1 2013 October Editorial: healing the inner wild by Sally Williams

2013 October
Editorial: healing the inner wild
by Sally Williams
This month I am excited to present the work of the Northwestern Academy of
Homeopathy in Minneapolis, Minnesota (US). The Academy was founded in 1993 by Eric
Sommermann, Valerie Ohanian and Laurie Dack. Their vision was to create a program
that would nurture students to become professional homeopaths. At the culmination of
each class, students were encouraged to participate in double-blind homeopathic
provings. Jason-Aeric Huenecke finished his training at the Academy in 2005 and
became Sommermann’s protégé and the Administrative Director for the Academy.
Sommermann trained Huenecke in the art and science of homeopathic provings and,
following Sommermann’s tragic death in March 2007, Huenecke continued the
Academy’s efforts to provide modern homeopathic provings.
In this issue of Interhomeopathy we are delighted to share four of the Academy’s
animal provings, plus cases supporting each remedy’s efficacy. First, we present the
Academy’s initial proving by Sommermann: Canada goose egg (Branta canadensis
ovum); a beautiful proving with symptoms of grief, transition and awkwardness with a
substantiating case by Kimberly Robey. Next, we offer the proving of Sheep’s milk (Lac
ovinum) along with an incredible case of Fuchs' dystrophy by Mary Lu Nelson. It is a
remedy I wish I had had in my arsenal when I was treating cloistered nuns in the 90’s.
The feelings of self-sacrifice, duty, responsibility, the desire to help, the fear of exile and
exhaustion are prevalent in their culture. Third, an interesting proving of Snapping
turtle egg (Chelydra serpentina ovum) and a corroborating case of abuse with a strong
desire for protection, presented by Margaret Ann Nelson. Lastly, we offer the proving
and a heartfelt case of Common loon (Gavia immer), by Jason-Aeric Huenecke.
We hope you enjoy this month’s contributions. I would like to dedicate this issue of
Interhomeopathy as a tribute to Eric Sommermann and his wonderful legacy. He was a
pioneer, and because of his vision, homeopaths in North America have support and
credibility through NASH (North American Society of Homeopaths), an organization Eric
co-founded. I also want to commend Jason-Aeric Huenecke for his dedication and
commitment to continue the work Eric began. To read all of the provings by the
Northwestern Academy in their entirety please go to
Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial
Canada goose proving: be simple, direct and to the point
by Jason-Aeric Huenecke
A New Endeavor:
The first modern proving conducted at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in
1998 was the Canada goose egg (branta canadensis ovum). Eric Sommermann, PhD,
CCH, RSHom (NA) led this proving. Sommermann was my mentor; as his protégé, I
completed his unfinished work on his three provings after his untimely death in March
2007, including this beautiful proving of the most common waterfowl species of North
What’s in a Name?
Branta comes from the Old Norse meaning ‘burnt goose’, referring to their grayish
Preparing the Substance:
Bird remedies can be prepared from the eggs, feathers, feet or talons, or blood of the
bird, as any part contains the genus of the substance. This remedy was prepared by
using a single egg of the Canada goose. Eric submitted the substance to Michael Quinn
at Hahnemann Laboratories, in San Rafael, California.
Proving Mental Themes include but are not limited to:
Hearty appetites and a high metabolism (the Canada goose eats 1-5 lbs. of grass per
day; they are herbivores, and our provers were craving vegetables during the proving).
The well-known water-bird sensations of flying and floating and wanting to be in or
around water all-day or for long periods of time also appeared.
There was a strong desire for order, preparedness, and industriousness with a sense of
The individual appears mentally scattered (bird-brained) with a nostalgic longing for
The desire to protect their family and children, yet to quarrel heartily with them
A desire for group activities and togetherness, and yet a longing to be alone, only to
feel isolated, forsaken, and separate when alone.
A strong heart-felt desire to mate for life.
Matter of fact, simple, direct, and to the point.
Over-sensitivity, hyper-alertness, and vigilance.
Trapped sensations and the accompanying desire to escape (geese will not enter
enclosed areas willingly; they want direct access to open space or open waterways,
rivers, ponds, lakes, or streams or the ocean).
Proving Physical Themes include but are not limited to:
Head symptoms, including migraines, headaches, pains of the head, and wave-like
sensations of goosebumps along the scalp.
Hearing acuity, especially sensitive to electronic sounds and motors.
Face symptoms including the sensation of stretched skin, chapped lips.
Mouth symptoms including dry mouth, and a metallic or bloody taste in mouth.
Throat symptoms including rawness, sore throats, lump in throat, etc.
Back and neck symptoms, including a stiff neck, painful on turning, and a strong desire
to stretch the neck.
Vision acuity, alertness, better outdoors, aggravated when indoors.
Skin, chapped and dry, with goose bumps.
Extremities awkwardness and histories of accidents (incurred while traveling).
“There is an absence of my usual introspection. I’m usually always thinking about
things, turning them over in my mind, but now I feel much more simple and direct.” It
is as though what you see is what you get: “I usually feel like I have an external and an
internal self, but during this proving I have felt like they are the same.”
From Clinical Practice:
Awkward, clumsiness, body dysmorphia.
Censorious and argumentative.
Difficulty with concentration, unable to focus
Fear of being alone.
Fear of thunderstorms and wind.
A deep sense of loss.
Pain in the occipital region, neck, upper back, and shoulder region.
Extremities awkwardness.
Air hunger, ameliorated in the open air.
When to give the Goose:
Canada goose types suffer from grief, with ailments from grief ameliorated by domestic
chores and eating; these activities completed with an urgency and systematic efficiency.
They will have high metabolisms; finishing a meal and considering what they will eat at
their next meal. They prefer to eat meals in family groups, rather than alone. The
familial experience of these individuals is often full of ruffled feathers, disagreements,
and high-drama.
For the patient needing this remedy there is an inner feeling of being caught between
two worlds and in transition, for example between heaven and earth, to which realm do
I belong? This results in an inner feeling of awkwardness and unsteadiness. With the
remedy, the individual finds a sense of being included in group systems.
Physically, this remedy has been used in several cases to heal injuries as the result of
whiplash and injuries to the neck and spine.
Excerpts from the Proving that are Representative of Canada Goose:
Protecting the Family:
Geese are fierce protectors of their young, hissing and charging at predators and
humans that get too close to their goslings. One prover reported, “Now I feel longnecked and watchful, like the overseer, to alert myself and others to danger in matterof-fact way.”
Family and Socialization:
Several provers felt more sociable than normal, desiring companionship, closeness,
family-time and frivolity. Meanwhile others were annoyed by the presence of others,
and only wanted to be alone. “While watching a movie with my partner, I did not have
my usual feeling of being suffocated by her being cuddled up next to me. Normally I
would be agitated and restless, and instead I was content,” and, “I have great desire to
be left alone today with no connection or communication with outside world.”
Awkwardness, Clumsiness, and a Propensity Towards Accidents:
The proving and clinical practice have indicated patients needing the Canada goose
remedy have a propensity to accidents and feel awkward on their feet and in their
bodies. Migratory geese have brought down airplanes, geese crossing roadways have
caused major accidents, and some geese have purportedly broken the arm or legs of
men.3, 4
Incredible Lightness of Being:
In many of the recent bird provings provers report feelings of being light, out of body,
with dreams of flying and the sensation of being a bird. Our provers felt this in their
Ajna (Third Eye) or forehead region.
Sensation of Feathers:
Sensations provers felt in their scalp and skin included feeling as though feathers were
protruding from the skin. “There is tightness and inward stretching of my skin over my
face, with the sensation as if feathers are standing on end over my forehead, temples,
cheeks and chin. There’s continued outward pressure over the third eye area, unsure if
it’s out farther, swollen, or if it’s my imagination (this sensation was intermittent all day
Schroyens, Frederik. 2005. Synthesis Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum.
London, England: 9.1 ed.Maynard, Micheline. The New York Times, Bird Hazard Is
Persistent for Planes. 15 January 2009. [Online]. Available:
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/16/nyregion/16strike.html?_r=0Gicas, Tony. Clifton
Journal, Are Canada geese a problem for Route 46 motorists? 2 August 2013. [Online].
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Branta canadensis in flight; Keith; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Geese and goslings swim in V-formation; David Hawgood; Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
I have no need to be in the water: a case of Canada goose
by Kimberley Robey
Case code: S = Subject; O = Observation; A = Action; P = Plan; HP = Homeopathic
Female, 74 years old; CC: Left-sided neck and head pain. History of three auto
O: Fierce, scrutinizing expression with slowness of comprehension. Meticulous. Bone
spurs on cervical vertebrae, calcium deposits in breast tissue.
Initial consultation 11/11
S: “The pain is sharp, grabbing [O: Hand gesture grabbing left-side of neck]. It’s
excruciating, the muscles are twisting [O: Hand gesture]. It grabs, it’s sharp. It’s tight
and stiff. In the car, I use a neck pillow if I’m going a long distance. If I’m driving I
don’t need it, only if I’m a passenger. When I’m driving, my arms are out with both
hands on the steering wheel, I’m looking straight ahead.
I have stopped golfing because of the pain. Now I’m only walking on the golf course just
to be with people. I love being on the golf course. It’s relaxing, beautiful; the trees,
flowers, the peacefulness, and the fun with the gals I was with. We’re laughing, they’re
not ridiculing anymore. Before, the score was more important. I wasn’t that good. We
share the expense of a cart. You have company, chatting, visiting. I like the ponds and
the marsh.”
MIND - NATURE - loves
HP: Tell me more about the pain.
