VCE Information Technology - Summary of Proposed Changes to

Teachers should note that the proposed new name for this study is VCE Computing.
The review process for VCE Information Technology focused on:
Nomenclature, in particular the name of the study and IT applications
Increasing the level of creativity in all units
Incorporating an assessment regime that supported the creation of complex solutions to
real problems
Clarifying the focus of the study, in particular IT applications
Making connections to the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies
Including a conceptual framework to support teaching and learning practice.
Four key concepts that underpin the study are represented in the study design as organisers
of key knowledge. The concepts are:
Data and information
Digital systems
Interactions and impact
Approaches to problem solving.
They are intended to:
Provide a framework for knowledge and practice
Establish a way of thinking about problems, opportunities and digital systems
Provide developmental threads through each area of study and unit
Provide unifying themes that support transferability of knowledge and hence deeper
The concepts do not have separate content, but rather they classify key knowledge, indicated
by headings.
Unit 1: Computing
There has been a shift in the focus of this unit from individuals, organisations and information
systems to data, information and networked digital systems. As a consequence some
structural and content changes have been made. There is greater flexibility in the software
tools used to create solutions, and spreadsheet software is no longer mandated.
Computational, design and systems thinking skills are covered across the unit and are
reflected in the outcome statements. Area of Study 1 is new, Area of Study 2 (Networks) has
changed slightly, and Area of Study 3 has changed its name from ICT in a global society and
has slightly modified content.
Unit 1: Computing
i. Area of Study 1: Data analysis
ii. Area of Study 2: Networks
iii. Area of Study 3: Collaboration and communication
©VCAA April 2014
Unit 2: Computing
Conceptually there has been a slight shift with a stronger focus on the creation of solutions
that automate the processing of data through the use of programming or scripting languages
and flat file database management systems software. Two areas of study are similar to the
current study with one being replaced, (Tools, techniques and procedures). The new area of
study is Data management that requires students to determine their own need or opportunity,
collect relevant data and engage in all stages of the problem-solving methodology to create a
solution using a flat database management system.
Unit 2: Computing
i. Area of Study 1: Programming
ii. Area of Study 2: Data analysis and visualisation
iii. Area of Study 3: Data management
Unit 3: Informatics
Significant changes have been proposed for Informatics (new name to replace
IT applications), stemming primarily from the incorporation of a School-assessed Task (SAT).
Two areas of study comprise the School-assessed Task; Unit 3, Area of Study 2 and Unit 4,
Area of Study 1. The SAT allows students to create real-world digital solutions through project
work over an extended period of time. The conditions of a SAT allow students to be assessed
on process as well as product, and it allows students to create meaningful and complex digital
solutions. There are no restrictions on the software tool/s used for the SAT. In Unit 3, Area of
Study 2 student frame a hypothesis, and identify, collect and organise data in readiness for
interpretation in Unit 4. The also create a project management plan for the SAT.
The title of the units has changed and the existing area of study: Online communities has
been replaced with the Organisations and data management, which is the current Area of
Study 2, with some modifications. One of the assessment tasks for this outcome requires
students to trace the interactions that a user has when engaging in an online transaction.
Students must acknowledge the multiple entry points to a website and identify the sequence
of web pages that must be visited to commence and conclude a transaction. User flow
diagrams document the user’s journey.
Unit 3: Informatics
i. Area of Study 1: Organisations and data management
ii. Area of Study 2: Data analytics
Unit 4: Informatics
In Unit 4, students continue working on their project that forms the SAT. They extract meaning
from the data prepared in Unit 3 and formulate a conclusion to their hypothesis. Students
design, develop and evaluate a solution that communicates their conclusion. They use their
project plan to monitor progress, and evaluate its success in coordinating time, resources and
Minor changes have been made to Area of Study 2: Information management, primarily to
reduce scope. The outcome statement is slightly reworded and students only consider
information management strategies for the storage and disposal of data and information.
Unit 4: Informatics
i. Area of Study 1: Implementing project plans
ii. Area of Study 2: Information management
©VCAA April 2014
Unit 3: Software development
The name of this Unit 3–4 study is unchanged. The programming language used in both units
does not have to be selected from a list approved by the VCAA, hence there is greater
flexibility at the school level. As is the current situation, the VCAA will continue to publish a list
of programming language capabilities.
