The program and abstracts 2008

Capita Selecta of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Prof. dr. ir. Herman Maes
IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Program and Abstracts
Academic Year 2007-2008
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are relatively new subjects and as such they are
accompanied by many uncertainties as to their impact on modern society.
Nanotechnology does not only refer to techniques that are used to study the world at
nanometer scale (the scale of a few atoms) but also to the technology used to design and
fabricate the building blocks with nano-scale precision. These building blocks will allow
the development of revolutionary new materials, consumer articles and appliances, a
promise already made for years now by nano-scientists. But when can we really expect
these new applications? And how can one deal with these technologies in a responsible
These are the type of questions that will be treated in the Series of Lectures on
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of which you find the program and details on time,
location and content in this announcement.
In the academic year 2007-2008, an exciting program will be offered comprising 14
lectures that will be given by local and international experts on various topics such as
new important developments in nanotechnology, the opportunities for nanotechnology
applications, the ethics and risks of nanotechnology developments.
These Lectures are organized as part of the Course H6L3 “Capita Selecta of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology” within the Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and are
therefore compulsory for the Master students but they are also open to others interested in
these important scientific, fundamental, ethical societal aspects.
These lectures are organized in the second semester of the Academic Year (February –
May 2008), except for the first lecture that was already organized on Wednesday 10
October at 5pm.
Some (8) of the lectures are also organized in the frame of the Erasmus Mundus Master
program involving lecturers and students from the 4 participating universities (K.U.
Leuven, TU Delft, TU Dresden and Chalmers University). These 8 seminars (indicated in
the program as ‘EMM Lecture’) will be broadcast live to all participating universities
using a Virtual Classroom concept. For this purpose they will be held in the seminar
room of the AVNet (Audio-Visual department of the K.U. Leuven). These lectures will
be followed by a discussion session involving the lecturers, the students and nanotech
professionals. Five (5) of the other 6 seminars are taking place at IMEC, Kapeldreef 75,
Leuven (either in the auditorium of IMEC or in the new Seminar room CA below the new
Cafetaria), the 6th one in a seminar room of the K.U.Leuven. The rooms are indicated tin
the list that follows.
We hope to welcome you at one of these seminars.
Prof. Herman Maes
Coordinator H6L3
Capita Selecta of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Program, Abstracts and CV’s
Wednesday, 10 October 2007, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Prof. Yoshishige Suzuki, Osaka University, Japan
Spin-injection, Spin-Torque Diode Effects and future
Tuesday, 12 February 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Prof. Victor Moshchalkov, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Enhancing Superconducting Critical Parameters through Nanostructuring: Dream or
Tuesday, 19 February 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Institute of Materials Science, TU Dresden, Germany
Tuning the conductance of a molecular switch
Tuesday, 26 February 2008, 5-7pm (CA IMEC)
Prof. Staf Van Tendeloo, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Electron microscopy and nanotechnology: how low can we go
Tuesday, 4 March 2008, 5-7pm (CA IMEC)
Dr. Herc Pereira Neves, IMEC, Belgium
Smart implants in the human body: trying to match two very dissimilar worlds
Tuesday, 11 March 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Dr. Zoran Konkoli, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Diffusion controlled reactions in small and structured spaces as a tool for describing
living cell biochemistry
Tuesday, 18 March 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Dr. Stephan Grill, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and Max
Planck Institute of Physics of complex Systems, Germany
Transcription by RNA Polymerase II
Tuesday, 8 April 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Dr. Sven Rogge, TUDelft, The Netherlands
The Transistor: from Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain to single molecules and atoms
Tuesday, 15 April 2008, 5-7pm (Auditorium IMEC)
Prof. Christine Dupont, UCL, Belgium
Nanostructured surfaces for the control of cell-material interactions
Tuesday, 22 April 2008, 5-7pm (Room 200S.01.03, KULeuven, Celestijnenlaan 200,
Prof. Peter Lievens, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Clusters, nanopuzzles of atoms
Tuesday, 29 April 2008, 5-7pm (Auditorium IMEC)
Prof. Lieve Goorden, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Nanotechnologies for Tomorrow's society : widening the circle of nano research
Tuesday, 6 May 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Prof. Fredrik Höök, Chalmers University of Technology and Lund University, Sweden
Miniaturized Bioanalytical Sensors : Challenges and Opportunities
Tuesday, 13 May 2008, 5-7pm (AVNet, EMM Lecture)
Dr. Hans-Georg Braun, Max Bermann Center, IPF, Germany
The impact of military research on nanotechnology
Tuesday, 20 May 2008, 5-7pm (CA IMEC)
Prof. Wilfried Vandervorst, IMEC and K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Nanostructures require characterization on the sub-nanometer scale : challenges and
(some) solutions for semiconductor based systems
Capita Selecta of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology
Wednesday, 10 October 2007, 5-7pm
Prof. Yoshishige Suzuki, Osaka University, Japan
Spin-injection, Spin-Torque Diode Effects and future
Spin-injection magnetization switching technique [1] made it possible to control
magnetization by a direct current. A discovery of spontaneous rf oscillation from CPPGMR nano-pillars and a real time observation of the switching process have revealed
essential amplification function of a precession in the magnetic nano-pillars under a
direct current [2]. Beside of those progresses, developments of giant tunneling magnetoresistive (GTMR) effect using an MgO barrier [3] made it possible to utilize a very large
resistance change according to the magnetization switching.