S: “It grabs [O: Hand gesture], it’s sharp, sometimes dull or achy. In the left side of
my head is a fuzzy feeling. I thought, ‘Is it a stroke!?’ It comes and goes. It’s like a
flutter, above the ear. Not a sharp pain, a flutter. [O: Points to picture of a butterfly
on office wall] Like their wings when they flutter and they’re about to settle down on
an object.”
BACK - STIFFNESS - Cervical region
GENERALS - AIR; OPEN - desire for open air
HP: What do you like to do?
S: “I like to walk, to read, garden, make jam, canning preserves. I love to play cards.
The group has dispersed due to health issues and people have passed away. I love
sitting on the deck looking out on the lake. I like seeing friends when we go south. We
have annual spots reserved at two RV (recreational vehicle) parks. We go up north in
the summer and down to Arizona in the winter.
The water is so calming. I have no need to be in the water; I just look at it and feel so
relaxed. It’s peace [O: Closing eyes as she speaks, smiling], contentment. Watching
the sun set. Being closer to God, and He can paint a very, very beautiful picture. I used
to pray to St. Jude until I heard he was the saint for the hopeless. Now I pray to St.
Anthony, who is the saint for lost items. It works; I find what I’m looking for. My friend
said, ‘You’re praying to the wrong saint,’ so now I just pray to both.”
HP: Fears?
S: “How independent am I going to be? I have friends who’ve lost their husbands
suddenly. The loneliness. When a couple is used to being with couples the entire time
and suddenly one is alone, an outsider, their friends sometimes aren’t there anymore. A
friend who lost her husband joins us all the time. She feels like an outsider. I’ve been
married 55 years…
…I also fear cramped spaces, I need room! Storms, tornados, black skies, wind.”
MIND - FEAR - alone, of being
MIND - FEAR - thunderstorm, of
MIND - FEAR - wind, of
MIND - LOSS; sense of
HP: An outsider?
S: “She can’t do the work on the house. She was so depressed. She didn’t want to do
things and she didn’t want to stay home. I watch and learn. If I should lose my
husband, if I were to feel the same way…
MIND - LOSS; sense of
[O: Apropos of nothing:]
…I took a police officer to court and won. I was driving alone on a street and didn’t
know how fast I was going. I didn’t want to pay the speeding ticket. He felt that he was
a power. He should have given me a warning and been understanding, been a friend.
That’s part of his job too. I had to prove a point. In court, the policeman lied. I had to
be my own lawyer. I forgot I was supposed to get a lawyer. When I cross-examined him
he could not look at me. Maybe now he’ll do better, be more compassionate, caring and
considerate. I kept looking for his police car. I thought he’d be after me.
HP: Tell about the pain again.
S: “It takes over your entire being. It’s power over you. It’s in control. You don’t want it
to win. It’s an enemy. It restricts you. On my job, I couldn’t do and say what I really
wanted to because I had a supervisor over me. My job was on the line. I couldn’t come
out. I was unhappy with their procedures, which were unfair to the customers.”
HP: Tell me about the car accidents.
S: “With the first accident I didn’t know what had happened. I must have blacked out. I
thought, ‘Did something fall out of the sky?’ During the second accident I was waiting
for the crash. I watched him coming in my rear-view mirror. I just slumped because
there was no place to go. I just sat there waiting and went limp. The third accident I
didn’t know he was coming. Wham, I got hit.”
Key points to consider:
Group consciousness, friendships
Loss of husband equals being an outsider
Powerlessness, power over
Closer to God
Repertorization using Synthesis 9.1 rubrics:
MIND - CONFUSION of mind - concentrate the mind, on attempting to
MIND - FEAR - alone, of being
MIND - FEAR - thunderstorm, of
MIND - FEAR - wind, of
MIND - LOSS; sense of
HEAD - PAIN - Occiput
BACK - STIFFNESS - Cervical region
GENERALS - AIR; OPEN - desire for open air
Analysis: She has many sensations; pain is an enemy doing to her, sensitive to
competition; animal themes. She is spiritual, moral and sensitive to freedom and
restriction; bird family of remedies. In the group or outsider, migration, water relates to
Anseriformes. Neck symptoms; bond with mate; need to go home, brings us to the
goose. Security, slumping over, calcium pathology; the Canada goose egg.
P: Branta canadensis ovum 200C one dose
Branta canadensis ovum LM 1 to begin one week after the C potency
Follow up per telephone 11/23
Note: This conversation occurred following the Branta canadensis ovum 200C one
S: “Our bed has a headboard with a clock on it. To see the time, I twist my head, which
causes pain. Now I realize this and I’ve repositioned the clock. The pain is not quite as
bad. The fluttering in my head is better, I’ve even kind of forgotten about it.”
GENERALS - VIBRATION, fluttering, etc.
Follow-up 12/10/11:
S: “I have pain free nights. I can raise my head and turn from side to side with no pain.
This is major! My neck still pulls and feels tight, but I have some very good days when I
can turn my head like normal. On the 24th of November I was sleeping and heard a
really loud bang and my whole body jumped. I thought, ‘What just happened?’ I didn’t
feel anything and I fell back asleep. I am burping more. The first car accident caused
much burping, which made my neck feel better. Recently, I drove at night in rush hour
traffic and was so calm. I wasn’t afraid! I used to be very anxious.”
NECK - STIFFNESS - painful
Follow-up per telephone 12/31/11:
S: “I’m burping a lot. It’s a relief. We’re going to Arizona soon. It’s not my choice to go,
but we have friends down there more than in Minnesota. Here the population is thinning
out and everyone is moving down to Arizona. We’re referred to as ‘the snow birds.’ If I
didn’t go to Arizona I would be here alone. Four days is the most I have been without
my husband. In Arizona we have good friends who are Canadian.”
Follow-up call 1/14/12:
S: “I have not needed the neck pillow in the car.”
P: Branta canadensis ovum LM 2
Brief follow-up telephonically 3/6/12:
S: “Golfing is still very painful.”
Note: The patient continued on Branta canadensis ovum LM 3 for two weeks and
began tapering down on pain medication. She was then given placebo.
Follow-up 8/24/12:
S: “The neck is better. I am golfing. I don’t have to take any pain pills when I’m
through with golfing. I’m not in pain when I’m on the golf course.”
Final Analysis: Improvement on all key points. At the time of intake, the client was
fearfully considering surgery on her neck as the only recourse her doctors could offer.
She is delighted to have avoided the surgery, to be pain free, and to be enjoying far
greater mobility. The client has continued on placebo alternating with C and LM
potencies of the remedy while gradually tapering off allopathic medications she had
physically and psychologically become accustomed to.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Canada goose; Alan D. Wilson; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic
Categories: Cases
Keywords: head pain, neck pain, calcium deposits, bone spurs, sensation fluttering,
freedom, powerless, powerful, group consciousness, friendships, fear loss of husband,
fear being an outsider, love of nature, god
Remedies: Branta canadensis ovum
Sheep's milk proving: sacrifice without reward
by Jason-Aeric Huenecke
The Second Proving:
The second modern proving conducted by the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy
took place in 2002 with the milk of a Rambouillets-Hampshire ewe milked one week
after lambing: Lac ovinum. Eric Sommermann, PhD, CCH, RSHom (NA) led the proving.
Preparing the Substance:
Animal substances can be prepared with milk, blood, or hair, as any part of the animal
contains the genius of the substance. For this proving Eric had an alumnus collect the
milk soon after the lamb was born, when the energy field between the ewe (female
sheep) and lamb is especially strong. The substance sent to Michael Quinn at
Hahnemann Laboratories, in San Rafael, California; and Michael sent the substance
back for the proving.
What’s in a Name?
‘Sheep’ derived from the Old English sceap, or scep, words of unknown origin. ‘Sheep”
implied “timidity” in Old English; the meaning “stupid, timid person” is attested from
Proving Mental Themes include but are not limited to:
Self-sacrificing, desiring to be helpful, leads to depletion, and exhaustion
Desiring equality on principle
Duty, sense of responsibility, and the sense of being mother to all
Fear of being exiled, out of the group and sent alone into the desert
Fear of inadequacy, lack of confidence, and timidity
Giddiness, laughter, and glee, childlike innocence
Helplessness and defenselessness (and yet may be defiant)
Slow moving, monotonous, same thing, different day
Walled off or separated from other; the family group offers protection
Proving Physical Themes include but are not limited to:
Ameliorated by open air
Back pains, especially in the shoulder area
Cough, expectoration difficult
Extremities, coldness, numbness of hands, feet, toes
Extremities, rubbery sensations
Head pains were experienced by an overwhelming number of provers, especially head
pain as if a hoop or band around the head!
Nose, acuity of smell
Skin, bruising easily
Vertigo, rocky sensations
From Clinical Practice:
Lac ovinum has themes of self-sacrifice, unworthiness, feeling devalued, and betrayed.
Ailments from abuse, grief, and betrayal.
Long standing, chronic insomnia.
Religious-minded, desire for prayer, commitment to God.
Obedience and submissiveness.
Self-sacrificing brings about the exact opposite of what is desired; these individuals
sacrifice their time, energy etc. to the community, give into their children and set no
healthy or clear boundary with others (until the remedy acts!).
Curative for migraine headaches.
Curative for Fuchs’ Dystrophy.
Curative for urethral stenosis, accompanied by frequency and urging for urination.
