8 Cognitive Template- Leiter-R

Intellectual functioning was assessed using formal instruments. An intelligence test was
administered in order to assess the student’s general range of intellectual functioning and to
determine current strengths and weaknesses across cognitive processing areas.
The Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised (Leiter-R) is an expressively non-verbal
measure of global intelligence with fair cross-cultural applicability, which has proved useful in
the intellectual assessment.
The Lieter-R was administered with the following results:
Confidence Interval
Full IQ
Fluid Reasoning
Sequential Order
Repeated Patterns
Fund. Visual
Picture Context
Spatial Visual
Design Analogies
Paper Folding
Figure Rotation
Other Subtests
Figure Ground
Form Completion
The Full Scale IQ score indicates non-verbal global intellectual functioning (within normal
limits/is a normative deficit/is a normative strength).
Fluid Reasoning
The Fluid Reasoning factor is comprised of two subtests, Sequential Order and Repeated Patterns.
The Sequential Order subtest presents logical progressions of pictorial or figural objects, and the
student is asked to select related stimuli that progress in a corresponding order. The Repeated
Patterns subtest measures the student’s ability to complete the missing portion of a pattern of
pictorial or figural objects. Xxx’s performance on these tests indicate … Specifically, Xxx was
able to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your own analysis of the
student’s responses)
Fundamental Visualization
The Fundamental Visualization factor is also comprised of two subtests, Matching and Picture
Context. Matching measures the student’s ability to discriminate and match visual stimuli, while
Picture Context assesses the ability to recognize a pictured object that has been removed from a
larger display using visual contextual clues. Xxx’s performance on these tests indicate …
Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your
own analysis of the student’s responses)
Spatial Visual
The Spatial Visual factor is comprised of Design Analogies, Paper Folding, and Figure Rotation.
Design Analogies measures a student’s ability to solve matrix analogies and mentally rotate
figures. Paper Folding measures a student’s ability to mentally “fold” a 2-D object and match it
to a target. Figure Rotation assesses a student’s ability to mentally rotate objects and geometric
figures. Xxx’s performance on these tests indicate … Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had
difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your own analysis of the student’s responses)
Other Subtests
There are three other subtests of the Leiter-R that are administered to children Xxx’s age. The
Figure Ground subtest measures the child’s ability to identify embedded figures or designs within
a complex stimulus or visual field. Form Completion measures the child’s facility in recognizing
a whole object from a randomly-displayed array of its fragmented parts. Finally, Classification
assesses the child’s ability to categorize objects or geometric designs. Xxx’s performance on
these tests indicate … Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this
section based on the your own analysis of the student’s responses)
OR—if using a CHC model to interpret IQ, use the table and text below. Also note that if using
the CHC model, you can only use below average (84 and below), average (85-115), and above
average (above 115) for descriptive ranges. Please note that you must also administer subtests
from other batteries to obtain cluster scores for Gc, Ga, and Gsm and one additional subtest for
The Lieter-R was administered with the following results (the CHC processing area cluster scores
are based on calculations from the Essentials of Cross Battery Assessment, Second Edition):
Full IQ
Fluid Intelligence (Gf)
Design Analogies
Picture Context
Repeated Patterns
Sequential Order
Visual Coding
Long-Term Retrieval (Glr)
Associated Pairs
Delayed Pairs
Delayed Recognition
Visual Processing (Gv)
Figure Ground
Figure Rotation
Form Completion
Forward Memory
Immediate Recognition
Paper Folding
Processing Speed (Gs)
Attention Sustained
The Full Scale IQ score indicates non-verbal global intellectual functioning to be within the
*average range.
Fluid Intelligence (Gf)
Fluid intelligence is the ability to use and engage in various mental operations when faced with a
relatively novel task that cannot be performed automatically. This cluster is composed of
Classification, Design Analogies, Repeated Patterns, and Sequential Order (measures of
Induction, which is the ability to discover the underlying characteristic that governs a problem or
set of materials) and Picture Context and Visual Coding (measures of general sequential
reasoning, which is the ability to start with stated rules, premises, or conditions and to engage in
one or more steps to reach a solution to a problem). Xxx’s performance on these tests indicate …
Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your
own analysis of the student’s responses)
Long-Term Retrieval (Glr)
Long-term retrieval is the ability to store information (e.g., concepts, ideas, items, or names) in
long-term memory and to retrieve it later fluently through association. This cluster is composed
of Associated Pairs, Delayed Pairs, and Delayed Recognition (measures of associative memory,
which is the ability to recall one part of a previously learned but unrelated pair of items when the
other part is presented). Xxx’s performance on these tests indicate … Specifically, Xxx was able
to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your own analysis of the student’s
Visual Processing (Gv)
Visual processing is the ability to generate, perceive, analyze, synthesize, manipulate, transform,
and think with visual patterns and stimuli. This cluster is composed of Figure Ground (measure
of flexibility of closure, which is the ability to identify a visual figure or pattern embedded in a
complex visual array, when knowing in advance what the pattern is), Figure Rotation (measure of
spatial relations, which is the ability to perceive and manipulate visual patterns rapidly or to
maintain orientation with respect to objects in space), Form Completion, Matching, and Paper
Folding (measures of Visualization, which is the ability to manipulate objects or visual patterns
and to “see” how they would appear under altered conditions) and Forward Memory and
Immediate Recognition (measures of Visual Memory, which is the ability to form and store a
mental representation or image of a visual stimulus and then recognize or recall it later). Xxx’s
performance on these tests indicate … Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had
difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your own analysis of the student’s responses)
Processing Speed (Gs)
Processing speed is the ability to perform cognitive tasks fluently and automatically, especially
when under pressure to maintain focused attention and concentration. Processing Speed is
measured by the subtest Attention Sustained (measures Perceptual Speed, the ability to search and
compare visual symbols rapidly when presented side-by-side or separated in a visual field, and
Rate-of-Test-Taking, the ability to perform tests that are relatively easy or that require very
simple decisions rapidly). Xxx’s performance on this test indicate … Specifically, Xxx was able
to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the your own analysis of the student’s