In this talk, several attempts to utilize interplay between spin-torque and giant-TMR
effect will be presented referring to a “spin-torque diode effect”[4] and other properties
such like rf noise control and possible signal amplification using magnetic tunnel
junctions (MTJs).
If time allows, new results on the spin-injection into the C60[5], Rubrene, Alq3 and
graphine[6] will be introduced.
[1] J. C. Slonczewski, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159, L1 (1996) , L.
Berger, Phys. Rev. B 54, 9353 (1996), and E. B. Myers, et al., Science 285, 867 (1999).
[2] S. I. Kiselev et al., Nature 425, 380 (2003), I. N. Krivorotov et al., Science, 307, 228
[3] W. Wulfhekel, et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 509--511 (2001), M.
Bowen, et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 1655--1657 (2001), J.
Faure-Vincent, et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4507--4509 (2003), S.
Yuasa, et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2, 43, L588 (2004), S. Yuasa, et al., Nature Mat. 3,
868 (2004), S. S. P. Parkin et al., Nature Mat.
3, 862 (2004), and D. D. Djayaprawira et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86,
092502 (2005).
[4] A. A. Tulapurkar, et al., Nature, 438, 339 (2005).
[5] S. Miwa, et al., “Spin-Dependent Transport in C60-Co Nano-Composites”, Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No.
28, 2006, pp. L717-L719.
[6] M. Oishi, et al., “Spin injection into a Graphene thin film at room temperature”, Japn.
J. Appl. Phys., 46, No. 25 (2007) L605-L607.
Prof. Dr. Yoshishige SUZUKI
Full professor at Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Department
of Materials Engineering Science,
March 1984 Master degree, Tsukuba University
"Current controlled LPE growth of GaAs"
Apr. 1984 Electrotechnical Laboratory, AIST, MITI, Japan (Researcher)
"Research on magnetic artificial superlattices".
July, 1990 Doctor of Engineering Science, Tsukuba University
(by paper application.)
Aug. 1993-Sep. 1994 Visiting scientist at Universite Paris-Sud,
Institute d'electronique fondamentales Apr. 1998- Electrotechnical Laboratory,
AIST, MITI, Japan (Labo. Leader)
"Nanostructured spin-electronics materials"
Apr. 2001- Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)
(Senior Researcher / Group Leader)
“Researches on spintronics-devices and materials”
Mar. 2003- Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Science, (Professor)
“Researches on spintronics-devices and materials”
Apr. 2003- Guest researcher at AIST, Tsukuba
Aug. 2007- Visiting fellow at IMEC
Tuesday, 12 February 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Victor Moshchalkov, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Enhancing Superconducting Critical Parameters through Nanostructuring:
Dream or Reality?
Superconductivity is a remarkable example of macroscopic quantum phenomena. It exists
only below the critical surface in the space of the three variables: temperature – magnetic
field – current. Superconducting condensate is confined by the sample boundaries, very
much like the wave function being confined by a quantum box. Through the optimisation
of the confinement, the superconducting critical parameters can be substantially
improved. This concept of nanostructuring is applied systematically to different
nanostructured superconductors by moving from individual nanoplaquettes via their
clusters to their huge arrays.
If boundaries of nanostructures themselves define a potential well confining the quantum
condensate of Cooper pairs, then why not to use it to tune superconducting critical
parameters by changing only the topology of the samples taking the same
superconducting material to make these samples? This was checked in experiments on
the samples of different topology: the critical field separating the normal from the
superconducting state indeed has turned out to be strongly topology dependent! It means
that the statement “critical fields of a superconductor are determined by the material”,
mentioned in textbooks on superconductivity, is not correct for nanostructured materials
for which the superconducting critical field is dependent not only on material but also on
the topology and the length scale used for the nanostructuring of that material. Lateral
nanostructuring can in fact create such conditions for the flux line pinning by huge arrays
of nanofabricated antidots or magnetic dots which maximize also the second important
superconducting critical parameter - critical current- up to its theoretical limit - depairing
current. It implies that “quantum design” of the two important superconducting critical
parameters - critical current and critical field – is a reality.
