Memo - move your church

Die Heilsarmee Deutschland, Litauen & Polen
Territoriale Sportmissionsabteilung, Salierring 23-27, 50677 Köln ||
Seite 1 von 1
21. Januar 2014
alle Korps in Deutschland
Oberstleutnant David Bowles (Territorialer Sportmission-Beauftragter)
Oberstleutnantin Marsha-Jean Bowles (Chefsekretärin);
Major Reinhold Walz (Divisionsoffizier, NOD); Major Paul-William Marti (Divisionsoffizier, SWD)
SPORTMISSION Möglichkeiten für dein Korps
“move your church” and EinSatz (Sportangebote 2014)
Liebe Freunde,
For Sport Fans 2014 is a dream year: Winter Olympic Games™ in Sochi, Russia (7.-23. Februar) and the FIFA
World Cup™ in Brazil (12. Juni - 13. Juli). There will be speculation before, jubilation during (or not) and
evaluation after these great events - in other words, it starts now and will continue throughout the entire
As a Salvation Army we want to ask ourselves; how can we use the energy and excitement of Sport in 2014
for the advancement of the Kingdom of God? Enclosed with this memo you will find the following helpful
material for implementing Sportmission into your Corps strategy:
1. “move your church” is an initiative generated by our Sportmission partners, SRS in Altenkirchen (siehe: The idea is to motivate Churches (Corps) all over Germany to use Sport as an intentional
outreach tool on the same Sundays in 2014, if possible: 18.05. / 25.05. / 22.06. / 29.06. This small Heft
is full of ideas; from Gottesdienst plans (3x) to KidsGames and Gemeinde Schachtnier.
If, in any way, you require support in implementing the ”move your church” initiative, please do not
hesitate to contact me (Handy: 0163 868 77 00 or E-Mail: or a SRS
Sportmissionar in your area (see brochure pages 18-19)
2. EinSatz is the Sportmission Magazine produced by SRS four times a year. I am sending you this
complementary December 2013 – February 2014 issue for two reasons:
a. EinSatz is full of practical Sportmission ideas which you can easily integrate into your Corps
strategy. Therefore you will want to contact SRS directly and subscribe to EinSatz for a low as
5,00€ per month (see: enclosed Fördermitglied Formular).
b. Included with this EinSatz issue is the SRS Sport Angebote 2014 Heft. There are many highquality events and activities listed in this magazine. I am sure there are people in your Corps
(young not so young) who would be interested in attending with some of these activities. Use
these events as opportunities to share Jesus and grow disciples in and through Sport.
Again, if you have any questions or require support in any way with respect to Sportmission in your Corps,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
In Christus,
Jesus im Sport und durch Sport weitergeben