Excerpts from the Proving that are Representative of Sheep’s Milk:
Predatory Behavior, Abuse and Killing of the Innocent:
“[I am] thinking of a drama involving domestic abuse, a couple of very vicious assaults
on women. There is a victimized feeling of anger and injustice about how women are
“In my dreams last night, there was another bald man (one appeared in a previous
dream in this proving); he was shorter than the last man. In the dream I was attracted
to him; then I saw him with an 11-year-old boy, he was dragging him by his hair down
this hill to a creek. He was going to kill him. I couldn’t believe that my judgment was so
off! I knew he was coming for me next. I was afraid he would murder me!”
“I notice that I’m becoming more predatory when it comes to sex. I was driving today
and noticed a person whose pose suggested to me that she was a prostitute. After a few
blocks, I did turn the car around to check it out. The person was gone. All I could say is,
‘Thank God’, I really do not need this in my life...”
“I am part of a work force to stop the poaching of monkeys. These monkeys were
hunted for their brains. The poachers hunted the monkeys with smaller heads. These
monkeys were infected with some type of bacteria that made their heads smaller. The
heads were roasted over an open fire. This was supposed to be quite the delicacy when
eaten immediately.”
Pursued by Thieves:
Several provers had dreams of thieves and pursuit by men. Sheep rustling has been a
problem since the beginning of sheep domestication. “I had dreamt that I was being
chased through the backyards in my neighborhood by group of men, bad guys, thieves.
I knew that if I could get to this one house I’d be safe, but I had to sneak there. I never
got there – woke up while I was being chased. I wasn’t scared when I woke up!?”
“While walking my dog at dusk, I became fearful that someone was following us. I
imagined that my footsteps were the sound of someone else’s, my clothes rustling was
someone else’s clothes. When I first arrived at the park, there were many parked cars,
but I haven’t seen anyone here. I imagined horrible things that could have happened to
the other people. Maybe someone who is lurking down here murdered them all. I
assured myself that this was not the case, of course, and continued walking.”
The Way of the Selflessness:
“Since the proving remedy, I want to help people with their problems. I feel chatty,
want to talk and be more intimate and really make a difference in other people’s lives,
help them... It’s a very good feel, a good feeling.”
“I went to go to bed. There was a bed of blankets set up on the floor. Someone had
made it up for me very nicely but in the wrong order so that there was very
uncomfortable burlap that I had to lay on. I did not want to offend the person who had
been so kind to set it up, so I did not change it. Being uncomfortable so as not to hurt
someone else (sacrificing self).”
The Endlessness of the Crunch of Time:
“I seem to have an urgency to get things done on time. Get from one point to another –
it’s not so much about what gets done, but getting to the next and the next thing. If
something gets in the way, I will just forget it and go on…”
“Irritability. Sweating when I put something down and then I am in a time crunch to
find it.”
“I felt anxiety (centered around my heart)... My mind was acutely aware of all the
things that need to be done.... I woke up before the alarm and was aware of how much
time I had to get ready…I feel rushed!”
“Very tense and busy – I feel there are so many things to do. I feel pressure to do too
many things in a short period of time.”
“I felt a sense of dulled unreality… …like my thoughts and perceptions were filtered
through cotton. My thoughts have slowed to a slow one thought at a time.”
Hahnemann and the Pasteurization of Sheep’s Milk:
Richard Haehl writes on Samuel Hahnemann in Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work,
“‘Cream and milk can be kept fresh for several days, even during hot and thundery
weather, if boiled once a day; by this process, I believe, the gases of fermentation are
expelled each time…’ Hahnemann was on the way to the discovery of the pasteurizing of
milk. Hahnemann gives an explanation why sheep and goat cheese are more digestible
and agree better than ordinary cheese prepared from sour cows’ milk.”[2] So he was
also on the way to discovering lactose intolerance as well.
History of Sheep:
Sommermann felt that this was a very important proving considering its long history of
domestication by humans and its rich tapestry of symbolism in world religious traditions
and our survival as a species; the unique relationship of humans and sheep enabled
them to roam the far-corners of the earth in desolate conditions and survive.
“The animal sheep originated in central Asia 10,000 years ago, valued for its wool and
meat. The earliest sheep growers used their fleece as a kind of tunic, but it wasn't until
3,500 BC that man learned how to spin wool.
Sheep and wool spread to Europe between 3,000 BC and 1,000 BC, traveling mainly
through ancient Greece. Over the next 1,000 years, Greeks, Romans and Persians
contributed to improvements in sheep breeds. The Romans were also responsible for
the spread of sheep to North Africa and Europe…
Sheep were introduced to America when Columbus made his famous voyage in 1493,
including sheep among the livestock he took to Cuba and Santo Domingo. In 1519,
when Cortez began the expedition which would open Mexico and the western United
States, he took with him the offspring of Columbus' sheep as a walking food supply.
After the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, they bought forty sheep from the Dutch on
Manhattan Island. By 1664, the sheep population had grown to 100,000. As settlers
moved west during the 1800s, they took with them flocks of sheep from the eastern
seaboard. Most of these sheep were of English breeding, more suited to producing lamb
than wool.”[3]
“Rambouillet: a breed of sheep developed from selections of a few hundred of the best
Merino sheep of Spain in 1786 and 1799 by the French government at its national
sheepfold at Rambouillet, France. First imported to the United States in 1840, the breed
was successfully molded through selective breeding to meet the needs of a large class
of United States sheep producers. Rambouillets prevail on the western ranges, where
two-thirds of the sheep of the United States are produced.”[4] “Hampshire: breed of
medium-wool, dark-faced, hornless sheep originating in Hampshire, England.”[5] The
Rambouillets-Hampshire breed is well known for its wool, but also for its meat, both
lamb and mutton. It has been described as a dual-purpose breed, with superior wool
and near-mutton breed characteristics.
James Tyler Kent writes, “All the milks should be potentized, they are our most
excellent remedies; they are animal products and foods of early animal life and
therefore correspond to the beginning of our innermost physical nature. If we had full
provings of monkeys, cows, mare's, and human milk, they would be of great value.”[6]
The Sacrificial Lamb:
Sheep have played an important role in the history of human spiritual and religious
traditions as a sacrifice to the gods, this is true in all Abrahamic traditions, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. Sheep are featured in ancient religious traditions throughout the
Middle East and the Mediterranean Worlds.
“In Judaism, in accordance with the mandate of the Torah a lamb, known as the Paschal
Lamb, was sacrificed on the eve of the Passover to commemorate the night of the event
referred to as the Passover when God took the lives of the first born sons of the
Egyptians and spared or passed over the first born sons of the Israelite slaves…
The Old Testament also refers to sacrifices of lambs as a means of atonement for sin…
The popular and well know Psalm 23 is analogous of sheep and shepherds, where God is
compared to a shepherd and His followers to sheep…
The symbolism of sheep or lambs is an important part of the Christian Tradition. Jesus
is often referred to as a Shepherd and his followers as a flock. For instance in the Bible:
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father
knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And
other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall
hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd… John 10: 14 - 18
Jesus is also given the title the Lamb of God. As mentioned earlier, in the Christian
tradition, the ultimate mission of Jesus to die on the cross to atone for man's sin is
analogous to a sacrificial lamb.
In Christian churches you will often see the Agnus Die, a symbol of the Lamb of God or
Jesus Christ depicted as a lamb. Agnus Dei is a Latin term meaning Lamb of God; it
refers to Jesus as the perfect sacrificial offering that atones for the sins of humanity.”[7]
[1] Harper, Douglas. Online Etymology Dictionary: Sheep. 2001-2013. [Online].
[2] Haehl. R. 1922. Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work Vol. II. London, England:
Homeopathic Publishers. p. 382.
[3] Harsh, Mary. 16 April 2009. Passionate About History: A brief history of sheep
domestication. [Online]. Available:
[4] Encyclopædia Britannica. 2013. Rambouillet. [Online]. Available:
[5] Encyclopædia Britannica. 2013. Hampshire. [Online]. Available:
[6]Kent, J.T. 1905. Lectures on Materia Medica: Lac caninum. Philadelphia
Pennsylvania: Boericke & Tafel Publishers. p.675
[7]Think Differently About Sheep: Sheep In Religion and Mythology. 2013. [Online].
Available: http://www.think-differently-aboutsheep.com/Sheep%20_In_Religion_and_mythology.htm
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Agneau tétant sa mère à Belle-Ile; Remi Jouan; Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license
Categories: Provings
Keywords: sheep’s milk, self-sacrifice, depletion, desiring equality, duty, responsibility,
mothering, fear of being exiled, fear of inadequacy, childlike innocence, delusion
separated, family group offers protection, head pain, vertigo, coldness
Remedies: Lac ovinum
Sally Willams
Posts: 3
Respectfully Disagree
Reply #3 on : Wed October 02, 2013, 02:19:18
It is an extensive proving and well done, and so I am not sure what you
mean by "lacks an individualizing totality". When you look at the common
theme of milk remedies it is always about nurturing in a pathological
way.It seems to me to be quite clear that this remedy distinguishes itself
from other milk remedies with the strong sense of self sacrifice. I would
not expect the theme of the Ram to come through in the proving of a milk.
Milk after all is a female energy, not male.
Marty Begin
Posts: 3
Sheep proving
Reply #2 on : Tue October 01, 2013, 23:14:47
Contrary to Dr. Kruti, I actually think this was a very revealing proving and
when, like in the article, its linked with the natural history and symbolism,
the essence is crystal clear and distinguishing.
I've happened to instantly be able to apply it in a case I thought needed
Lac humanum. Both have the selflessness but Lac hum has more conflict.
The Sheep's milk has the pathological result of sacrifice on that pole only.
The fear of inadequacy has the subtle quality of sheepishness, a very
specific expression of looking bad because one is or could be in the wrong.
