / Polis. 2011. Т. 123. № 3. (p. 72-87)
 Nina Belyaeva. Liliana Proskuryakova.Civil Society Diamond. CIVICUS Civil Society
Index – Shortened Assessment Tool. Report for the Russian Federation. Interlegal. 2008
 Nina Belyaeva, Giliberto Capano. Governing Modern Research University: Between
Academic Freedom and Managerial Constrains / Russia and the Council of Europe:
Topics for Common Agenda. A Look from Norway. Academic Papers of 10th
International Session of the HSE Russian - European Centre for Multidisciplinary
Research, Oslo, 1-8 August, 2010. Moscow. INTELCORP. 2011 (p. 12 – 30)
 N.Y. Belyaeva. Analysts: “Consultants” or “Independent Policy Actors” // Politicka
Misao, 2011. Т. 48. № 5
 Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Analytical Communities in Public Policy: Global Phenomenon
and the Russian Practices / ROSSPEN. 2012
 Nina Belyaeva, Nikita Zagladin. Global Civil Identity: From Ethical Imperatives to
Global Institutes/ Political Identity and Policy of Identity. ROSSPEN. 2012
 Nina Belyaeva. Double National-Political Identity / Political Identity and Policy of
Identity. ROSSPEN. 2012
 Nina Belyaeva. Сivil associations in Public Policy: Forms of Participation in
Contemporary Russia / XII International Scientific Conference on Problems of
Economy and Society Development. The Book 1 / HSE.2012 (p. 302-310)
 2013: 1st International Conference on Public Policy (Grenoble), Presented Academic
papers: Global Order" and Global Governance : changing role of nation state in multylevel regulatory regimes
 2013: XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social
Development (Moscow). Presented Academic papers: "Public" as a "social actor" vs
"public" as a "target audience". Conceptual connection between "the public", "civil
society" and "community"
 2013: 7-th ECPR General Conference Science Po Bordeaux, 4-7 September 2013
(Bordeaux), Presented Academic papers: University Networks as New Global Actors:
New Tools of Ideas and Knowledge Accumulation and Diffusion
 2013: International Conference “The Post Lisbon EU: An External Perspective”
(Bologna), Presented Academic papers: The EU viewed from Russia
 2011: IPSA-ECPR Joint Conference "Whatever Happened to North-South?" (Sao
Paulo). Presented Academic papers: Public Policy Analyses as Nonlinear Tool for
Assessing Probability of Democratic Development
 2011: Developing policy in different cultural contexts: learning from study, learning
from experience (Dubrovnik), Presented Academic papers: The Analysts: ’Consultants’
or ‘Independent Actors’?
 2011: XII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social
Development (Moscow). Presented Academic papers: Формы гражданского участия
гражданских объединений в публичной политике
 2010: Forum on the Universality of Human Rights (Oslo). Presented Academic papers:
Hierarchy and oppositions between Rights // Forum on the Universality of Human
Rights. Oslo. 21-22. October 2010. Participants – 50. Support – Council of Europe.
 2009: 21st IPSA World Congress of Political Science (Santiago de Chile). Presented
Academic papers: Modern populism with the use of media: comparing methods of Putin
and Berlusconi