Clear Messages: What do you say when…

Clear Messages: What do you say when…
For each of the situations below type a clear message. Clear messages may
contain a message for the behavior to stop, information on how to fix the
situation and how to be successful in the future.
You catch three year old, Marcus in your class, coloring the classroom wall
with crayons. What clear message do you give?
Alicia, age 5, leaves the milk on the table after finishing her cereal.
What clear message do you give?
Trey, age 10, enters the house with mud-stained shoes and walks
across your light-colored carpet! What clear message do you give?
Your daughter, Patricia age 6, handles her cat in a rough manner
such that the cat cries in pain. What clear message do you give?
Your 16 year old, has arrived home a half an hour past curfew. What
clear message do you give?
Type up on the reverse side:
1. Three scenarios in which a clear message should be given and provide
the appropriate clear message.
2. Type up a situation that occurred during the past week that required
and appropriate clear message and the clear message you used.