minutes of meeting – board of directors

John Anderson
Chris Betz
Kevin Francis
Annie Hatala
William Ilse
Mary Thompson
Curtis Wells
The meeting was held at County Line Special Utility District office, 131 S. Camino Real, Uhland, TX
1. Called to order at 6:04PM.
2. The posting of the agenda was verified.
3. Annie Hatala made a motion to accept the August 18, 2014 minutes and to accept the September 5, 2014
minutes with the noted corrections. William Ilse second. The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
4. There were no comments or suggestions from non-board members.
5. The CRWA Trustee meeting notes that were prepared by Elizabeth Wells were reviewed.
6. The HCPUA Trustee meeting notes prepared by Chris Betz were reviewed.
7. The board discussed the progress on changing the water treatment method at the Hays Caldwell plant.
At meeting time there are no updates regarding the Hays Caldwell plant. Lake Dunlap has been
approved to change to free chlorines. No action was taken.
8. The board discussed future water needs for CLSUD. No action was taken.
9. The board reviewed and discussed the cost of water from Electro Purification, LLC. The cost of water
from Electro Purification, LLC is considerably higher than HCPUA. The board is going to continue
working with the CRWA / HCPUA contract. The board may contact Electro Purification, LLC to
discuss water at a smaller quantity to lower the cost.
10. The board discussed and is putting together a list of points to be addressed at a meeting with CRWA
representatives. William Ilse made a motion to contract for 10% of the project. Annie Hatala second.
The motion carried with a majority vote. Curtis Wells voted nay. John Anderson abstained.
11. Drought Contingency Plan requirements by TCEQ was tabled until the October 20th board meeting
pending clarification from TCEQ.
12. TCEQ’s Drought Contingency Plan requirements for wholesale water contracts is tabled until the
October 20th board meeting pending clarification from TCEQ.
13. The Humana Health insurance plan rates will not change for the current year for employees. The cost for
dependents has risen by 60%. Doug Schnautz and Susan Browning have already moved their children to
their spouses insurance plans. James Woods will remain the same.
14. Daniel Heideman reported that CRWA has scheduled a tour of the Hays Caldwell plant on September
25th at 6:00PM. CLSUD board members are invited to attend. The Hemphill Tank rehabilitation is
completed. The items needed for the SCADA system upgrades have been ordered. The pipeline grant
project is continuing. Construction easements are being gathered. The Hart Family has sold their
property of approximately 300 acres to Walton Development. Once the sale is finalized, Mr. Heideman
will ask them for a construction easement also. Pump #3 at the Highway 21 Booster site has been
replaced. The old pump can be rebuilt at a cost of $6,100 and be keep in storage for as a backup. The
cost of a new pump is approximately $17,000.
15. The financials were reviewed.
16. There were two requests for a water leak credit.
17. The calendar was reviewed.
18. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Curtis Wells
President of the Board
Chris Betz
Secretary of the Board
CLSUD – County Line Special Utility District
CRWA – Canyon Regional Water Authority
EAA – Edwards Aquifer Authority
GBRA – Guadalupe Blanco River Authority
HCPUA – Hays Caldwell Public Utility Authority
HCWSA – Hays County Water and Sewer Authority
TCDBGP – Texas Community Development Block Grant Program
TCEQ – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
TML – Texas Municipal League
TRWA – Texas Rural Water Association
TWA – Texas Water Alliance
TWDB – Texas Water Development Board