Franklian Psychology: Logotherapy

Franklian Psychology: Logotherapy
Viktor E. Frankl, MD, PhD
The author of Man’s Search for Meaning (and 32 other books), Viktor Frankl encourages us to
perceive the human being as more than solely comprised of soma and psyche. Dr. Frankl’s
“image of man” embraces a third dimension -- the dimension of the human spirit -- as a resource
in healing and striving toward wholeness. He includes the human spirit in his treatment model,
which he termed logotherapy (Greek: logos = the creative word, intention, meaning, wisdom).
Professor Emeritus of Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Vienna (until his death in
1997), Dr. Frankl developed the field of psychology and psychotherapy beyond what his
predecessors believed and practiced. A holocaust survivor, he taught that everything can be taken
away from us in life -- our health, material possessions, even our loved ones – except our will to
find meaning and purpose, the freedom to choose how we respond to the challenges life places
before us. Frankl maintained that it is not what happens to us, but how we respond to life
situations that is important. It’s not the load we carry. It’s how we carry it. He saw his theory
tested and validated in the concentration camps.
Frankl’s logotherapy helps individuals transcend self and to use the triumphant power of the
human spirit to face suffering, tragedy, pain, conflict and inner emptiness. Frankl’s vision for
humankind is founded on HOPE: It fosters an attitude of optimism in the midst of blows of fate.
It is eminently suited as an alternative approach to living and healing in our turbulent times.
At last, the teachings of Viktor Frankl, as expressed in his logotherapy, are available for
instructional purposes on a set of four CDs, replete with beautifully illustrated PowerPoint
presentations. This is the official curriculum of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. (The
Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association as a provider of Continuing
Education for psychologists, as well as by other prestigious professional organizations and State
Licensing Boards.)
The comprehensive curriculum on Franklian Psychology: Logotherapy, further described on the
enclosed flyer, is now available for world-wide dissemination in the English language.
Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy
Box 15211
Abilene, TX 79698-5211, USA
Visit our web site:
Comprehensive Curriculum in
Franklian Psychology
A comprehensive curriculum on the teachings of Viktor Frankl, captured on four state-of-the-art
CDs, replete with PowerPoint presentations, is now available as instructional material in the
English language. This is the official curriculum of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy,
ready for world-wide dissemination.
I. Franklian Psychology: Introduction to Logotherapy
Introduces the underlying philosophy, personality theory and psychotherapy formulated
by Viktor Frankl with emphasis on the significance of the human spirit, the uniqueness
and dignity of the human being, and meaning in life as the primary motivation for living.
II. Franklian Psychology: Attitudinal Change
Application of the rudimentary principles of logotherapy and elaboration on therapeutic
approaches: discovering the Will to Meaning, self-distancing, dereflection, Socratic
(maieutic) questions, and phenomenological-existential methods used to facilitate growth.
III. Franklian Psychology: Meaning-Centered Interventions
From psychotherapy to logotherapy: on the meaning of Life, Death, Suffering, Work,
Love; choice and responsibility; paradoxical intention; activation of creative, experiential
and attitudinal values to overcome trauma and inner emptiness; self-transcendence as goal.
IV. Franklian Psychology: Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders
Reference and use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV, Text
Revised (DSM-IV-TR). Use of logotherapy methodologies as primary and as supplemental treatment in specific mental, emotional and personality disorders. Provides help
and comfort in the face of unavoidable suffering through medical ministry.
The entire curriculum in Franklian Psychology: Logotherapy on four CD’s, as outlined above,
is now available at the introductory price of $995.00 (US).
To order, please contact:
Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Box 15211, Abilene, TX 79698-5211, USA
Telefax: 325-692-9188
Additional information is available by telephoning the Institute’s office at 325-692-9597
Check enclosed, payable to Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy
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