Goal Setting Ideas


Setting Goals:

Here are some ideas for setting goals in your classroom in three areas (Comprehensible input, peer assisted strategies, and co-teaching with ELL teachers)

Some ways to increase Comprehensible Input in your Classroom:


-Use Posters or other Visuals

-Use Power Points (when possible)

-Language Experience Approach (Provide students with an “experience”)

-Do longer introduction to the concept by using ‘hands on’ materials

-Utilize real photographs

-Use books about the subject with pictures

-Anchor papers (show students what an example of what they product should look like)


-Field Trips



Peer Assisted Strategies

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Reading

Buddy Reading

Small group literacy circles

Think-Pair Share

Test Review buddies

…For other ideas see Peer Asssisted Strategy sheets


Having ELL teacher teach a content lesson to all students

Have ELL teacher in charge or Reading group

Schedule planning time with ELL teacher

Have ELL teacher share cultural lessons to all

…For more ideas see handout on Co-Teaching
