Governer Cuomo - The Nature Conservancy

We have included a draft letter of support for you to use when contacting Governor Cuomo. Feel free to edit the
letter as you see fit or to write your own. On the following pages we have also included message points describing
the benefits of Plan Bv7.
You may use these points to edit your letter or in your personal contact with the Governor.
Governor Letter
Governor Cuomo:
I write to express my strong support for Plan Bv7 and ask that you push for the full and speedy adoption
of this a new approach to water level regulation in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.
Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River enhance the quality of life for all citizens who live, work and
recreate in the coastal zones of the lake and river. This new plan will contribute to the economic,
environmental, and social sustainability of the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence system.
The benefits of Plan Bv7 are not limited to the environment – recreational boating, hunting, fishing, lowcost and low-emission hydroelectric production, and cost-effective shipping all are strengthened under
this new approach to regulation. Plan Bv7 continues to provide considerable protection for coastal
property as well.
Scientific research conducted under the auspices of the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) five-year
Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River (LOSL) study clearly establishes many environmental benefits of the
plan. More natural rhythms of levels and flows will benefit migrating and nesting waterfowl, key wetland
habitats, beaches and dunes, and “canary-in-the-coal-mine” species like the northern pike. The case for
Plan Bv7 is further strengthened by a growing global body of scientific literature on the consequences of
regulating rivers and lakes, and on the benefits of restoring more natural flows.
The scientific research conducted under the LOSL study also highlights the negative impacts on the
ecosystem that have resulted from 50 years of regulation under Plan 1958DD. This plan, which was
developed during an era when adequate scientific understanding of Great Lakes- St. Lawrence system
was far less developed, has altered the long-term rhythms of levels and flows in the Lake and River that
are fundamental to shaping and maintaining coastal habitats and plant and animal species, and the
cultural, recreational and economic benefits these habitats and species provide.
Again, I strongly support Plan Bv7, and ask that you instruct New York State agencies and your staff to
support the IJC’s efforts to implement Plan Bv7.
Insert your name and address
Message Points
Plan BV7’s balanced approach is a result of expert input from a wide-array of perspectives.
 Plan BV7 has been formulated over the course of ten years with the input of more
than 180 stakeholder representatives, experts, and scientists from government
agencies, academia, NGO’s and industry in New York, Ontario, and Quebec.
 Hundreds more attended public hearings and provided written comments. Plan BV7
clearly reflects input from this extensive consultation.
 Plan BV7 has clear benefits for recreational boating, hunting, fishing, hydroelectric
production. The result will be a thriving lake/river environment that will enrich the
quality of life for all citizens of the ecosystem.
 As of March, 2012 twenty-four (24) environmental, conservation and sportsmen
organizations in the US and Canada expressed their support of Plan Bv7.
Plan BV7’s balanced approach restores our coastal ecosystem and creates a healthier lake
and river.
 The damage caused by 50 years of altering the natural flow of Lake Ontario and the
St. Lawrence River is clear. Coastal habitats and species have suffered. Since
regulation began:
 The wet meadow – a major component of coastal wetlands – has declined by
over 50%
 Black Terns, which depend for nesting on diverse marshes interspersed with
open water, have declined by over 80%
 The Northern Pike, the top predator in coastal marshes, have declined by
These are symptoms, or canaries in the coal mine, that demonstrate the ongoing
degradation of the lake, river and shoreline.
 Plan BV7, will slightly relax regulation to restore these vital resources and species.
Plan BV7 creates conditions that will:
 Increase wet meadows by 40%
 Northern Pike populations, which depend on wet meadows for spawning,
will increase
 Black Tern and other marsh-nesting bird populations will increase.
 The muskrat is an essential habitat engineer whose year-round grazing on cattails
creates openings on which other animals and plants depend. Muskrats have almost
disappeared from Lake Ontario coastal marshes since regulation began, and their
beneficial effects will nearly quadruple under Plan BV7.
Plan BV7’s approach shows that benefits for the environment, the regional economy and
property owners can go hand-in-hand.
Plan BV7 improves the health of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River by
returning water levels and flows to a natural state. The plan does this while ensuring
water levels and flows and levels are managed in ways that serve the interests of
governments, homeowners and businesses.
The approach in plan BV7 creates conditions for significant economic investment.
 The economy of the Great Lakes depends on the health and beauty of the
lakes and their ecosystems. A 2007 cost-benefit analysis by the Brookings
Institution demonstrates that each dollar of restoration brings two dollars of
benefits to the economy of the Great Lakes region.1
The approach in plan BV7 sets the stage for improved conditions for recreational
boating and commercial shipping.
 Plan Bv7 will extend the season for recreational boating for the majority of
years by avoiding the rapid draw-down of the Lake and Upper River as under
the current plan.
 Plan BV7 would also improve conditions for commercial navigation in the
River by extending the season for boating most years and reducing shipping
The approach in plan BV7 creates conditions for additional recreational
 Healthier Lake and River wetlands will support stronger populations of native
fish and wildlife, improving the area’s hunting and angling, and strengthening
the recreational economies that rely upon them.
 The plan will begin to reverse the damage to our Lake/River, and ensure that
future generations have a chance to enjoy and inherit a world class resource.
Less flooding and more hydropower.
 Plan BV7 would slightly decrease the risk of flooding in the lower River while
enhancing hydropower production in Canada and U.S.
Plan BV7’s balanced approach protects coastal property and the health of the Lake Ontario –
St. Lawrence ecosystem as a whole.
 Protection from flooding.
Plan BV7 will ensure water levels are managed in ways that will not increase risk of
flooding to shoreline property. Plan BV7 will not let water levels exceed what is
currently allowed, except in rare instances (once a century) when levels may be
exceeded by 2-3 inches.
Rebuilt shorelines.
Restoration of low water to Lake Ontario will help rebuild shoreline property. In
some areas, once sandy beaches have been replaced with rocks and cobbles, a result
of the current plan’s absence of naturally occurring low water conditions.
Continued assistance for property owners.
When compared to no regulation Plan BV7 saves shoreline property owners money.
Plan BV7 is estimated to save property owners on the lake and upper river $24
million dollars a year by reducing the cost of maintaining shoreline properties when
compared to no regulation. This may be 11% lower than the current subsidy offered
to shore-line property owners, but it is still a significant subsidy.