Guided Reading Questions - Ch. 17
1. Who coined the term Gothic?
2. What would account for the shift from the monasteries and pilgrimage churches to great
cathedrals in the expanding cities as the center for intellectual and religious life?
3. What was the royal burial church for the kings of France?
4. Know the characteristics of Gothic architecture.
5. What became a standard feature of French Gothic architecture?
6. What elements unite all three doorways at Chartres Cathedral’s Royal Poertal?
7. The addition of what person accounts for the distinction of Chartres Cathedral’s portal
sculptural program from the Romanesque counterparts?
8. What church provides a comprehensive picture of Gothic architecture in the second half of the
12th century?
9. In what ways was Paris considered the intellectual center of Gothic Europe?
10. Which of the following figures provides the most direct contrast with the Naumburg figures?
11. Which is considered a masterpiece of the Rayonnant style?
12. Jeanne d’Evreux donation to the Abbey of St. Denis –what was the common name of the statue
13. When was fan vaulting most common?
14. What church is Abbot Suger associatied?
15. What pose style by the “court” style had a strong influence on Late Gothic sculpture?
16. What area did the Gothic style first appear?
17. Flying buttresses eliminated what from Romanesque architecture?
18. What did Jean Pucelle do?
19. Who were Gothic cathedrals dedicated?
20. What innovation did hall churches incorporate?
21. What country was the perpendicular style popular?
22. What country is said not to have accepted the Gothic style?
23. What English cathedral embodies the essential characteristics of English Gothic architecture?
24. Which animals are depicted on the exterior of Laon Cathedral?
25. What style was the Royal portal of Chartres carved?