with Benjamin Acosta-Hughes - University of Michigan Library


Curriculum Vitae of TIMOTHY RENNER

March 2007 – short version

Dept. of Classics & General Humanities

Montclair State University

Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

(973)655-7420, email: rennert@mail.montclair.edu

14 Alexander Ave.

Upper Montclair, NJ

07043 (973-783-4087)

B.A. Yale University, 1968 (Classics: Latin, magna cum laude)

M.A., 1969, Ph.D., 1974, The University of Michigan (Classical Studies)


1972-73: Instructor, Classics, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin

1973-74: Instructor, Classics, Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois

1974-: Assistant to Full (1989-) Professor, Classics and General Humanities, Montclair State University; Dept.

Chair, 1980-81, 1982-present; Director, Institute for the Humanities, 1986-present;

Coordinator, Interdepartmental Archaeology Program.


Columbia Papyri, Volume VIII . Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990, co-authored with Roger S. Bagnall and Klaas A. Worp

20 articles in journals, congress proceedings, and edited volumes, including the following recent examples:

"Geography: The Aeolian Islands, Sicily, and Myth (P. Mich. inv. 1544)," in T. Gagos, A. Hanson, C. Roemer, P.

Sijpesteijn (eds.), Papyri from the University of Michigan Collections Published in Honor of Ludwig Koenen ,

Amsterdam 1996, 11-15

Edition of P. Mich. inv. 5980 (Plato, Phaedo 99a4-b4, 100a5-b9) in Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici, Part I, Vol. II: Autori

Noti, ed. A. Carlini and M. Funghi, Firenze: L.S. Olschki Editore, 1999, 212-222

"A Treatise on Rhetoric and Style," Papyri in Honorem Johannis Bingen , ed. H. Melaerts, Brussels 2000, 43-46

"A New Fragment of the Metiochos and Parthenope Romance," Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia ,

ed. M. Manfredi, Florence 2000, 35-40 (with J. Alvares)

“Review Article: Bastianini, G. and C. Gallazzi, eds.

. Papiri dell'Università degli Studi di Milano – VIII. Posidippo

di Pella: Epigrammi (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309),” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 37 (2002) 143-162

(with Benjamin Acosta-Hughes)

“The Aesthetics of Hexameter Verses: A new Fragment on Metre in the Michigan Collection,” Akten des XXIII.

Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Wien 2001, ed. Hermann Harrauer u. Bernhard Palme, Vienna:

Harrasowitz, 2004, 8 pages (in press)

“Literary Papyri,” 25pp. invited chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology , ed. R. Bagnall, Oxford Un. Pr. 2006.

23 conference papers; the following are representative:

"New Light on the Myth of Actaeon," American Philological Association (APA), Chicago, December 1973

"A New Fragment on Ptolemaic History," Association Internationale de Papyrologues, Oxford, July 1974

"Demographic Methods and the Study of Antiquity," Duquesne History Forum, Pittsburgh, October 1982

"A Prose Geographical-Mythographical Text on Sicily and the Islands of Aeolus," Association Internationale de

Papyrologues, Naples, May 1983

"Roman Law in a General Education Program," American Philological Association, San Antonio, December 1986

"Notes on the Familia Caesaris in Roman Egypt," Conference on "Egitto dall'ellenismo all' eta' araba," Bologna,

September 1987

"Excavations at Tel Hadar, 1989: An Early Iron Age Fortified Stronghold in theGolan," (with I. Spar and M. Kochavi),

Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, December 1989

"Papyrology and Documentary Archives from Dacia and Campania," Association Internationale de Papyrologues,

Copenhagen, August 1992

“A Complete Classics Department: Classics, Archaeology, and Humanities for the Suburban Masses,” APA Annual

Meeting, San Francisco, January 2004

Respondent for panel on “Latin Teacher Training Programs: Meeting the Challenges of the Next Century,” sponsored by the APA Education Committee (E. Keitel, Chair), APA/AIA Annual Meeting, Montréal, January 2006.

Organizer and chair of six conference panels (American Philological Association, Friends of Ancient History,

American Society of Papyrologists) on approaches to ancient social history, on the uses of papyri, and on the culture of

Greco-Roman Egypt.

In preparation: articles on literary and semi-literary papyri from the Hellenistic and Roman periods; article on the reuse of documentary papyrus rolls for writing literary texts; article on Cicero’s ideal state and the American Founding

Fathers; monograph on Roman imperial slaves and freedmen in Egypt.


--Invited colloquia at Bryn Mawr, University of Michigan, Fordham, Universitaet Freiburg, Yale on ancient documentary texts and on literary papyri, e.g. “A Tale of Two Surfaces: A Register from the Mendesian Nome

Reused to Copy Grammar” at Summer Seminar on Papyrology and the Roman East, sponsored by the American

Society of Papyrologists and the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, July 2003

--Numerous talks and presentations on classical studies, archaeology, classical political thought, and the classical tradition for MSU Institute for the Humanities programs for secondary school students and teachers and as part of

MSU Center for Archaeological Studies’ in-school workshops for K-12.

--Three illustrated popular lectures to Northern N.J. Archaeological Institute of America chapter, e.g.

"Searching for the Decapolis: Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians in the Jordan Valley," MSU, December 1995


-Editor , Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists , 1996-present

-Manuscript referee for Classical World, Classical Bulletin, Yale University Press Classical Monographs series

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS – principal offices and responsibilities:

-American Society of Papyrologists: President, 1998-2002

-Classical Association of the Atlantic States: President, 1988-89

-Archaeological Institute of America: President and Program Chair, Northern New

Jersey Society, 1994-2005

-Friends of Ancient History: President, 1990-92

-New Jersey Classical Association: Executive Committee (New Jersey Colleges Representative), 1985-present


-External evaluator, Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, New Jersey City University, spring 1998

-Referee for NEH collections grants

-Co-directed (with M. Kochavi, P. Beck, I. Spar) excavations at Tel Hadar, an Iron Age fortified stronghold in the

Golan Israel) – 1987-1993

-New Jersey Archaeological Consortium on-site liaison person to Japanese Ein-Gev (Israel) Expedition (Iron II,

Hellenistic) - summer 1990

-Montclair State University, College of Humanities & Social Sciences: Chaired search for Dean, chaired undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees, chaired numerous Classics, General Humanities, and

Anthropology faculty search committees, chaired committee to develop M.A. in Humanities.


History/archaeology/humanities: Greek and Roman history surveys, Roman Law, The Roman Republic, Introduction to Classical Archaeology, Ancient Urbanism, "Biblical" History and Archaeology, The Rise of the State in Greece and

Egypt, Honors Seminar in Modern Intellectual History and the Development of Archaeology as a Discipline),

Humanities I (Ancient/Medieval), Classicism and American Culture, Classical Mythology, Ancient Epic Poetry,

Classical Roots of English Vocabulary, Greek Political Thought

Greek and Latin: All elementary and intermediate levels, Ovid, Roman Comedy, Roman Lyric Poetry, Roman

Historians, Roman Biographers, Cicero & Pliny Letters, Vergil, Latin Literature Readings for Republic, Golden Age,

Silver Age, Middle Ages, The Age of Nero, Advanced Latin Grammar & Composition. Greek Historians, Tragedy,

New Testament, Homer.
