Book Lists 2015 - St. Mary`s & St. Gerard`s National School, Enniskerry

St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry.
June 2015
The following are the books your child will need in SECOND CLASS for the school year 2015/16
English :
Spellbound 2 (C.J. Fallon)
Just Handwriting – 2nd Class percussive (
Exercise your English 2 (Edco)
Alive – O 4 Workbook (First Holy Communion & First Penance Workbook)
Bun Go Barr 2 ( C.J.Fallon)
Fuaimeanna agus Focail Rang a 2(Folen’s)
Mathematics :
Mathemagic 2 (C.J.Fallon)
Time for Tables (Edco)
New Wave Mental Maths 2nd Class (New Edition) (Prim Ed)
Maths Mate Skill Book 2 (Edco)
Small World - Second Class (C.J.Fallon)
*Recorder from the Beginning Book 1 with CD – retain from 1st Class
(new colour edition) (please ensure CD is still working)
*These books were collected by the teacher and passed on to the new teacher.
All Books & Copies should be covered and labelled on the front cover.
10 x 88page copies ruled
1 Scrapbook
2 x 10mm maths copy(1cm squares)
1 A4 Sketch Pad (retain)
4 Plastic envelope folders
2 x Learn to Write handwriting copies
(Code: ASX B2 (wide red and blue lines)
1 Pencil case containing
6 HB Pencils, 2 white rubbers
1 container sharpener,
30cm ruler,
1 packet of markers
1 packet of colouring pencils
n Large Pritt Stick
Retain Recorder
All the above must be labelled please to avoid confusion
* Art & Craft
* Book Rental/ photocopying
(Atlas, Dictionary, Religion Reader,
English readers & extension
readers in English,
Test Time Maths 2,
Maths Mastery 2.)
* Homework Journal
It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterisk (€43.35) could be paid directly to the
secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Purchase of Books:
All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan, 01-2836477 or online Some of the books may be available second hand from “The Wise
Owl” Book Shop.
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday, 31st of July 2015. To avail of
FREE BOOK COVERING place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg when placing
your order.
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s NS will be placed on and can
be found by selecting - book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using the quick codes
6nse2c.(2nd Class Code)
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name.
Olivia Murphy
St. Mary's & St. Gerard's National School, Enniskerry.
June 2015
The following is a list of the books your child will require in Junior Infants for the school year
All books must be covered in brightly coloured paper if possible to make them easily
recognisable to the children. Please print the child’s name clearly on the outside of front
Exercise your English A1 (Edco)
(Introduction to Cursive Handwriting)
Just Handwriting Jun. Infs (
Mathematics : Busy at Maths (Jun Infs) (C.J. Fallon)
(pack of 3 Books)
Small World Junior Infants (C.J.Fallon)
3 Medium Pritt Stick (with child’s name on it)
The Right Note (Folens) (Jun & Sen Infants)
Bua na Cainte A (Edco)
* Art & Craft
* Copies, Pencils and Crayons
* Book Rental: A broad range of English & Irish
Language Resources. Alive O Religion Book.
It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterix (€50.00) could be paid directly
to the secretary’s office on August 31st 2015
Purchase of Books
All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan, 01-2836477 or
online . Some of the books may be available second hand from
“The Wise Owl” Book Shop.
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday 31st of July 2015. To
avail of FREE BOOK COVERING place the following code in the voucher box
fbcmg when placing your order.
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s NS will be placed on
and can be found by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using
code 6nseji. (Junior Infants).
Junior Infants go home at 12.30pm for the first two weeks (Aug 31st – 11th Sept) and
at 2.00pm thereafter.
Ms McGrath.
St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry.
June 2015
The following is a list of the books your child will need in SENIOR INFANTS for the school year
All books and copies must be covered with the child’s name clearly printed on
the outside cover.