This work was supported by the Belgian IAP, the Flemish GOA and FWO Programmes
and the ESF “NES” Programme.
Professor Victor V. Moshchalkov
M.Sc. in Physics, 1975, cum laude, ranking the first among 450 M.Sc graduates in Physics; Ph.D in
Physics, 1978; “Habilitation”, 1985; Head of the Laboratory of High Temperature
Superconductivity, 1988-1991; - all at Lomonosov Moscow State University; Professor of Physics
at the K.U.Leuven, 1991- up to now, since 2005 – Director of INPAC-Institute for Nanoscale
Physics and Chemistry. Over 640 publications in international journals - more than 6800 SCIcitations. Promoter of 37 Ph.D theses. Chairman of the ESF Pogrammes VORTEX, 1999-2004;
NES, 2007-… Co-Editor “Superconductor Science and Technology” 2007-…, “Physica C” 2007…. Laureate of the USSR State Prize for Young Researchers, 1986; Laureate of the USSR Ministry
of High Education Scientific Prize, 1988; ISI Thomson Scientific Award “Top Cited Paper in
Flanders”, 2000; Laureate of the Belgian FWO Dr. A. De Leeuw -Damry-Bourlart Prize for Exact
Sciences, 2005.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Institute of Materials Science,
TU Dresden, Germany
Tuning the conductance of a molecular switch
One key element to realize nanoscale electronics is the ability to manipulate in a
controlled way the conductance of single molecules. Azobenzene, which undergoes a
trans-cis isomerization transition upon irradiation, offers the possibility to realize a
conformational, light-driven molecular switch. It is thus crucial to clarify the electrical
transport characteristics of this molecule. Here, we investigate theoretically charge
transport in a system consisting of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) acting as electrodes which
are bridged by cis/trans azobenzene. In clear contrast to Au-electrodes, CNTs can act as
true nanoscale electrodes, inducing a strong chirality-dependent renormalization of
electronic states near the Fermi level. The low energy conduction properties may thus be
dramatically modified by changing the molecule-CNT contact topology and/or the tubes
chirality. We propose some possible experimental ways to realize a controlled electrical
switching with CNT electrodes.
[1] M. del Valle, R. Gutiérrez-Laliga, C. Tejedor, and G. Cuniberti, Nature
Nanotechnology 2, 176 (2007); arXiv:0705.0527v1
Figure caption: Schematic view of the unimolecular switching
Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti
Institute for Materials Science, Dresden University of Technology
Born, April 28, Genoa, Italy
Laurea (M.S.) in Physics
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics
Post Doc
Guest scientist
University of Genoa, Italy
University of Genoa, Italy
University of Hamburg, Germany
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of
Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
2003-2008 Group Leader
University of Regensburg, Germany
Chair Professor (W3, Ordinarius), Dresden University of Technology,
Tuesday, 26 February 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Staf Van Tendeloo, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Electron microscopy and nanotechnology: how low can we go?
For too long electron microscopy has been considered as a big magnifying glass, only
able to produce nice images of materials at atomic resolution. At present however, the
electron microscope has evolved into a true scientific instrument. It allows determination
of atom positions with picometer precision, is able to determine the chemical
composition of atomic columns and provides atomistic information on the bonding of the
atoms. We will demonstrate this with recent results.
Electron microscopy allows structure determination with a precision that is orders of
magnitude better than the resolution of the microscope. This requires, however, a
quantitative, model-based method. We will show the practical applicability of the method
The stacking of the atomic planes at the interface between the two insulating perovskite
materials in the SrTiO3/LaAlO3 system determines the sheet resistance. More specifically
an insulating hole doped interface is found for the sequence: -LaO-AlO2:SrO-TiO2-,
whereas an -AlO2-LaO:TiO2-SrO- configuration yields an electron doped interface with
extremely high carrier concentration. A HAADF-STEM analysis of the multilayer system
allows to deduce the exact stacking at each interface. The peak heights of the atoms at the
interfaces have been evaluated in a quantitative manner by means of parameter
estimation. The results are combined with EELS data and are able to relate the electronic
interface configuration with the physical properties. The results have been published in
1. S. Bals, S. Van Aert, G. Van Tendeloo, D. Avila-Brande, (2006) Phys. Rev. Lett. 96,
2. M. Huijben, G. Rijnders, D.H.A. Blank, S. Bals, S. Van Aert, J. Verbeeck, G. Van
Tendeloo, A. Brinkman, H. Hilgenkamp, (2006) Nature Materials, 5, 556-560.