To submiss in ones own humble opinion, and thus lack initiative, timidity.
The issue differs for all other milks.
The sacrifice 'with no reward' is specific.
It ties into the abuse of innocence as well.
The case in the same issue makes it even more clear.
The desire for equality on principle is interesting because it is a result of
sacrifice as well, and in the patient can lead to resentment around ones
own sense of being treated unfairly as well as a loss of faith in humanity.
I think its when we can perceive the essence in a case, that we can more
easily understand what the proving is revealing - not what the proving is
lacking but what we've missed. But its given to us here. We need to
perceive it in our patients.
And we can't look for something we think should be in a proving based on
the source. It misses the point of the proving. Or maybe something we
might expect, could come out in different proving of the same remedy. The
proving expression will depend on those participating and what they can
bring to the table.
Dr. Kruti Bhuskute
Posts: 3
Sheep proving
Reply #1 on : Tue October 01, 2013, 12:45:03
Extensive proving done. But from practice point of view, it lacks the
individualizing totality.
The animal and mammal theme is well surfaced, but what is not very
outstanding is the sheep theme.
And forgetting, sheep has a leader, the Ram. There is no mention of that
If I had to refer to this proving alone in selecting sheep as the remedy, I
would be not too sure.
I lift them up through my sacrifice: a case of sheep's milk
by Mary Lu Nelson
Case Code: S = Subject; O = Observation; A = Action; P = Plan; HP = Homeopathic
Female, 53-years old;
Complaints: Fuchs' dystrophy; numbness and sciatica of left-leg; neck pains;
rectal prolapse; ailments from disappointed love and betrayal. History of
Fuchs’ dystrophy in family.
Initial case 12/03
S: “I have no self-confidence. I gave my life over to my husband and family. I gave up
my career to raise our seven children. I worry about many things. My husband is in
banking and real estate. He had an affair with his secretary. I feel so alone. I do not
want to speak ill of anyone, especially my husband. I believe that God will heal this. I
have the deepest heartache from this. No one knows. I am gracious and polite.”
[O: Closing eyes as she speaks, silently weeping]
“I feel so alone. I often go to chapel to pray. I go and pray and I minister to many. My
husband says, ‘You spend too much time at the church.’ I must pray. I make meals for
shut-ins in our community. I serve God; there is nothing that He cannot get me
I never thought this would happen, I’ve done everything right. How could this happen? I
minister out of my love for God and it helps me to feel good, it occupies my mind. I feel
so much resentment and grief.”
[O: Weeping]
“These acts, along with taking care of our children, help me, as well as God’s protection.
I wall things off. At first this helps, but eventually it leads to a sense of isolation; I feel I
have no one to turn to. This wall is like being in the desert alone, wandering. No one is
around for thousands of miles. You can walk for a day and never see another person.”
MIND - FORSAKEN feeling - isolation; sensation of
HP: What is it like to do so much for so many?
S: “I know now that I do for others what I wish that they’d do for me. I lift them up
through my sacrifice so that I will not burn in eternal fire. My husband had this affair;
through prayer, I decided to stay. As I watch myself, I see how I constantly do for
others, but my husband never lifts a finger for me. I do all of the housework and raising
of the children. He led us down a humiliating and tumultuous path. I fight the good
fight, but feel defenseless because I cannot count on him. Will he do this again? Has he
done this before? I’ve given my all and my children still go down wayward paths,
ungodly paths.”
[O: Face flushes with heat, redness, with anger]
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - embarrassment
“I am seething with resentment. I hate conflict and must keep the peace. I must keep
this anger down. This situation has divided our family. I have sacrificed so much. I have
no sexual drive left in me. I feel dead inside. All of my physical symptoms got worse
after the affair.
I have Fuchs' dystrophy; I developed this at age 35. My mother and two of her sisters
also had this; although much later in life. I fear that I will have to get cornea
replacements like my mother and aunts.”
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - suppressed
MIND - HATRED - persons - offended him; hatred of persons who
MIND - QUARRELLING - aversion to
HP: What are the symptoms of Fuchs’ you experience?
S: “My eyes build up with fluid; they swell, and burn, they blister and erupt. It feels like
sand or gravel in my eyes. It’s horrible and painful. I feel blind and alone. I do not know
what I can do. I don’t want to bother people.”
EYE - ERUPTIONS - Cornea - blisters; small
EYE - PAIN - sand; as from
HP: What other symptoms are you experiencing?
S: “I have left-sided sciatica, restless leg syndrome, and I cannot sleep because of this.
My whole leg is sore and painful and my foot goes numb. Now that I mention this, my
neck is always sore on the left side as well, and I have left sided breast pains,
neuralgias, electrical sensations, and muscle pains. I also have a rectal prolapse. These
all seem minor in comparison to the anger and betrayal of the affair.”
CHEST - PAIN - Mammae - left
CHEST - PAIN - neuralgic
BACK - PAIN - Cervical region
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - Sciatic nerve
Key points to consider:
Fuchs’ dystrophy
Restless leg syndrome
Walled off
Repertorization using Synthesis 9.1 rubrics:
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - suppressed
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - embarrassment
MIND - FORSAKEN feeling - isolation; sensation of
MIND - HATRED - persons - offended him; hatred of persons who
MIND - QUARRELLING - aversion to
EYE - ERUPTIONS - Cornea - blisters; small
EYE - PAIN - sand; as from
CHEST - PAIN - Mammae - left
CHEST - PAIN - neuralgic
BACK - PAIN - Cervical region
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - Sciatic nerve
Analysis: The repertorization above brings remedies such as Pulsatilla, Sepia, and
Natrum muriaticum to the forefront. However, the Northwestern Academy of
Homeopathy proving of Lac ovinum was fresh in my mind. The strong theme of
martyrdom, self-sacrifice, timidity, combined with being lost in the desert reminded me
of the biblical symbol of the Lamb of God. This woman is a devoted wife, mother, and
community member, helping others, sacrificing her self for the good of others. Her selfsacrifice brings about the exact opposite of what she wants. She sacrifices her time and
energy etc to the community, gives in to her children (no healthy or clear boundaries)
and she strives so hard to do what she thinks is right that she loses her children in the
end. Her children are living quite ungodly lives despite her best efforts. Her deepest
fears became realities in her family life. It is as though she does all her 'good works' so
she is not dammed to eternal fire.
P: Lac ovinum 1M one dose
Follow up 6/04
S: “This remedy has been unbelievable. I got bright eyes and a burst of energy. It was
like a hood that had been over my head, resting on my neck, causing me pain, is gone.
My neck pains and headaches are gone. So are my allergies (I don’t know if I
mentioned the allergies last time). My lifelong sciatica pain is gone and so my sleep is
much, much better. My hip is better. Also, my eye symptoms are completely resolved. I
got a cold sore that appeared and disappeared within 24-hours. I used to get them as a
teenager, but not in forty years.
I still have a lot of anger and I have been expressing it. I didn’t ever know I could yell
as loud as I can now. I am setting clearer boundaries, and asking my husband for help.
I am doing less for my children, encouraging them to do more for themselves. I give
everyone extra grace. I still put up walls and ask God for protection.
Also, even though this is embarrassing to talk about, my sexual feelings have returned
as well. My husband let his secretary go. I am committed to stay in the marriage, it’s
the right thing to do, it’s what God wants. I am also letting go of worrying about how
the children live – that is between them and God.
I have natural lubrication and my vaginal dryness is gone completely. I no longer feel
dead inside. I no longer feel lost in the desert.
When I get anxious, or suspicious, my neck and back will hurt for a while, then I pray
and breathe and center myself in God’s love.”
Final Analysis: The follow up speaks for itself. Marked improvement on all levels
continues to this day; many years later. Her Fuchs’ dystrophy never returned. Her rectal
prolapse of twenty years duration has healed by 80%. I classify the healing in this case
as pure and deep.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
A young lamb amongst the bracken fronds; Eric Jones; Creative Commons AttributionShare Alike 2.0 Generic license
Categories: Cases
Keywords: self-sacrificing, martyrdom, betrayed, defenseless, Fuchs’ dystrophy,
restless leg syndrome, sciatica
Remedies: Lac ovinum
Snapping turtle proving: I react to the most ridiculous
by Jason-Aeric Huenecke
The Third Proving:
Snapping Turtle was the third modern proving conducted at the Northwestern Academy
of Homeopathy, in 2004. Eric Sommermann, PhD, CCH, RSHom (NA) led this proving.
He sent a clutch of 10-15 snapping turtle eggs to Michael Quinn at Hahnemann
Laboratories, in San Rafael, California.
What’s in a Name?
Chelydra means “water turtle” from the Greek chelys, ‘turtle’, and hydra, ‘water’.
Serpentina is Latin for snakelike, and ovum indicates the egg of this creature.
Proving Mental Themes include but are not limited to:
Abandoned, ignored, left behind, left out, forsaken, and a sense of isolation or of being
Anger, fury, rampage, rage, extremely ill-tempered and irritable, with unfiltered
Apathy, depression, gray-minded, and sad
Aversion to company
Confusion, slow-minded
Curiosity coupled with efficiency
Deceit, lying, stealing, taking advantage of another, and treachery
Desire to, yet fear of sticking her neck out
Guilt and shame, long held
Homesickness, a sense of home, and homelessness; also, lost and trying to find her
way home
Industrious, high energy
Possessiveness and territoriality
Simpleminded and direct
Speech excited, loquacity
Victim and aggressor
Yearning for protection
Proving Physical Themes include but are not limited to:
Cold weather aggravates
Head, heat (accompanying by anger)
Mouth, slurred speech
Teeth, pain
Jaw pain
Extremities, coldness, formication, and pulsation
Food cravings for raw meat
Lack of vitality
Naked, unprotected
Stomach, nausea
Tightness throughout
Vertigo, room turns in a circle
When to Give Snapping Turtle:
Snapping Turtle is given when you see a quiet person, seemingly calm, who is also
hidden (believing that if they remain unseen, they won’t be attacked). They have
behaviors and symptoms similar to people who need snake remedies; however, their
responses are slow rather than quick, demonstrating a primitive aggression toward
others accompanied by jealousy and fierce independence.