The introduction of a School-assessed Task (SAT) has resulted in content and structural
changes in this unit. Two areas of study comprise the School-assessed Task (SAT); Unit 3,
Area of Study 2 and Unit 4, Area of Study 1. The SAT allows students to create real-world
digital solutions through project work. The conditions of a SAT allow students to be assessed
on process as well as product, and it allows students to create meaningful and complex digital
solutions. In Unit 3, Area of Study 2 students identify a problem, need or opportunity and
engage in the problem-solving methodology stages of analysis and design. They also prepare
a project management plan for the complete SAT using dedicated software.
Area of Study 1: Programming practice replaces the current Analysing information problems,
with the analysis work now being located in Area of Study 2. Area of Study 1 is similar to the
current Area of Study 2, with the focus on students developing knowledge and skills in using a
programming language for the purpose of creating working modules.
Unit 3: Software development
i. Area of Study 1: Programming practice
ii. Area of Study 2: Software architecture
Unit 4: Software development
In Unit 4, students continue working on their project that forms the SAT. They develop their
preferred design specifications and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the solution
and the effectiveness of their project plan as a mechanism for managing projects. During the
development stage they create user documentation for a segment of the solution and conduct
authenticate usability tests, incorporating feedback into their solution.
Area of Study 2: Interactions and impact is new. Its focus is on data ownership and security,
and ethical responsibilities and legal obligations, viewed from a systems perspective through
the lens of personal data.
Unit 4: Software development
i. Area of Study 1: Software solutions
ii. Area of Study 2: Interactions and impact
©VCAA April 2014
Outcome statements in all areas of study across Units 1 to 4 have been altered to reflect the
focus of the unit.
Units 1 and 2 Outcome statements
Current Study Outcome Statements
Consultation Draft Outcome Statements
Unit 1
Area of Study 1
Select data from data sets, design solutions and
use a range of spreadsheet functions to develop
solutions that meet specific purposes.
Unit 1
Area of Study 1
Acquire, secure and interpret data, and design and
develop a solution that supports or refutes a hypothesis.
Area of Study 2
Recommend a networked information system for a
specific us and explain possible security threats to
this networked information system.
Area of Study 3
Contribute collaboratively to the design and
development of a website that presents an
analysis of a contemporary ICT issue and
substantiates the team’s point of view.
Area of Study 2
Design a network solution with wireless capability,
explain its configuration and predict outcomes for
intended users.
Area of Study 3
Contribute to the design and development of a website
that presents an analysis of a contemporary issue,
including a team’s point of view.
Current Study Outcome Statements
Consultation Draft Outcome Statements
Unit 2
Area of Study 1
Apply the problem-solving methodology and use
appropriate software tools to create data
visualisations that meet users’ needs.
Unit 2
Area of Study 1
Design, and develop working modules using a
programming or scripting language.
Area of Study 2
Apply the problem-solving methodology and use
appropriate software tools to create dynamic data
visualisations that meet users’ needs.
Area of Study 2
Design, and develop using a programming or
scripting language, limited solutions, record the
learning process electronically, and explain
possible career pathways that require the use of
programming or scripting skills.
Area of Study 3
Work collaboratively and apply the problemsolving methodology to create an ICT solutions,
taking into account client feedback.
©VCAA April 2014
Area of Study 3
Apply the problem-solving methodology to create a
solution using flat file database management software
and predict the impact of its implementation.
Units 3 and 4 Outcome Statements: IT applications/Informatics
Current Study
Outcome Statements
(IT applications)
Consultation Draft
Outcome Statements
Unit 3 Outcome 1
Apply stages of the
methodology to create
a prototype website
that meets an online
community’s needs,
and explain the
technical requirements
to support the hosting
of the website.
* Unit 3 Outcome 1
Design, and develop a
solution using a
relational database
management system,
and diagrammatically
represent how users
interact with a website
when supplying data for
a transaction.
Unit 3 Outcome 2
Design, and develop
using a relational
database management
system, a solution to an
information problem,
and discuss why and
how data is acquired
via websites.
