NORTH PENN HIGH SCHOOL - North Penn School District

Lansdale, PA 19446
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
1. Yearbook Distribution
 Where: Girls’ Gym
 When: Thursday, June 5 – during 9th period (Modified Bell) – per 9 comes before per 1
 Who: Only those who purchased yearbooks
 Students who purchased yearbooks will receive a pink index card as a receipt in 9th period the
morning of Thursday, June 5 and must have that when they go to claim their yearbook. Any
other documentation will not be accepted.
 Additional books may be purchased on a first come-first served basis on Friday, June 6 in the
Auditorium before 1st period -- $85.00 CASH ONLY.
Preliminary locker clean-out – Friday, May 23rd / Senior Final locker clean-out – Wednesday, June 11th
Senior Awards Night – Tuesday, June 3 at 6:30 p.m. in Auditorium
 Award recipients are notified by mail and are expected to attend. Recipients are asked to be in
the auditorium by 6:00 pm.
 Attire – appropriate attire for gentlemen is: a dress shirt and tie, dress slacks, shoes; for ladiesdress or skirt, blouse and shoes. Flip-flops and/or sneakers are inappropriate.
Final Exam Schedule
June 11: Full day of school
o Semester Social Studies Exams in Social Studies class
June 12: Early dismissal at 10:50
o Math Exams – 7:40 – 9:10 AM
o Social Studies Full-Year Exams – 9:20 – 10:50 AM
June 13: Early dismissal at 10:50
o English / Reading Exams – 7:40 – 9:10 AM
o Science Exams – 9:20 – 10:50 AM
o 2nd English / Science Exams – 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
June 16: Early dismissal at 9:10
o World Language / Business / Tech Ed Exams – 7:40 – 9:10 AM
o 2nd World Language / Business / Tech Ed Exams – 9:20 – 10:50 AM
Class Night
 Date: Friday, June 13
 Location: A-E-F Courtyard, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
 Tickets: $5.00 per student
 Other: Tickets on sale at NPHS during all lunch periods from June 2 – June 6
ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BBQ Catered by Sumney West Restaurant
Also featured –Inflatables, dunk tank, games, music, yearbook signing, snow cones (by
Kona Ice) and WORLD PREMIER presentation of the Senior Class Video.
Casual attire – flip-flops are okay for this event.
Cap & Gown Distribution
When: Tuesday, June 17 in the gym; 7:21 AM; prior to Reflections practice
All obligations must be cleared in advance in order to receive your cap/gown. Check for
regularly updated obligation listing posted outside your designated Home Office.
When: Tuesday, June 17 at 7:00 p.m. Seniors need to be in the senior café by 6:00 p.m.
Location: Auditorium
Attire: graduation gowns only – over appropriate attire - no caps;
Appropriate attire beneath the gown: for gentlemen, white or blue dress shirt
and tie, dress slacks, shoes; for ladies, dress or skirt, blouse and shoes. Flip-flops
or sneakers are inappropriate and may not be worn
When: Wednesday, June 18 at 6:00 p.m., Crawford Stadium
o Candidates for graduation need to be in the Gymnasium by 5:00
Rain date: Thursday, June 19 at 6:00 p.m., Crawford Stadium
Tickets: 8 per graduate mailed on May 23rd
Attire: Bring CAP & GOWN; do NOT wear it. Appropriate attire beneath the gown: for
gentlemen, white or blue dress shirt and tie, dress slacks, shoes; for ladies, dress or skirt,
blouse and shoes. Flip-flops or sneakers are unacceptable and may not be worn. Admission
to the gymnasium/graduation ceremony will be denied to seniors wearing sneakers or flipflops.
 Must be cleared by Monday, June 16 by 2:30 p.m. Obligations include detentions, Saturday
Schools, textbooks, IMC books and fines, parking tickets, gym locks or any other student
obligations. NO ONE is permitted to participate in the Commencement practice OR ceremony
unless all financial, behavioral, and academic obligations are cleared.
 NPTV Videos/order forms
 College bound seniors – if you have not already done so, notify Mrs. Allander in the Transcript
Office of the name of the school you will be attending next year; this information is helpful for
the senior showcase and for knowing where to send your final transcript. It is also an obligation
and must be completed prior to graduation.
Detention clearance
 Before and after school daily
 June 12th, 13th, and 16th: 7:45 AM – 2:30 PM in the Auxiliary Gym
 Saturday Schools remaining – June 7th and June 14th