This individual’s reactions are often out-of-proportion for the situation. The patient
appears slow, dazed and confused. The person needing this remedy is almost always
defensive. They will experience tightness throughout their bodies, especially tightness of
their jaws, grinding of their teeth, and have a great sensitivity on their necks. From
clinical experience it has been observed that there is a long history of abuse, deceit, and
treachery, as one patient reported, “no one has your back, so you’ve got to hunker
down and protect yourself.” Finally, these patients will report, “I practically raised
myself…” as their parents seemingly abandon them to work, or use drugs, or are off
Excerpts from the Proving that are Representative of Snapping Turtle:
Failure to Communicate and Desire to be Left Alone:
The classic, “I want to be left alone.” One prover reported, “A huge communication
failure; I would say that my response was that I did not even want to talk…and I
didn’t…I didn’t say a word unless I had to.” Another said, “I have very little desire to
socialize, and the mindless chatter of people is aggravating me more than usual.”
Slowness and Out-of-Proportion Reactivity:
In this proving of Snapping Turtle, the reaction time is slow, there is a trance-like
movement through daily activities, and the reaction is often strikingly out of proportion
to the actual situation. “I react to the most ridiculous things.” The response to this
reaction is a desire to hide and rest.
Hurried and Industrious:
With a sense that time is running out, the provers hurried themselves, only requiring
themselves to slow down and do their work with carefulness and attention to detail.
“I am feeling task oriented and industrious,” and “Now I must get to work. Industrious
is a word I keep thinking of… I want to be industrious. If I am not I feel worthless.”
Dreams of Abandonment, Being Shunned and Hopelessness:
“I was so sure I would be kicked out of the proving! I couldn’t bear the sound of that.
Why? Not being a part of the group. Not going to be a part of the bigger project. The
accomplishment would go on without me. I would be left behind. A nothing. While they
would go on to grand & great things, I would be this worm left behind. It was as if I
could see them take off into the sky and I was left behind...”
“I dreamt last night of seeing an abandoned child on the street and needing to help him
because his mother was sick. I felt very sad when I woke up. The feelings I had about
finding that abandoned child in my dream were very frustrating, but basically
protective. ...I was sad because I knew his situation was somewhat hopeless...”
Dreams of Being Lost and on the Wrong Track or Disoriented:
“At one point we were on the wrong road. I just had this sense we were on the wrong
track. I went to the map and I was right. It was dark and in the middle of the night, and
the road just didn’t feel right. I remembered traveling that way before and the road
didn’t feel right…”
“Losing my way. I was going to visit my grandmother, my dad’s mother. I have never
dreamt of her before. Driving in this very old urban area of the town I grew up in, a
very industrial area, with lots of railway underpasses, through the river valley. Turned
onto what I thought was her street and parked the car. I began to walk to her house,
and then remembered I brought something for dinner and had left it in the car. Tried to
go back to the car, but could not find it. I had only walked maybe three houses down
from my car, but I became very disoriented. I walked up and down the streets looking
for the car. I couldn’t even remember the name of the street. I asked this woman for
help. She said I could go to her high-rise apartment to see if I could see the car from
Dreams of Becoming Enraged (Out-of-Proportion Reaction):
“Staying at my mother’s house. I went to shower, but she had left a lampshade drying
in the shower that she had washed. Water went everywhere, all over everything, and I
became furious. I raged around, throwing the lampshade and the bath mat.”
“I wake up thirsty – very dry in throat and mouth all the way down to my lungs. Some
mucus in throat I am able to hawk up. Clear to whitish color, consistency of egg
“I feel pain in my left lower jaw like a toothache. The pain goes all the way up the left
side of my head. I decide to lie on my left side, the sore side. This seems to make it feel
better. I feel my heart beating strongly in my body and a strong pulsation throughout.”
Facts about the Common Snapping Turtle:
“The largest recorded common snapping turtle weighed 34 kg. Female snapping turtles
may make considerable migrations to find a suitable nesting site, with the longest
recorded round trip being a massive 16 km. The common snapping turtle’s extremely
varied diet makes it a somewhat flatulent species. Although the common snapping turtle
prefers shallow waters, it is capable of diving to depths of 2 or 3 m or more.
The common snapping turtle inhabits a wide range of water bodies, from rivers and
lakes to temporary ponds and marshes. However, this species tends to show a
preference for slow-moving waterways which have a sandy or soft mud bottom and an
abundance of aquatic vegetation. The water bodies inhabited by the common snapping
turtle are usually shallow, but this reptile can also be found along the edges of deep
lakes and rivers.
Beaver lodges and muskrat bank burrows are an important component of common
snapping turtle habitats, as this large reptile often uses such cavities for shelter.
Although considered to be a freshwater species, the common snapping turtle can
sometimes be found in brackish coastal waterways, including tidal creeks.
Surprisingly, the common snapping turtle is relatively tolerant of polluted waters, and is
one of relatively few reptiles which can regularly be found in acidic streams.
Juvenile common snapping turtles usually occur in shallower, vegetated habitats,
shifting to deeper water as they grow. This may be linked to a preference for taking
larger prey as an adult.”[1]
“In the beginning there was only one water and the water animals that lived in it. Then
a woman fell from a torn place in the sky. She was a divine woman, full of power. Two
loons ?ying over the water saw her falling. They ?ew under her, close together, making
a pillow for her to sit on. The loons held her up and cried for help. They could be heard
for a long way as they called for other animals to come. The snapping turtle called all
the other animals to aid in saving the divine woman’s life. The animals decided the
woman needed earth to live on. Snapping turtle said, ‘Dive down in the water and bring
up some earth.’ So they did….”[2]
[1] Morgana’s Observatory: Creation Myths. 1997-2006. [Online] Available:
[2] Wildscreen. ARKive: Common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina). 2003–2013.
Wildscreen is a registered charity promoting conservation through wildlife imagery | UK
charity no. 299450 | USA 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. [Online] Available:
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Closeup of turtle eggs deposited by a female snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina);
Moondigger; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license
Common snapping turtle; Leejcooper; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Unported license
Categories: Provings
Keywords: shunned, slowness, lost - disoriented, desire to - yet fear of sticking her
neck out, homesickness, home, homelessness, territoriality, primitive, victim and
aggressor, yearning for protection, desire to be alone
Remedies: Chelydra serpentina ovum
Fear of sticking my neck out: a case of snapping turtle egg
by Margaret Nelson
Case code: S = Subject; O = Observation; A = Action; P = Plan; HP = Homeopathic
Female, 53-years old; CC: Fear of sticking her neck out. There is long history of
family abuse, and betrayal.
O: This woman is a divorcée, mother of two teenage children, living in rural Minnesota.
She works as a Public Health Nurse for Indian Health Services. A medium in her own
way, she is currently writing a book on spirituality.
Initial consultation 3/12
S: “I have this underlying lack of trust: don’t let your guard down, always be ready.”
“I’ve developed habits that help me take care of biz, carry on.”
“I need movement to be connected spiritually. I especially need to be outdoors, around
MIND - EFFICIENT, organized
MIND - FEAR - advantage being taken of
“In my job, I have lots of opportunities to help others, but I often pull back.
As for my book, I’ll have to put myself out there. This makes me very uncomfortable. As
a child, if I stuck my neck out something negative always happened. It’s not safe. So I
pull back, it’s more protective. I make myself smaller, less visible. Less vulnerable.”
The patient describes a sensation of opening, expanding in space, and then tightening,
clenching, and interlocking.
[O: Hand gesture with her fingers interlaced]
“It’s not just withdrawing or hiding under the covers; my body tenses into some sort of
gridlock. Armored. Shielded. AAAGH!!”
[O: She sticks her tongue out with this exasperation]
“My mom was never there for me. I always feel out of place. Alone and sad. Like I
don’t have a home. My husband recreated that neglect and abandonment. Sometimes
he would not talk or look at me for four days in a row.”
MIND - DELUSIONS - appreciated, she is not
MIND - HOME - desires to go
MIND - HOMESICKNESS - even in her own house
“So if I expand out, stick my neck out, I’ll be treated like a dog turd. I’m not going to
go out there…”
[O: Hand gesture pointing outward, extending, expanded arms]
“I’m going to go back inward.”
[O: Hand gesture fingers interlaced, interlocked shield]
“I am a very sensitive person. As a kid I felt bombarded all the time.”
MIND - SENSES - acute
“I am always vigilant; never able to let somebody love me, to be with somebody naked
and unashamed.”
Note: Naked, revealed, R. Sankaran: Testudines
The patient reports symptoms of difficulty swallowing, sensations as if a rock in her
throat; tight, and constricted.
[O: Hand gestures just under her jaw; pulling her mouth into a macabre grin.]
FACE - PAIN - Jaws
“I have good quality sleep, just not enough. Holy smokes – babies, divorce, hot
flashes, it’s been decades."
“I don’t feel secure financially, I’m always crawling to the next paycheck, and I can’t
always buy groceries. This causes me a lot of anxiety, around getting my next meal and
feeding my kids.”
