A Great Roman: Julius Caesar

History Unit 3: Chapter 13
(Study Skill: Outlining)
A Great Roman: Julius Caesar
I. Hail to the Conqueror!
A. Following the Punic Wars, Rome’s most powerful families continued to look
for lands to conquer.
B. One of these young men, Julius Caesar, knew military success would result in
wealth, honor, and power.
C. Caesar and Rome knew the strength of the Roman army would keep the
Roman Republic together.
D. The Roman army had become a professional army and was no longer allowed
into the city of Rome because the members of the army were only loyal to the generals
and not to Rome.
E. Julius Caesar tried to take over the Roman Republic.
II. The Rise to Power
A. Caesar was tall and well-built.
B. Caesar was intelligent with a good sense of humor, but also was ambitious,
determined, ruthless, and arrogant.
C. Caesar used people to get power.
D. Caesar became powerful enough to be elected consul in 59BC.
E. After conquering Gaul and pursuing an election to consul again, Caesar lost the
trust of an important man named Pompey who wanted Caesar out of powerful positions.
F. Caesar made many enemies as he gained power and felt he needed the
protection of his army in the city of Rome.
III. Dictator for Life
A. Caesar coined the terms “the die is cast” and “crossing the Rubicon” when he
took decisive action and went beyond the point of no return by using his army to
demonstrate that he was willing to fight for power.
B. Caesar’s actions started a civil war putting the existence of the Roman
C. Caesar took control of Italy and became the dictator of Rome.
D. Necessary in the times of emergency, dictatorships could legally exist for only
six months.
E. Caesar felt this law was silly and made efforts to establish a more permanent
dictatorship by having his face minted onto coins and renaming the month of Quintilis in
his honor: Julius (July).
F. Opponents of Caesar suggested that his victor’s laurels more closely resembled
a royal crown.
G. Caesar gained absolute power during the five years following the crossing of
the Rubicon River, but was faced with more work than he could handle.
IV. Out of Touch