Prof. Staf Van Tendeloo
Personal data:
Lier, 17 march 1950
fax: +32-3-2180257
web site:
Education and academic career:
1974 Ph.D. Physics
Title: "Ordering phenomena in the Ni-Mo system"
1981 "Aggregation" ("Habilitation") (Univ. Brussels)
Title:"Ordering in FCC-based Alloys"
1986: part time professor "Solid State Physics" (University of Brussels)
professor at University of Antwerp
full professor at the University of Antwerp.
head of the EMAT research group at the University of Antwerp
director of the “NANO Centre of Excellence” of the University of
- General Physics (1st and 2nd Ba) at University of Antwerp.
- Materials Science (Ma Nanophysics) at University of Antwerp.
- Novel Materials (5th years Commercial Engineering) U. Antwerp.
- Solid State Physics (3rd year Physics) at University of Brussels.
Research periods abroad (3 months or more)
Banaras Hindu University (Varanasi) India
University of California (Berkeley)
University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
University of California (Berkeley)
Centro Atomico Bariloce (Argentina)
University of California (Berkeley)
Université de Caen (France)
Australian National University (Canberra-Australia)
Scientific activities:
- Author or co-author of over 650 papers in international journals with a referee system.
- More than 11000 citations in the international literature.
- Hirsch factor h = 50
- Invited speaker at over 100 international conferences.
- Editor of "Handbook of Microscopy" (3 volumes)
- Asociate editor of Journal of Electron Microscopy (JEM)
Journal of Electron Microscopy Techniques
Journal of Crystal Growth
Physica B.
physica status solidi
Advanced Engineering Materials
Materials Research Bulletin
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Solid State Sciences
Crystal Research &Technology
- member of the organizing committee and/or program committee of more than 20
international meetings
- chairman of Gordon Research Meeting on "Phase Transformations in non-metallic
systems" in1994 and 1996.
- several national and international awards.
Scientific Interest:
Electron microscopy of inorganic materials.
Solid state physics.
Structural characterisation.
Materials science.
Particularly interest on:
- Perovskite based thin films and interfaces
- Semiconducting III-V compounds
- Nanowires and nanoclusters
- Carbon based materials
- Mesoporous materials
Tuesday, 4 March 2008, 5-7pm
Dr. Herc Pereira Neves, IMEC, Belgium
Smart implants in the human body:
trying to match two very dissimilar worlds
The ever growing importance of implantable systems in modern Medicine is met with the
challenge of ensuring that such systems work for extended period of time. The living
organism constitutes a harsh environment that strives to fight any foreign body by
isolating it or rendering it innocuous; conversely, a foreign body may pose severe risks to
its host in a variety of ways, from the toxicity of materials to the triggering of adverse
reactions such as thrombogenesis. The quest for long lasting implants constitutes an
exciting multidisciplinary field that is now entering the micro- and nanoscale domains.
This talk will present some of the major challenges, as well as the most recent strategies
to manage them.
Dr. Herc Pereira Neves
Herc Neves earned his Ph.D. degree in Microelectronics from the University of
Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1991. He has held faculty positions at Federal University of
Minas Gerais (Brazil), Cornell University and University of California in Los Angeles. In
2003 he joined IMEC as Principal Scientist in Biomedical Microsystems, focusing his
work on implantable microsystem technology. At IMEC he is also Program Manager of
the Smart Implants program. Dr. Neves is the General Coordinator of NeuroProbes, a
European project for the development of multifunctional probe arrays for cerebral
Tuesday 11 March 2008,, 5-7pm
Dr. Zoran Konkoli, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Diffusion controlled reactions in small and structured spaces as
a tool for describing living cell biochemistry
Chemical reaction kinetics in vivo differs significantly from the one in pipette and care
has to be taken when devising computational frameworks or experimental setup to deal
with such environment. For example, geometry can be quite complicated and there is an
experimental evidence that cell is structured in many ways, already starting that the
cytoplasm level. Cytoplasm is not smooth and homogeneous; for a single cell total
amount of protein content can be as high as 17-30% by weight which results in extremely
structured and crowded space. In addition, cell interior (roughly 10 in diameter) is further
partitioned in smaller spaces such as organelles (e.g. mitochondria with 50 nm in
diameter), and roughly 50% of cell volume is filled by organelles. Also, for typical
physiological concentrations one has ca 1000 copies of individual protein molecules
which results in large spatial fluctuations of protein number across the cell interior and
delivery of proteins can become an issue.
Which theory should one use to describe such environment? The lecture will provide
some of the answers to this question.
Prof. Zoran Konkoli
Associate Professor in the field of Theoretical and Applied Biology since 2007.