MIND - ANXIETY - food - about
“I want to feel less restricted, freer.”
“It feels like I’m afraid to come out.”
“In my chest I can feel like a book opening.
Ah hah! A book opening!”
[O: Laughter]
CHEST - OPPRESSION (tightness)
Key points to consider:
Yearning for protection
Desire, yet fear of sticking her neck out
Naked, unprotected
Jaw pain
Tightness throughout
Repertorization using Synthesis 9.1 rubrics:
MIND - ANXIETY - food - about
MIND - DELUSIONS - appreciated, she is not
MIND - EFFICIENT, organized
MIND - FEAR - advantage being taken of
MIND - HOME - desires to go
MIND - HOMESICKNESS - even in her own house
MIND - SENSES - acute
FACE - PAIN - Jaws
Analysis: I learned about Chelydra serpentine ovum from the proving completed at the
Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy. I first thought of Chelydra serpentine ovum in
this case because of her imagery of wanting protection yet needing to “stick her neck
out.” The case demonstrates the reptilian struggle between being seen, naked and
unashamed, and remaining covered up, along with the specific experience of the turtle
that moves with ease in water vs. the difficulties of moving slowly, laboriously about on
The proving brought out muddy-headed, dreamy, almost trance-like themes: the name
of her channeled book refers to Grandmother Dreams and Seeing across the Veil.
Clairvoyance, anyone??
She demonstrated striking hand gestures just under her jaw; pulling her mouth into a
macabre grin reminded me of a snapping turtle’s beak. As if she was clenching her
mouth tight to keep from “coming out” when it feels risky to do so.
Native American symbolic themes of Turtle as Mother Earth and as the bridge between
worlds are significant; I consider this in light of her occupation and feel it adds another
dimension to the case. Her simple, straightforward manner, irritability around never
enough time to get everything done, smoldering resentment at having to do both the
man’s and woman’s work, and yet, an open-hearted desire to help the defenseless, with
a sense of indignation, add to the abovementioned rubrics seen in the proving.
P: Chelydra serpentina ovum 200C one dose.
Follow up 5/12
Note: The patient reports immediately upon taking the remedy she felt unusually
irritable, and went into hiding, under the covers. A week later, she told her “freeloading” and “abusive” boyfriend to move out. She began working on the completion of
her book.
S: “It’s like cleaning the cat box, it stinks, clean it out, move on to the next thing. I feel
my world enlarging again. I know it’s the homeopathy!”
MIND - CLEANNESS - desire for cleaning
MIND - TRUTH - telling the plain truth
Note: 7/12 The book was sent to the printer for publication.
“Hoooooh-wah!! Life is good.”
Follow up 11/12
S: “I’ve experienced some depression and a shift coming. I dreamt of being included in
a group of native women sitting in circle, while my parents were accusing, blaming,
turning away. I thought: I can get defensive with my family, or join these women in
forgiveness and belonging.”
“I don’t want someone else in my small house. I don’t need to be partnered anymore.”
“I feel more in the world; taking my place as it’s meant to be. I have to trust…. I have
to stick my neck out! I just feel like there’s no risk that I will go back to how I was!”
Note: This reminded me of how Snapping turtles can store their eggs for years and do
not need to rely on a mate.
Follow up 2/13
“I am definitely more comfortable talking about what’s in the book. I am sticking my
neck out without fear. I also feel a little unsettled, at the mouth of the cave, knowing I’ll
end up in the earth’s center. It’s a bridging thing…. I have a foot in both worlds. I also
had a past life memory of having my tongue cut out. There’s still some fear about
speaking out; I’ve had this since a very young age, this sense of what’s unjust;
experiencing bullying and adults treating their children badly. It’s upsetting when people
witness this behavior and don’t stand up. I have to be the one who stands up and be
willing to stick my neck out. My sleep is refreshing. I am a new person thanks to the
Final Analysis: Continual marked improvement on all levels: The patient is opening up
to her more soft and vulnerable interior, daring to show and be herself gracefully, with
increasing self-esteem. She still feels torn between two worlds at times but is
determined to search for ways to bridge and connect from her growing edge. She is less
resentful and less anxious about limited money, food, family situation, or work
challenges. She says is much more able to speak her mind, to stick her neck out!
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Chelydra serpentina; Andrea Westmoreland; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
2.0 Generic license
Categories: Cases
Keywords: anxiety, confusion, forsaken, hopelessness, homesick, desire protection,
naked, unprotected, tightness throughout, Pain jaw, throat constriction
Remedies: Chelydra serpentina ovum
Common loon proving: the phoenix of the Lakes
by Jason-Aeric Huenecke
The Fourth Proving:
The fourth modern proving conducted by the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy
took place in 2006 with a feather of the Common Loon (gavia immer) led by Jason-Aeric
Huenecke, CCH, RSHom (NA).
Preparing the Substance:
One whole feather from the common loon sourced from the Queen Charlotte Islands, off
the northwest coast of British Columbia, Canada was triturated. The remedy is available
at Helios pharmacy.
What’s in a Name?
Gavia immer, the Common Loon, the Great Northern Diver. Gavia is Latin for ‘sea
smew’ (loons are not smew); the speci?c meaning of ‘immer’ is etymologically
unknown. The Latin word ‘immergo’, means to immerse, and ‘immersus’ means, deeply
submerged; the Swedish words immer and emmer are terms for the grey or blackened
ashes of a ?re, and are associated with the loon’s dark plumage. Other names include
big loon, black-billed loon, call-up-a-storm, ember-goose, greenhead, guinea-duck,
imber diver, ring-necked loon and Walloon.
Proving Mental Themes include but are not limited to:
Carefree, no worries
Contagion, contamination, dirty, and disgusting
Disconnected, spaced-out
Exhaustion, prostration
Insects (six out of 18 provers had insect themes in thoughts, experiences, and dreams)
Keeping a distance from others
Nature, loves
Vivaciousness, playfulness, and sexuality
Water themes, flowing, and floating
Proving Physical Themes include but are not limited to:
Acuity and heightened senses: vision, hearing
Air hunger, desire for fresh air
Dryness throughout
Extremities: pain, trembling, and weakness
Eyes: red, dry, crusty, irritated, and sensitive
Heat and burning sensations
Pains: piercing, sticking, poking, and pricking
Throat prominence
From Clinical Practice:
Ailments from bad news
Ailments from betrayal
Anger, sudden
Appetite ravenous
Confidence, want of self-confidence
Desire and attempts to escape
Fear of being attacked
Fear of ghosts
Irritability alternating with patience
Peace, yearning for
Sadness, chronic, and deep
Sinking sensations
Wavelike sensations
Dreams of being separated from people
Dreams of storms, thunderstorms, and of tsunamis
When to give the Loon:
The individual needing the loon remedy will feel separated or distant from other people
in their family of origin or profession or in relationships overall. They desire or crave
alone time, to drift, float, and contemplate. They are deep thinkers and feelers. They
are very sensitive to the needs of others and respect others by giving them space. They
do not understand why others do not respect personal space and feel compelled to
leave or escape relationship dynamics that create a sense of entrapment, feeling
cornered, or misunderstood.
They have a deep yearning for peace and are often mystical and superstitious. Strong
fears of ghosts have appeared in clinical practice and fear of vampires appeared in the
You may have given remedies from the Natrums or Magnesiums when the loon was
required. Consider this remedy when the person has long lasting grief and
disappointment. This grief is ameliorated by isolation. It takes a long time and
separation to get over the feeling of disappointed love and feeling of being abandoned
for the loon individual until this remedy is administered. They are observers of life and
become more active participators after the curative effects of the remedy commence.
Excerpts from the Proving that are Representative of the Loon:
The Major Theme of the Loon was Grief:
There were twenty one entries featuring the theme of grief in this proving. In one
instance, the prover felt a dependence on others that was marked by helplessness, and
then a sense of waiting for others to come to the rescue, only ending up feeling loss. In
another prover’s dream there was a fear of some alien-creature that would attack and
torture her and her children, feeling that she was with her child in the last hours of their
lives; as their essences were being drained, she writes, “My child and I were nearing
the end and we knew it, we were doomed…”
Dreams of the dead and the grief that these dreams elicited. Also, the awareness that
grief and loss serve as reminders that we are still alive: “Today I felt melancholic as
they were speaking about parenting a child. I thought about our children and reflected
back on the fact we have become empty nesters. I became somewhat pensive as I
thought about our kids and the time that has passed. It felt good to feel emotion with
some intensity again. It lets me know that I am alive!”
Being on High Alert:
Dream: “I was with my partner in an upstairs bedroom with a conjoining bathroom. She
was in the bathroom and I was in the bedroom with a towel around my waist. There
were two doors to the bedroom. The far door was open. Through the open door, I saw a
man coming up the stairs. I closed the door. I had a bad feeling that he was going to
come in the room. I grabbed a knife and went to lock the other door. As I moved
toward it, he came through it. My partner was around the corner and could see me, but
not the man. I tried to yell out to her, to warn her, but nothing would come out of my
mouth. I was very frightened. I felt helpless, despite being the only one with a weapon.
Normally, I am matter of fact in these dream situations.”
“Being on guard for me means that I am participating in whatever is happening at the
moment, but I am wary that something bad might happen and that I am looking out for
it so I can protect myself.”
Dream: “I was in a different house and people of ill intent were encroaching or already
there and threatening in some fashion that is not clear now. It was as if something may
be a threat. Like I had to be smart and figure out how to get out of this!”
“There is a tension inside; you want to be seen, but you don’t want to be seen. Who’s
doing the watching? Who’s the watcher? Are you a target, is it predatory? Or are being
enjoyed? You never know.”
