Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU)

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU)
MGU is an easy choice for language students. Its language programs
are well established and well developed and frequented by students from all
over the world. This means that at MGU you will quickly find a support
group of English-speaking friends with whom to explore the city’s plethora
of museums, clubs, and theatres. Given that MGU services more than 30,000
Russian students, you will also have opportunity to meet plenty of Russians
in the Internet cafes, cafeterias, the dorm, etc. Just be careful not to let your
English-speaking friends become too much of crutch while you are there.
MGU is perhaps the most famous university in Russia overall and the
massive Stalinist silhouette of its main building (the dorm) is one that every
Muscovite knows well.
MGU is not just for language students, however. Its reputation spans
the globe and nearly any subject in the humanities and sciences may be
studied there in Russian or English.
Moscow State University (MGU) was founded on the 23rd of January
in 1755 by the great Russian scientist Mikhail V. Lomonosov under the
decree of Czarina Elizaveta I. Its founding started the tradition of celebrating
this date (St. Tatiana’s Day) as Students’ Day in Russia (usually celebrated
with cakes, flowers, and a day off of school).
Moscow State University claims among its graduates and
professors Nobel Prize winners and world famous scientists. According to all
national and international surveys, Lomonosov Moscow State University is
ranked first in Russia and among the top ten universities in the world.
The main campus of MGU is located at Sparrow Hills, in the
southwest of the city and only 30 minutes by public transport to the center of
Moscow. The area is one of the most prestigious in Moscow, clean and with
trees and areas for strolling or jogging.
Humanities: Art, Economics, Foreign Languages, History, Institute of
Asian and African Countries, Journalism, Law, Pedagogical Education,
Philology, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, State Government, World
Sciences: Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Biology, Chemistry,
Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, Fundamental Medicine,
Geography, Geology, Material Sciences, Mechanics and Mathematics,
Physics, Soil Science
MGU is an easy choice for language students. Its language programs
are well established and well developed and frequented by students from all
over the world. This means that at MGU you will quickly find a support
group of English-speaking friends with whom to explore the city’s plethora
of museums, clubs, and theatres. Given that MGU services more than 30,000
Russian students, you will also have opportunity to meet plenty of Russians
in the Internet cafes, cafeterias, the dorm, etc. Just be careful not to let your
English-speaking friends become too much of crutch while you are there.
MGU is perhaps the most famous university in Russia overall and the
massive Stalinist silhouette of its main building (the dorm) is one that every
Muscovite knows well.
MGU is not just for language students, however. Its reputation spans
the globe and nearly any subject in the humanities and sciences may be
studied there in Russian or English.
Moscow State University (MGU) was founded on the 23rd of January
in 1755 by the great Russian scientist Mikhail V. Lomonosov under the
decree of Czarina Elizaveta I. Its founding started the tradition of celebrating
this date (St. Tatiana’s Day) as Students’ Day in Russia (usually celebrated
with cakes, flowers, and a day off of school).
Moscow State University claims among its graduates and
professors Nobel Prize winners and world famous scientists. According to all
national and international surveys, Lomonosov Moscow State University is
ranked first in Russia and among the top ten universities in the world.
The main campus of MGU is located at Sparrow Hills, in the
southwest of the city and only 30 minutes by public transport to the center of
Moscow. The area is one of the most prestigious in Moscow, clean and with
trees and areas for strolling or jogging.
Humanities: Art, Economics, Foreign Languages, History, Institute of
Asian and African Countries, Journalism, Law, Pedagogical Education,
Philology, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, State Government, World
Sciences: Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Biology, Chemistry,
Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, Fundamental Medicine,
Geography, Geology, Material Sciences, Mechanics and Mathematics,
Physics, Soil Science