Calculator Tips For Statistics

Calculator Tips For Statistics
Calculating the mean ( x ), sum of the values in the list ( x ), sum of the
squares of the values in the list ( x 2 ), standard deviation (sample &
population), and a 5 number summary (low value, Q1 , median ( Q2 ), Q3 , and high
STAT/Edit/(enter appropriate values)/STAT/  CALC/1-Var Stats/enter
Ex. ~ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
STAT/Edit/(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)/STAT/  CALC/1-Var Stats/enter
x  3.5
x  21
x 2  91
S x  1.870828693...
 x  1.707825128...
minX = 1
Q1  2
Med = 3.5
Q3  5
maxX = 6
Finding the theoretical probability of binomial (only two outcomes) INDEPENDENT
events where n = number of trials, p = probability of success, and x = the number
of desired outcomes.
2nd VARS/  binompdf/(n, p, x)
Ex. ~ Find the probability of getting 7 heads in 10 flips of a coin
2nd VARS/  binompdf/(10, .5, 7) = .1171875
Creating a scatter plot, calculating the best-fit equation, the correlation
coefficient ( r ), and the coefficient of determination ( r 2 ):
Turn the diagnostics on first:
2nd 0 (this opens the catalog)/ x 1 (this brings you to the d’s) /
 “DiagnosticOn”/ enter/enter
Graph the scatter plot:
STAT / Edit / enter x values in L1 and y values in L2 / 2nd Y= / enter /
 enter / 2nd 1 /  2nd 2 /  enter / zoom 9 /
Calculate the best-fit equation, the correlation coefficient ( r ), and the
coefficient of determination ( r 2 ):
STAT /  CALC /  LinReg(ax + b) / enter / 2nd L1 , 2nd L2 / enter
To transfer the best-fit equation into the scatter plot:
Y = / VARS /  Statistics / enter /  EQ / enter (RegEQ) / GRAPH
Ex. ~ The distance a golf ball travels versus the speed with which the club
head hit it.