+ Unit 3 Outcome 2
Use digital systems
ethically and efficiently
to acquire, structure and
prepare complex data to
substantiate a
hypothesis, and
formulate a project plan
for managing progress.
Unit 4 Outcome 1
Use selected software
to solve an ongoing
information problem,
and evaluate the
efficiency and
effectiveness of the
solution in meeting the
information needs of an
+ Unit 4 Outcome 1
Design, develop and
evaluate a solution that
substantiates or refutes
a hypothesis, and
evaluate the
effectiveness of a
project plan in
managing progress.
Unit 4 Outcome 2
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
strategies used by
organisations to
manage the storage,
communication and
disposal of data and
information, and
improvements to
current practices.
* Unit 4 Outcome 2
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
management strategies
used by organisations
to manage the storage
and disposal of data
and information, and
improvements to current
Assessment tasks
In response to a design brief that includes an analysis of a need or
opportunity and a data set:
the design and development of a relational database
management system solution.
In response to a design brief that includes a description of the online
transaction requirements of an organisation
diagrammatic representation of user interfaces and interactions
with a website when conducting a transaction.
In response to a student-generated hypothesis:
a hypothesis statement
fully-referenced data sets acknowledging intellectual property
digital data sets acquired by students that have been prepared for
the development of a solution in Unit 4
a project plan (Gantt and PERT charts) indicating times, resources and
A folio of 2–3 alternative design ideas and the detailed design
specifications of the preferred design
A solution that communicates the substantiation or refutation of
a hypothesis as detailed in Unit 3
an evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution and the extent to
which the project plan (Gantt and PERT charts) assisted in monitoring
project progress in one of the following:
a written report
an annotated visual plan.
One of the following:
a written report
an annotated visual report
* School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3 contributes 10 per cent.
* School-assessed Coursework for Unit 4 contributes 10 per cent
+ School-assessed Task for Units 3 and 4 contributes 30 per cent
©VCAA April 2014
Units 3 and 4 Outcome Statements: Software development
Current Study
Outcome Statements
Consultation Draft
Outcome Statements
Unit 3 Outcome 1
Analyse an information
problem in order to
produce software
specifications for a
solution that operates
within a networked
* Unit 3 Outcome 1
Interpret design
specifications and apply
a range of functions and
techniques using a
programming language
to develop working
Unit 3 Outcome 2
Represent a software
design and apply a
range of functions and
techniques using a
programming language
to develop a prototype
solution to meet a
specific need.
+ Unit 3 Outcome 2
Decompose a need or
opportunity, in order to
define the solution
requirements, represent
the preferred design
specifications, and
formulate a project plan
using digital systems.
An analysis that defines the requirements, constraints and
scope of a solution in one of the following:
 a written report
 an annotated visual report
a folio of 2–3 alternative design ideas, and the detailed
design specifications of the preferred design
a project plan (Gantt and PERT charts) indicating times,
resources and tasks.
Unit 4 Outcome 1
Apply stages of the
methodology to
produce a solution for
use on a mobile
device, which takes
into account technical
and legal
+ Unit 4 Outcome 1
Apply stages of the
methodology to create a
solution using a
programming language
that fulfils identified
requirements and
evaluate the
effectiveness of the
project plan in managing
A solution that meets the software requirements
specifications determined in Unit 3, including usability test
and user documentation
an evaluation of the extent to which the project plan
(Gantt and PERT charts) assisted in monitoring project
progress in one of the following:
 a written report
 an annotated visual plan
Unit 4 Outcome 2
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
strategies used by
organisations to
manage the storage,
communication and
disposal of data and
information, and
improvements to
current practices.
* Unit 4 Outcome 2
Discuss how the
interactions between
individuals and
information systems
result in both intended
and unintended
outcomes for
organisations and
Assessment tasks
In response to teacher-provided design specifications,
create working modules to meet specific needs.
One of the following:
 a written report
 an annotated visual report
* School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3 contributes 10 per cent.
* School-assessed Coursework for Unit 4 contributes 10 per cent
+ School-assessed Task for Units 3 and 4 contributes 30 per cent
©VCAA April 2014