Zoran received his PhD in 1996 in the field of Theoretical Chemistry and since then
worked on number of problems on border between Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Zoran actively contributed in developing methods for theoretical analysis of wide range
of problems: diffusion controlled reactions (many-particle density function formalism,
field theory, stochastic simulation, and number of other methods); macromolecular
dynamics (protein folding, polymer translocation); Quantum Chemistry first principle
calculations (multi-configuration perturbation theory, vibrational spectroscopy). His
current research interests focus on understanding workings of diffusion controlled
reactions in environments reminiscent of the living cell (structured spaces with large,
medium, and small volumes) and development of appropriate calculation methods. His
research interests are clustered around understanding various topics related to metabolic
control, signalling, chemotaxis, and biocomputing.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008, 5-7pm
Dr. Stephan Grill, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
and Max Planck Institute of Physics of complex Systems, Germany
Transcription by RNA Polymerase II
RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) is responsible for transcribing all mRNAs in eukaryotic
cells in a highly regulated process that serves as a central control point for cellular
function. We have investigated the transcription dynamics of single RNAP II molecules
against force in the presence and absence of TFIIS, a transcription elongation factor that
enables the enzyme to remove copy errors. Using a single- molecule dual-trap opticaltweezers assay, we found that the response of RNAP II to force is entirely determined by
enzyme backtracking. We show that backtrack pause durations follow a t^−3/2 power
law, implying that during backtracking RNAP II performs a random walk in discrete
base-pair steps and suggesting that backtracks may account for most of RNAP II pauses.
Unexpectedly, we find the polymerase to be naturally biased in the downstream direction
while backtracked, possibly due to transient secondary structures that form behind the
polymerase within the RNA transcript. Finally, we propose that this intrinsic force bias is
a novel mechanism that is central to transcription and that acts to prevent the occurrence
of fatally long pauses.
Dr. Stephan Grill
From 2006
Group-Leader, jointly at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and
Genetics, Dresden, and the Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems,
Postdoctoral work at the Department of Physics, University of California in Berkeley
Postdoctoral work at MPI-CBG Dresden
PhD work at EMBL Heidelberg; PhD in Physics from the Technical University München
Tuesday, 8 April 2008, 5-7pm
Dr. Sven Rogge, TUDelft, The Netherlands
The Transistor: from Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain to
single molecules and atoms
In this lecture we will review the working principles of transistors and their evolution
from the first bipolar device in 1947 to state-of-the-art field-effect nanodevices that will
power future computers. This evolution was not only based on the invention of the
transistor concept. The key development was actually material control--Germanium in
the beginning, then Silicon, now compound semiconductors--which remains a core issue
for today’s nanodevices. We will focus both on the quest for smaller, faster and more
energy efficient industrial devices as on the ultimate limit of transistors where a single
molecule or atom determines the current flow in the device. The functionality of the latter
is not based on the evolutionary scaling of the original transistor concept, but rather on
the quantum nature of the device. Besides the bulk physics of the bipolar and field-effect
transistor, the atomistic approach needed to understand the ultimate limit of transistors
such as resonant tunneling, charging and orbital effects will be discussed. Finally, a brief
outlook will be given on the combination of electronics and photonics which is a current
trend to solve communication problems on ultrafast chips and enhance their functionality.
Dr. Sven Rogge
Sven Rogge, age 37, obtained his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1997 (Stanford,
USA). In 2003 he was appointed as faculty member at the Kavli Institute of NanoScience (Delft, The Netherlands) where he is the group leader for atomic-scale
Tuesday, 15 April 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Christine Dupont, UCL, Belgium
Nanostructured surfaces for the control of cell-material interactions
The control of cell-material interactions is required for most applications in biomaterials
science and tissue engineering. Depending on the cases, the material surface must be
tailored in such a way that it promotes or inhibit cell adhesion, multiplication or
differentiation, or that it direct cell orientation or migration. In the 90s, attempts to direct
cell shape and function were centered on the chemical and,or topographical patterning of
surfaces at the micrometer scale. These last years, the emergence of nanotechnologies has
opened the way to new approaches for the control of cell behavior. Topographical or
chemical nanometer-scale cues have been shown to influence cell-material interactions.