Wanting to be Attractive, Sensuality:
“I am looking at men I see in cars or in their yards in a different way, more like
scrutinizing them, interested in seeing how they look, and judging if I find them
attractive. Usually I would tend to avoid eye contact, but I want to really see them. I
greet them and wonder if they find me attractive?”
“I felt rather bold, and walked around the man, looked him in the eye, smiled, and said,
‘no, he’s not my husband but he looks pretty good!’ He responded, ‘She’s a looker, too!’
and we all had a good laugh. That was an unusual thing for me to do with a man I don’t
know. He was a good-looking man about my age. Afterwards, I felt surprised that I did
it, but it felt good.”
“I was at a pagan party. I was excited to join the festivities as I arrived but realized I
was tired and it was late, so I just decided to sleep in the house that was overlooking
the backyard where the party was taking place. While in the house, a friend makes a
pass at me, I am bothered by this, yet a little interested in her advance.”
Sinking Sensation:
Several provers reported sinking sensations. “My brain seems clear, but my body feels
heavy and dense. When I lay down, it’s as if my body is sinking…” and “Sinking in chair,
my back is folding in on itself, round and soft pulsation.” Pulsations and wave-like
One prover had an alteration and subsequent amelioration of a familiar old symptom, “I
experienced heart irregularities that felt stronger and different from the heart
palpitations I have had for years. It lasted only a few seconds but was very noticeable. I
did not experience the usual weakness or feel like I lost my breath, but it was rather
disturbing. It was a very strong and distinct pounding of my heart that felt like it was
beating really hard against a wall. 3 - 4 beats, preceded by a familiar sinking sensation
for a split second.”
Dream: “I’m driving and see a woman on a motorcycle hit a semi-truck right in front of
me; her head is smashed like a pumpkin. I feel the sinking in my gut, search for my
phone, can’t find it, or it doesn’t work. Helpless feeling, at the same time, I know it’s
too late for her, her head is smashed. I yell for others around me to call 911! Everyone
(maybe 15 people) pulls out a cell phone and make calls.”
“It’s like I need to take action, but I can’t; I’m frozen and suffocating with anger. I’m
not angry anymore, I just have that sinking feeling, lump in throat, and I’m worse
thinking about the event.”
Description of the Common Loon:
“Referred to as the ‘spirit of northern waters,’ the Common Loon is recognized as a
symbol of unspoiled wilderness. In breeding plumage, this water bird is black-headed
with a heavy, black, dagger-like bill, dark red eyes, a black collar, a white necklace,
prominent white checks on the back, and white under-parts. In non-breeding plumage,
the body is essentially grayish above and whitish below, with varying amounts of white
showing on the side of the head. Dark traces of the collar are often visible. In the
winter, the bill is lighter and of a grayish hue. Juveniles are similar to adults in winter
plumage, but have more prominent barring across the back. A distinctive feature of the
loon is its eerie, yodel-like call that can be heard on northern lakes where nesting
occurs and on wintering areas in late winter and early spring.”[1]
Loons in Mythology:
“The Loon symbolizes peace, tranquility, communication, serenity, and generosity.
With a generous and giving nature, Loon features significantly in the art and mythology
of Canadian First Nations Peoples. Loon is famous for its unique and often haunting
voice, and is respected for its knowledge of various realms. Animals with unique vocal
talents are held in high regard by Northwest Coast peoples, who traditionally perceive
words, voice and song as carriers of power and magic. Loon is associated with copper
and wealth.
In the years of the great flood that took over our lands, a loon carried a willow branch
across the water, bringing hope to the nation by telling the people the water was
A delightful children’s book entitled How the Loon Lost Her Voice, also know as Raven
Steals the Light, retells the Northwest coast Indian myth of Loon and Raven, how all the
animals rallied to retrieve the daylight from behind its wall of ice after it was stolen by
evil spirits. The theme of ghosts, vampires, and other spirits featured strongly in this
[1] New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Common Loon Fact
Sheet. 2012. [Online]. Available: http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7074.html
[2] Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre: British Columbia Aboriginal Legend & Symbology:
The Loon. 2001. [Online]. Available: http://shop.slcc.ca/legends-symbology?page=1
[3] Cameron, Anne. Illustrations by Tara Miller. 2010. Madeira Park, British Columbia:
Harbour Publishing: Books of the Pacific Northwest.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Close-up of the head of a Common Loon; public domain
Categories: Provings
Keywords: grief, carefree, contamination, disconnected, exhaustion, industriousness,
irritability, keeping a distance from others, over-sensitivity, sinking sensation,
vivaciousness, playfulness, sexuality, vigilance, water
Remedies: Gavia immer
I go up and down: a case of common loon
by Jason-Aeric Huenecke
Case code: S = Subject; O = Observation; A = Action; P = Plan; HP = Homeopathic
Female, 34-years old; CC: Ailments from love disappointed; allergies, drug use,
and obesity, joint pain; family history of betrayal, alcohol, and drug use.
O: This patient arrives wearing all black. She is 5’6” tall and weighs 210 lbs.
Initial consultation 1/05
S: “Where do I begin? I think that would be by talking about the tsunami that just
devastated the Indian Ocean last week. I have had dreams of floods and tsunamis all
my life even though I’ve lived in Minnesota, where we have flooding, but not the kind of
flooding that I experience in my dreams. In these dreams I am separated from the
people I love. I watched the evening news and felt like I completely resonated with the
loss and devastation that these people are feeling; I go up and down.”
[O: Weeping silently as she speaks]
DREAMS - SEPARATED; being - people
DREAMS - STORMS - tsunami (suggested rubric)
“In my life, the floods began when I was a child; my parents were wild and highly
sexual. They were constantly having affairs and betraying each other. I was always a
silent observer, just trying to keep a distance from them and trying to get my needs
met from them. When things got bad, I turned to food. I cannot stop eating, especially
in the morning. I go up and down with this. It’s terrible.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - betrayed; from being
STOMACH - APPETITE - increased – morning
Now, as an adult, I am in a long-term ongoing affair with a married man; I am my
mother. I am so disappointed with myself. I am having these waves of grief wash over
me. I have no freedom in this relationship. The man I love is unavailable to me. I am
unavailable to me. I have been in weight loss programs and yo-yo dieting since I was in
my teens. My weight is so up and down.
I am a fashion and beauty consultant. My career is up and down. I have almost no
confidence. Look at me, how can someone who is so overweight and unable to keep a
relationship going be a fashion consultant for others? I am totally jealous of the
attractive young women in my profession.”
MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence
HP: Please describe ‘up and down’ a little more?
S: “I am totally up and down; I am like the tsunami. I don’t feel anything, I am
completely numb; I feel totally unable to respond to good news, like marriage and birth
announcements. I should feel something, but I feel nothing, I am completely closed off
and shut down. Then I watch the evening news and suddenly the ground beneath me,
or within me, shakes me to the core, and I am flooded with emotion, grief, a grief like
you cannot imagine. It takes me up, riding on the wave, and then crashes me down. Up
and down is like that. It is completely overwhelming and it’s like ground hog day. It’s a
cyclic thing. Like the seasons, or like a migration.”
HP: Like a migration?
S: “Yes, like birds that migrate; it just happens that they have to go where they go,
they cannot stop their migration. That’s what the tsunami-feelings are like for me. No
emotion, numbed out, over-eating, and then, suddenly, shaken to the core by
something totally unrelated and then boom, the flood occurs…
[O: Long pause, then changing the subject]
I have been smoking since I was 11 years old. I started with tobacco and migrated to
pot. I smoke pot whenever I start to feel those inner waves beginning. It’s a vicious
circle because I start to feel these unprocessed emotions and then I smoke pot and
then I eat, I get this ravenous appetite.
I also have allergies, asthma-like symptoms, wheezing; this gets worse when my
weight is up, and better when my weight is down.”
HP: What are your allergy symptoms?
S: “Itchy ears, nose, throat, and eyes. My eyes turn bright red, and weep; sometimes
they get crusty. I sneeze and sneeze continuously. I blow my nose so much that my
nose hurts. I also get joint pain. I think that’s related to the allergies, but it is worse
when my weight is up, like it is now.
I am very afraid of ghosts. I get so irritable; once the tsunami flooding comes, that
goes away for awhile, and then it comes back. I sound like I am such a lonely bird.”
MIND - FEAR - ghosts, of
NOSE - SNEEZING - constant
Key points to consider:
Ailments from disappointed love
Substance abuse: food, tobacco, and marijuana
Repertorization using Synthesis 9.1 rubrics:
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - betrayed; from being
MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence
MIND - FEAR - ghosts, of
NOSE - SNEEZING - constant
STOMACH - APPETITE - increased - morning
DREAMS - SEPARATED; being - people
DREAMS - STORMS - tsunami (suggested rubric)
Analysis: The repertorization brings up Silica terra, Calcarea carbonica, Sulphur, and
Natrum muriaticum; at the time of this repertorization I decided to give Natrum
muriaticum. The patient gradually improved emotionally, subtle emotional
empowerment, and gradual improvements. I started her on Natrum muriaticum
200C, followed by Natrum muriaticum LM 1, the LM was increased every six weeks
for about two years, and then the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy did the double
blind proving of Gavia immer.
At the final meeting for the proving, before the substance was revealed, I immediately
thought of this long suffering patient. At the revealing of the substance, I prescribed
Gavia immer 200C one single dose (the remedy was unlabeled). The grief, loss, fear
of ghosts, allergies, seemingly every symptom that this woman had demonstrated was
covered by this newly proven remedy.
