EE 3601: Transmission Lines

EE 3601: Transmission Lines
Assignment #3
Randall Victora
February 4, 2009
All papers are due at the beginning of class on February 11, 2009.
1. A lossless transmission line of length 0.101λ and characteristic impedance 50 Ω is
connected to a load characterized by an impedance of 15-5j Ω. Use a Smith chart
to find the standing wave ratio, the voltage reflection coefficient, the input
impedance, and the location of the voltage minimum on the line. (3 points)
2. For a lossless transmission line, determine the line’s characteristic impedance so
that it will have a minimum possible standing-wave ratio for load impedance 4+3j
Ω. Find the minimum standing-wave ratio and the corresponding voltage
reflection coefficient. Also find the location of the voltage minimum nearest to
the load. (Hint: Correct characteristic impedance is an integer between 1 and 10.
Trial and error is allowed.) (3 points)
3. A transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 Ω is to be matched to a load
impedance 40+10j Ω through a length l’ of another transmission line of
characteristic impedance R’. Find the required l’ (in terms of λ) and R’ for
matching. (2 points)
4. Problem 2.40 from Ulaby. (2 points)