In many cases, it seems probable that these cues actually affect the organization of the
adsorbed protein layer which is formed at the material surface once it is placed in a
biological medium. A variety of approaches followed in our laboratory, and in
collaboration with other groups, to create nanostructured surfaces and study their
interference with the adsorption of proteins will be reported. For some of these systems,
in vitro testing of cell behavior will also be presented
Prof. Christine Dupont-Gillain
Christine Dupont-Gillain received her Bioengineering degree in 1995 and her PhD degree
in 2000 from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium). After a post-doctoral
stay in 2001 in the Chemistry department of the University of Manchester – Institute of
science and technology (UMIST, United Kingdom), she became a Post-doctoral
researcher (2002) and then a Research associate (2005) of the National Foundation for
Scientific Research (FNRS) in the Laboratory of interfacial chemistry, UCL. Since 2007,
she is a full-time Assistant professor at the Faculty of Bioengineering, UCL. She is a
member of the Research Center in Micro and Nanoscopic Materials and Electronic
Devices (Cermin, UCL) and an associate member of the Institute of life sciences (ISV,
UCL). Her research interests are centered on a multidisciplinary approach of interfacial
phenomena, in the frame of biomaterials science. Ongoing research projects span from
the design and characterization of nanostructured organic surfaces and adsorbed protein
layers to the evaluation of the behavior of mammalian cells on such nanostructured
Tuesday, 22 April 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Peter Lievens, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Clusters, nanopuzzles of atoms
Clusters are small chunks of material consisting of a few up to several thousands of
atoms, situated between individual atoms and macroscopic materials. Cluster properties
evolve in a non-scalable way with size. Although the same fundamental laws apply, their
mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, and catalytic properties differ from, and often
are superior to their macroscopic analogues. This partly is because a significant fraction
of the constituent atoms locates at the surface, but even more so because of the
importance of quantum size effects. Very soon after the discovery of so-called magic
numbers for clusters of atoms, which reflect, e.g., size-dependent stability, it was realized
that heterogeneous or binary clusters consisting of two different elements would be
ideally suited for investigating and tailoring specific physical and chemical properties of
nanometer-sized particles. Using state-of-the-art binary cluster sources, nearly all
elements of the periodic table nowadays can be combined, producing building blocks for
nanostructured materials with hitherto unknown and unexplored properties.
Prof. Peter Lievens
(Born on 7 July 1963 in Geel, Belgium)
Peter Lievens is full professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the
K.U.Leuven. He obtained his PhD in 1991 at the K.U.Leuven in nuclear physics, on laser
spectroscopy studies of ground state properties of short-lived nuclei, and was CERN
Fellow in Geneva, Switzerland in 1991-1992. In 1993 he returned to Leuven as a
Postdoctoral Researcher of the FWO in the Laboratory of Solid-State Physics and
Magnetism, where he obtained a professorship in 2000. His research activities focus on
physical and chemical properties of clusters in the gas phase, individual clusters on
surfaces, and cluster assembled thin films. Recent scientific achievements include the
synthesis and identification of a number of particularly stable endohedral clusters using
laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometry experiments in combination with density
functional theory calculations. He published over 150 papers in international peerreviewed journals and presented over 40 invited lectures at international conferences,
workshops, and universities.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Lieve Goorden, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Nanotechnologies for Tomorrow's society :
widening the circle of nano research
In this seminar we will first discuss the types of uncertainties promoters of newly
emerging sciences and technologies have to deal with and explain why these uncertainties
confront scientists and policy makers with dilemmas not experienced before in any
similar way. We then elaborate on our Flemish research project, “Nanotechnologies for
Tomorrow’s Society” (NanoSoc) which aims to effectively address these issues through
interdisciplinary action research, as it engages innovation networks where each actor
contributes his (incomplete) views and perspectives and confronts them with those of
others. The project brings together nanotechnologists and natural, social and cultural
scientists, stakeholders and citizens in the region of Flanders, Belgium, to discuss and
steer future nanotech developments in three particular fields of nanotechnology
development : smart environment, bio on chip and new materials.
Prof. Lieve Goorden
Lieve Goorden is sociologist and coordinator of the research cell Technology Assessment
at the Research Centre on Technology, Energy & Environment (STEM), University
Antwerp. In this research domain studies are undertaken concerning public debate and
policy making on complex technological and environmental problems.
Lieve Goorden worked for several years at the Flemish Foundation for Technology
Assessment (Stichting Technologie Vlaanderen) where her research and consultancy
tasks (Flemish Government Social Partners) focused on technology policy and
technology assessment. At the Research Institute TNO-Strategy, Technology, Policy
(Delft, The Netherlands) she organized research in the domain of ICT and Government
for different Governmental Administrations. Recently Lieve Goorden became the coordinator of the project “Nanotechnologies for tomorrow’s society”, granted by IWT,
with IMEC and KULeuven as partners. Lieve Goorden is lecturer “Technology and
Society” in the Faculty Applied Economics, University Antwerp.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Fredrik Höök, Chalmers University of Technology and Lund
University, Sweden
Miniaturized Bioanalytical Sensors : Challenges and Opportunities
Within diagnostics and drug discovery there is currently an eager search for new
technical solutions that provide high-through-put analysis of pathogenic markers and
drug candidates. The intensive research devoted to this area has provided numerous new
bioanalytical concepts capable of detecting biorecognition reactions related to many
disease states. However, despite promising, very few of these techniques have yet
reached the clinics or the pharmaceutical industry. The reasons for this are many fold, but
there is no doubt that one critical component is the need for more efficient
interdisciplinary research efforts. In parallel with the progress made by electrical,
physical and chemical engineers, who currently make significant progress with respect to
highly sensitive transducer principles, biochemists, biophysicists and biologists gain
deeper and deeper insights about the chemical pathways that orchestrate living
organisms. With particular emphasis on means to probe cell-membrane mediated
biorecognition reactions, the importance of interdisciplinary efforts will be exemplified
by presenting our work devoted on miniaturized bioanalytical sensors.