P: Gavia immer 200C one single dose
Follow-up 5/06
Note: One month after the change of remedy
S: “What was in that remedy? I immediately felt shaken to the core, and then the floods
came, both in my life and in my dreams. I dreamed of being in my bed and a tsunami
hit, washing my house and all of my neighbors’ houses out to sea, I was pulled under
the water and I was filled with terror, sheer terror and panic. Then I realized I could
dive, getting out of the current of the tsunami. I dove and dove, it got darker and
darker, but I was not afraid. Then, when the danger had passed, I swam to the
surface. I found my bed, and bedding scattered about; I no longer had a house, but I
had my bed, so I made my bed and went about my day.”
HP: What was the feeling in this dream?
S: “Sheer terror. It was as if all of my fears were brought to the surface at once. I woke
up sobbing. I have been crying for six weeks. It’s as if the flood gates were opened
once and for all. I called my boyfriend, the married man, and told him that I could not
limit myself anymore by staying in a relationship that was going no where. I cannot
betray myself any more. This time when the feelings arose, I didn’t feel like I was going
up and down like I have in the past. I didn’t turn to pot or cigarettes or food.
I started kayaking in the rivers around my home. I also started going to Nia dance
classes. I’ve lost 10 lbs. I feel lighter. I didn’t start a diet, but my appetite decreased,
and I am craving fresh fruits and vegetables.
Oh, immediately upon taking the remedy I began sneezing, and my nose began running
like a faucet. That lasted for eight or nine days. Then it stopped.
The other strange thing that happened (besides the fact that I started exercising for the
first time in my life) is that I started to feel as though someone was behind me. I have
a fear of ghosts, I have had it all my life. When I was kayaking last week I saw the
most amazing bird, an albino loon. I thought to myself, I need to find a mate for life.
The loon silently followed me for two miles down river. It was as though we had been
separated for lifetimes and now we were reunited (even though we didn’t exchange a
word, only an occasional glance we were reunited). I always felt homeopathy was
helping me, but this remedy has changed my life forever. I can feel it in my bones. I
feel more confident, as though I found myself.”
P: Gavia immer LM 2 QD 7 gtts. in 4 oz distilled H2O
Final Analysis: This patient is currently on Gavia immer LM 27. She has had
remarkable improvements on all levels; shortly after LM 7 she decided to go to the
Hoffman Institute, a week-long residential retreat that helps people identify and
transform self-sabotaging patterns and behavior. She came back and began to speak
from the depth of her being regarding her feelings and struggles with substance abuse
and childhood abuse. Recently, she reported, “I always looked for another to fulfill me,
when all along it had to be me.” She currently weighs 140 lbs. and no longer
experiences ups and downs through-out her life. She purchased a salon and lives life
more fully than ever before. I have kept her on the LM dosing because at the end of
each dose dreams of tsunamis return, although her response to these dreams is
lessening over time and she feels that the LM helps her to maintain her confidence and
healthy eating habits.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Gavia immer; The.Rohit; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Categories: Cases
Keywords: grief, betrayal, disappointed love, substance abuse, fear ghosts, allergies,
tsunami, obesity, joint pain, wavelike sensation
Remedies: Gavia immer
Doug Brown
Posts: 1
Migrating into the Depths of the Case
Reply #1 on : Tue October 01, 2013, 03:23:56
Greetings Jason-Aeric! I love this beautiful case, how up and down became
cycles, and ultimately migrations. Then she identifies herself as the
migrating, lonely bird. The reunion with the actual loon on her kayaking
trip is one of the most beautiful and touching healing moments,
exemplifying the underlying tendencies of synchronicity and the Law of
Similars when one becomes aligned with universal flow and meaning. In
this case, thanks to your work, not only in the beautiful case witnessing,
but in the trituration. Thanks to you for ALL of your great work. We, the
homeopathic community, are in debt to you!
Panorama: seminars and books
by Editor
Simultaneous translation: English/French French/English
Au plaisir de vous retrouver les 4, 5, 6 octobre prochains
Lieu du Congrès : UIC-P, 16 Rue JEAN REY, 75015 PARIS.
Métro : Bir Hakeim / RER : C
Homeopathy Congress March
14 – 16, 2014
"Homeopathy – from
Childhood to Old Age"
How to get there
Seminar times
Following the highly successful congresses of recent years, with up to 500 participants
from 30 countries, we are now pleased to announce the upcoming 2014 homeopathy
congress: "Homeopathy – from childhood to old age." Leading homeopaths from
around the world will be presenting their individual approaches to the treatment of
children and elderly patients - from ADHD, behavioural disturbances, and typical
illnesses of childhood through Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses
that occur more often with increasing age. A multifaceted congress that promises to be
a highlight for 2014.
The popular Dutch doctor Resie Moonen kicks off the congress with her report on the
Lanthanides for children. She presents impressive cases of learning and behavioural
difficulties as well as autoimmune disease. The English doctor Jonathan Hardy, who
was very enthusiastically received at previous congresses, shows the great potential of
spider remedies for children with problems such as ADHD, sleeplessness, and motor
disturbances. NEW: Sunirmal Sarkar (another insider’s tip) gives valuable notes on
the homeopathic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well as on the application of
potentised chemotherapy as treatment of cancer.
On the second day, the well-known Indian homeopath Alok Pareek draws on his
extensive clinical experience to discuss neurological disturbances, including the major
theme of "Alzheimer's dementia" in elderly patients. Rosina Sonnenschmidt offers
reports of healed cases of muscular atrophy, borreliosis, and early-onset dementia,
including some powerful live cases. The French doctor Jean-Lionel Bagot shows how
he treats cancer patients, achieving an astonishing reduction in the severity of side
effects from conventional treatment. On the final day the well-known Swiss homeopath
Heiner Frei shows how polarity analysis makes it possible to run a busy paediatric
practice with 40 patients a day. Heidi Brand and Norbert Groeger introduce us to the
remedy picture of the alga Chara intermedia, which has provoked a flurry of interest,
proving especially popular for geriatric cases. Wrapping up is the Israeli homeopath
Michal Yakir, who shows how childhood behavioural disturbances can be treated with
the insights from her groundbreaking discoveries in the typology of plants.
Rose quartz by Peter Tumminello
Precious stones have long been recognized as having power over diseases and
Rose Quartz in particular has been known for its use in ‘matters of the heart’.
Having written his fundamental work “Twelve Jewels”, Peter Tumminello realized that
was a “thirteenth jewel” of similar importance, which he found to be Rose Quartz.
Using the results of experiments with this stone in homeopathic form and rich practical
experience, Peter shines a floodlight on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
and powers of this iconic stone. Impressive cases including depression and anxiety give
beautiful picture of its deep-acting effects, providing a clear understanding of the
essence of
this jewel of the heart.
Rose Quartz is a remedy needed by those who struggle with love and being loved, with
spirituality and universal love, with self-love and giving love to their family members
and others.
Overburdened with responsibility, enmeshed and lost in care for others, with loss of
identity and
self – these themes speak strongly through the language of Rose Quartz.
The heart of homeopathy by Ruth Raspe
A different way of studying homeopathy. Using familiar key phrases, the homeopath
Ruth Raspe
introduces us to over 80 of the most important homeopathic remedies.
Witty and succinct phrases or concepts like “What a shock!” for Aconite, “Baroque
angel!” for
Calcarea carbonica, “My wife is having an affair!” for Hyoscyamus, or “Must look in
every mirror!”
for Phosphorus help us remember the picture of each of these remedies.
Together with these phrases, the descriptions include important mental and physical
plus guiding symptoms, modalities and some special tips.
This smart little book is an ideal supplement to the common remedy pictures and
facilitates the choice
of remedy with its straightforward approach.
- Key phrases for over 80 remedies
- Easy to remember
- Quick to grasp
Just You See by Surnimal Sarkar
Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar is one of the busiest practitioners in West Bengal. He was a
professor of Materia
Medica at The National Institute of Homoeopathy in Kolkata. He sees over 100 patients
per day, with
more than 50 cancer cases. In 30 years of clinical practice, Dr. Sarkar's tremendous
success in
pathological cases has compelled the rest of the homoeopathic world to witness what he
is doing and
how he is doing it.
Dr. Sarkar is a dedicated and voracious reader of the Materia Medica, Repertory, and
Clinical Medicine.
He is a master of Allen's Keynotes, Boericke's Materia Medica, Kent Repertory, and
Pulford's Materia
Medica. His affinity and desire for reading, depth of understanding, innovative thinking
and extensive
clinical practice, have created a unique approach, which is inclusive of his case-taking
follow-ups, and potency selection.
Just You See is the favorite phrase of Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar while he is teaching his
students. The unique
style and approach he adopts in his cases and lectures is remarkable and is summarized
by this very phrase.
Dr. Sarkar habitually gives examples of clinical situations, along with clinical symptoms
of the patient. He
then shows us where the peculiarity can be found, even in the black and white
symptoms, and he reveals
the hidden values in the pages of our Materia Medica and Repertory.
Just You See symbolizes a broadening of knowledge, which brings to light the countless
amounts of symptoms
and approaches that Dr. Sarkar uses in clinical practice. Aside from the traditional tools
utilized in
homoeopathic practice, such as the Materia Medica and Repertory, Dr. Sarkar uses
several other interesting
sources such as Indian Drugs, Potentized Allopathic Drugs, Sarcodes, and Organ
Remedies to name a few.
For the first time, his ideas, approaches, and cases have been systematically recorded
in an easy to follow style.
This book is entirely based on homoeopathic clinical practice and is a must read for any
homoeopathic practitioner.