RTT Goals and Performance Measures

Race to the Top Goal Areas and Performance Measures
Baseline and target data by district may be found at:
Road Map Race to the Top Goal Areas and Performance Measures
Goal Areas:
The Road Map District Consortium has developed ambitious yet achievable Goals that
will demonstrate improved learning and performance as described in the Vision (pp. 1-4
of the Application Plan).
Goals for (A)(4)(a-d), are based on the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) set for
each ESEA student subgroup as per the Washington State ESEA flexibility waiver
granted to the state in July 2012. Washington State AMOs are set to reduce the gaps in
the performance by half for all ESEA student subgroups by the 2016-17 school year.
Targets are informed by the data provided by the 2010-11 school year as a baseline.
(A)(4)(a): Performance on Summative Assessments –Reading, Grades 3-10
(A)(4)(a): Performance on Summative Assessments –Math, Grades 3-9 MSP,
10 EOC
Achievement gap (A) (4(b) is the number of percentage points between the subgroup
(as defined in the grant notice) and the reference group for any given year. The
reference group is the highest performing subgroup for the region as a whole on a given
assessment during the baseline year of 2010-2011.
(A)(4)(b): Achievement Gaps in Reading
(A)(4)(b): Achievement Gaps in Math
Graduation rate (A)(4)(c) is the extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate as
defined by 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1). The rate is referred to as the 5-year adjusted
graduation rate or the extended graduation rate, and includes all students graduating
within 5 years of their first 9th grade year.
(A)(4)(c): 5-year HS graduation rate
College enrollment (A)(4)(d) is calculated as the ratio between college-enrolled students
and their graduating class. Graduating class includes all students graduating within a
given school year, including late grads from earlier cohorts.
(A)(4)(d): College Enrollment Rate
Goals for (A)(4)(e), postsecondary degree attainment, are based on the Road Map
Project methodology which uses a 2009-2010 baseline (or more recent year, if data was
not available for 2009-2010) and a 2020 Goal. The 2020 Goals are fixed at the
performance level of the top 10 districts in the State of Washington during the 2009-10
baseline year, which were selected on the basis of the postsecondary success of their
high school students.
(A)(4)(e): Postsecondary Degree Attainment
Performance Measures:
(E)(3) (All) (a) – Achievement Index:
 Percentage of Students in Very Good or Exemplary Schools
 Students with Highly Effective Teacher and Principal
 Students with Effective Teacher and Principal
(E)(3)(Grades PreK-3)(a) – 3rd Grade Reading: Washington State 3rd Grade Reading
 Percent of students scoring proficient or higher on the statewide assessment
Measures of Student Progress
(E)(3) (Grades PreK-3)(b): % of students ready to succeed in school by kindergarten
 Percent of students meeting standard for "ready to succeed in school by
kindergarten" on the statewide assessment Washington Kindergarten Inventory
of Developing Skills (WaKIDS)
(E)(3)(Grades 4-8)(a) – 8th Grade Algebra: 8th grade enrollment in Algebra or higher
 Percent of all 8th grade students enrolled in at least one math class designated
as Algebra 1 or higher. (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-calculus, Statistics or
any higher level or college level class)
(E)(3)(Grades 4-8)(b) – Math MSP: Washington State Math Assessment (4th-8th grade)
 Percent of students scoring proficient or higher on the statewide assessment
Measures of Student Progress (Grades 4 to 8)
(E)(3)(Grades 4-8)(c): Student Motivation & Engagement Survey
 Percent of participating students who report non-cognitive skills on the Youth
Success Skills and Disposition Survey and received an average score of 4
(agree) or higher
(E)(3)(Grades 4-8)(d) – Science MSP: Washington State Science Assessment (5th &
8th grades)
 Percent of students scoring proficient or higher on the statewide assessment
Measures of Student Progress for Science
(E)(3)(Grades 9-12)(a1): % submitted FAFSA
 The number and percentage of graduating students, by district, who submitted
(E)(3)(Grades 9-12)(a2): % completed FAFSA
The number and percentage of graduating students, by district, who completed
(E)(3)(Grades 9-12)(b): WSAC Minimum college requirements
 Percent of graduating students* who met Washington Student Achievement
Council's minimum graduation requirements for eligibility to apply to a 4-year
postsecondary institution
(E)(3)(Grades 9-12)(c)/(A)(4)(c): 5-year HS graduation rate
 5‐year adjusted actual cohort graduation rate (see (A)(4)(c) in Goal Areas)
(E)(3)(Grades 9-12)(d): AP or IB students
 Percent of 11th and 12th grade students enrolled in at least one course identified
with an Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) state
course code
(E)(3)(Grades 9-12)(e): 9th-grade suspensions & expulsions
 Percent of students triggering EWI 2: 9th grade students with 1 or more
suspension or expulsions during the school year
(E)(3)(Postsecondary)(a): Remediation Rate (2 & 4 year institutions, Math & English)
 Percent of first-year college students enrolled in pre-college coursework