Besides the challenges that must be overcome in order to eventually reach practical
applications, I will discuss in some detail our current efforts aimed to extend already
well-established macroscopic sensors to highly miniaturized formats, exemplified with
label-free single-molecule studies and localized-surface plasmon resonance concepts
made compatible with studies of cell-membrane mimics.
Prof. Dr. Fredrik Höök
FREDRIK HÖÖK is a Professor of Biological Physics
at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
Sweden. In 1992, he earned a master degree in physics
from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. In
1997, he completed Ph.D. studies in physics at Chalmers,
where he worked under the supervision of Prof. Bengt
Kasemo (Dept of Applied Physics) and Prof. Peter
Brzezinski (Dept of Biochemistry and Biophysics). From
1998-2000, he was Postdoctoral Fellow under the
direction of Prof. Hans Elwing at the Dept of Cell and
Molecular Biology, Göteborg University. He was
appointed Assistant Professor of biological physics at
Chalmers in 2000. In 2004 he was appointed professor in
nanoscience for biophysics at the Dept of Physics at Lund
University, Sweden, and moved in 2007 to his current
position at Chalmers. He has been granted several awards
and honors for his research, including AkzoNobels Nordic research award in 2002 and
the prestigious Individual Grant for the Advancement Research Leaders in 2005. He has
authored more than 50 research publications, including PNAS, JACS and Nano Letters,
and has many patents and patents pending. He is co-founder of Q-Sense AB, Sweden,
who manufactures the internationally recognized quartz crystal microbalance with
dissipation (QCM-D) monitoring technique and LayerLab AB, who develops smart lipidbased surface modifications. Professional activities include participation in numerous
scientific societies and consultation on research directions for Swedish and European
funding agencies. His research is currently funded by several federal (including
European) and industrial sources. His current research interests include miniaturized
bioanalytical sensors, supported cell-membrane mimics, antibody arrays and micro/nanofluidics.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008, 5-7pm
Dr. Hans-Georg Braun, Max Bermann Center, IPF, Germany
The impact of military research on nanotechnology
The success of military actions either offensive or defense measures has often been
related to the progress in military based research. During history several people of high
reputation in art, science and engineering such as Archimedes or Leonardo da Vinci were
engaged in the development of “military machinery”.
From the beginning of the still increasing interest in nanotechnology (around 1990) some
enthusiastic interest from military people for this area of science could be recognized. It
even increased after September 11 due to new technological demands related to the “US
war against terrorism”. With respect to these developments a number of questions arises
as for example:
1) What are the main areas of interest in nanotechnology (from the viewpoint of
military people)?
2) How much do especially the US support military oriented research at universities
and public research institutions ?
3) Can we already recognize areas of research that are still highly speculative but
that could have a strong impact on the civil society both negative and positive?
4) Has a new race in the nanotechnology armament already started or is it about to
The lecture should address some areas of interest which are still at the fundamental
research level and which could branch both into a useful or dangerous direction for the
future social existence.
Dr. Hans-Georg BRAUN
Group leader at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden , Max Bergmann
Center of Biomaterials
Diploma in chemistry at the University of Freiburg i. Br.
(Thesis on “Electron microscopic investigations on the the oligomerisation
and polymerization of Distyrlpyrazine”
PhD Thesis at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Freiburg with
Prof. G. Wegner on the topic: The oligomerisation of Distyrylpyrazine in the
solid state – A topochemical single crystal to single crystal reaction (1980/81)
Guest visitor at the Institut of Materials Science University of Saarbrücken at
Prof. Gleiter / Prof. Petermann)
Post-doc at the Dept. of Chemical Eng. University of Kyoto (Japan) with
Prof. T. Hashimoto
Head of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory at the Polymer Physics
department of BASF Central Research Laboratory in Ludwigshafen
Head of the Polymer Micro- and Nanostructure Group at the IPF (Max
Bergmann Center of Biomaterials)
Tuesday, 20 May 2008, 5-7pm
Prof. Wilfried Vandervorst, IMEC and K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Nanostructures require characterization on the sub-nanometer scale :
challenges and (some) solutions for semiconductor based systems
Understanding the fabrication and operation of nanostructures requires a detailed
characterization of their structure, compositional distribution and electrical properties on
the nm scale. Characteristic dimensions of these structures may range from solely onedimensional layer structures, over 2D-confined devices and even 3D-structures like
FINFET’s and nanowires etc.. Obviously with increasing degree of dimensional
restrictions, the metrology requirements increase dramatically from “simple” depth
resolution problems to metrology with high 2D-spatial resolution to the need to probe in
an extremely small confined volume (3D-devices). Along this technological spectrum,
the problems linked with resolution, sample preparation, sample localization and finite
signal intensity (limited to limited statistics) increase tremendously.
In this lecture we focus on the case of semiconductor based structures and try to present
an overview of the recent evolution in 1D, 2D, and 3D analysis.
For 1D-analysis, quantitative high resolution dopant (and composition) profiles have
been obtained extensively with SIMS. However SIMS performance becomes limited as
profiles become shallower with higher concentration levels and interfacial concentrations
which need to be determined quantitatively. The presence of high-k dielectrics and metal
layers aggravates the analysis problems. This necessitates the need for very advanced
protocols (extremely low energy, backside SIMS) as well as the concurrent use of
alternative methods like MEIS, H-RBS and H-ERD and analytical TEM. Analysis of
electrically active profiles becomes equally challenging as classical approaches like SRP
have reached their limit and solutions might solely be solely using microscaled FPP on
bevels or SSRM.
With shrinking transistor dimensions and diffusion-less anneals, 2D-interactions gain
significantly in importance and 2D-analysis with sub-nm resolution has become
essential. Scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) has evolved as the only
concept combining high spatial resolution (<1 nm) with adequate sensitivity and
quantification precision for complete characterization of the 2D-carrier profile in small
devices and confined structures like nanowires.
The appearance of complex 3D-structures like FINFET’s and nanowires raises the
methodology requirements again. Pseudo 3D-analysis with SSRM has been
demonstrated as a very efficient way to study the conformal doping issue of FINFET’s
whereas a 3D-SIMS method is required to sample the full device doping. As illustrated
by some examples related to dopant diffusion in transistors and dopant migration during
silicidation, this appears to be possible using the Tomographic Atom probe. Verification
of its properties (quantitative composition analysis with sub-nm spatial and depth
resolution) and routine sample preparation are issues presently studied in great detail.
Prof. Dr. ir. Wilfried Vandervorst
Born in Mechelen, Belgium on May 18, 1954. He received the M.Sc. degree in
Electronic Engineering in 1977 from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Belgium. In
1983 he obtained the Ph.D degree in Applied Sciences from the same University.
In 1983-1984 he worked at Bell Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada as a consultant in
the field of materials characterization.
In 1984 he joined IMEC where he became head of the group dealing with materials
characterization. He presently belongs to the “Process Technology” division heading the
“Materials and Components Analysis” group (~40 people).
Since 1990 he is also holding an appointment as a Professor at the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven,Belgium where he is teaching courses on materials characterization
and supervising M.Sc and Ph.D students.
He was awarded the IMEC prize for outstanding achievement in December 1995 for “the
creation within IMEC of a Materials Characterization Laboratory acting as a Center of
excellence in materials and process characterization”.
In 2001 Wilfried Vandervorst has been nominated as IMEC Fellow for his exceptional
scientific contribution to the materials and component analysis, which is essential for
R&D in advanced semiconductor process technologies. The IMEC Fellowship is a very
unique nomination only granted to very few researchers (at present 8 out of a population
of 1500) at IMEC, after an international peer review, for their internationally recognized
scientific research among others as evidenced by extensive publication lists and invited
His prime research interests involve detailed studies related to the limitations posed to the
analytical techniques by ULSI and Nanotechnology in terms of spatial resolution,
detection limits, sensitivity, quantification, ... The latter work is done by working on
 instrument improvement
 design and construction of new instrumentation ,
 development of new data interpretation algorithms
 fundamental studies regarding the underlying physics of metrology tools
 investigations of detailed advanced applications in close collaboration with
process engineers in particular related to ultra shallow junction formation, high k
dielectrics and silicide formation
His present work is focused on 1(3)D-analysis using SIMS, Atom probe, SRP, HR-RBS,
ERD, (AR)XPS, TOFSIMS, TEM, optical tools, scanning probe microscopy (SSRM) and
process technology related to ultra shallow junction formation, high k and metal gates,
FINFET’s, strained devices,
He is a member of the advisory board of ECASIA, SIMS-Europe, NIST-conf on
Metrology for ULSI, (founding father of) the Ultra shallow doping profiling conferences
(now called INSIGHT) and member of the International Conference and Scientific
committee of the SIMS-conference.
He has authored and co-authored more than 600 publications and book chapters in his
field, and is holding several international patents.