Bua na Cainte B (Edco)
English :
Spellbound Senior Infants (C.J. Fallon)
Small World Senior Infants (C.J. Fallon)
The Right Note (Jun & Sen Infants)
(This book is in school already so please do not buy)
Mathematics :
Busy at Maths (Senior Infants) (C.J. Fallon)
(pack of 3 books)
3 Medium Pritt Stick (with child’s name on it)
The Handwriting, Rainy Days and Phonics books will be purchased by the school on your behalf with
the remainder of the Junior Infant deposits.
Expenses :
* Art & Craft
* Rental of English Readers
and Religion Books,
photocopied material
* Copies, Pencils, Plastic folders,
pencil grips
It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterisk (€50.00) could be paid directly
to the secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Purchase of Books
All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan, 01-2836477 or
online Some of the books may be available second hand from
“The Wise Owl” book shop.
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday 31st July. To avail of
FREE BOOK COVERING, place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg when
placing your order.
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s NS will be placed on
and can be found by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using
code 6nsesi (Senior Infants).
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name.
Ms Kearney
St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry
June 2015
The following is a list of books your child will need in FIRST CLASS for the school year 2015/16.
All books and copies should be covered and labelled on the outside front cover.
English :
Spellbound 1 (C J Fallon)
Handwriting made Easy Looped Style 1 (C J Fallon)
My Personal Word Book (Prim Ed)
Bun go Barr 1 ( C J Fallon)
Mathematics: Mathemagic 1 ( C J Fallon)
New Wave Mental Maths 1st Class (Prim Ed)
Recorder from the beginning Book 1 (CD Version)
Small World 1st Class (C J Fallon)
4 X A12 40 page copies
3 X 15A copies
3 X Blank copies
2 X Junior Sum Copies 32 page 10mm square
1 X B2 Handwriting Copy B2
1 X A3 sketch pad (spiral bound)
1 plastic A4 folder with zip or button fastener
2 x A4 display book (20 pockets)
Pencil case containing: 10 HB pencils, white rubber, container sharpener,
30 cm ruler, colouring pencils, 2 large Pritt Stick – all above labelled.
Available in school €13.00
(Your child should be given the responsibility to check his/her school bag every evening to make sure
he/she has all these items ready for school, throughout the year.)
*Art & Craft
*Book Rental/Photocopying
(Religion Book (Alive-O 3), a broad range of English Readers, Literacy Skills Books)
*Homework Journal
 It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterisk (€43.35) could be paid directly to
the secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Purchase of Books
All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan. 01- 2836477 or online Some of the books may be available second hand from “The Wise
Owl” book shop.
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday, July 31st . To avail of
FREE BOOK COVERING place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg when
placing your order.
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s NS will be placed on and
can be found by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using code
6nse1c (first class).
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name.
Nicola Healy
St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry.
June 2015
All books must be covered, with the child’s name clearly printed on the outside cover
The following is a list of the books your child will need in FIFTH CLASS for the school year 2015/16
English :
Spellbound 5 (C.J. Fallon)
Word Wise 5 (C.J.Fallon)
Irish :
English/Irish Dictionary (An Comhlacht Oideachais)
Fuaimeanna agus Focail Litriú do Rang a 5 (Folens)
Mathematics :
New Wave Mental Maths 5 (new edition –Prim Ed)
Maths Assessment Tests 5 (C.J.Fallon)
Calculator: Sharp Elsimate EL- 240S – labelled with your child’s name
Calculators are the responsibility of each child.
Large Blank Map Book (C.J.Fallon)
Oxford School Atlas (C.J.Fallon)
Music from the beginning Book 3 and CD
Please retain Recorder or buy new one if needed in school office
Please retain at home for September: Recorder, English Dictionary and Essential Facts and Tables.
Copies : (Please do not write names on outside of copies)
3 x 88 page Maths with plastic copy cover, 6 x 88 page copies, 2x40 page notebooks.
Oxford Maths set – labelled clearly with your child’s name
6 red pens, 8 HB Pencils, 2 Rulers, 2 Rubbers, Pencil Parer.
2 Large Pritt- labelled with your child’s name,
Colouring Pencils, 2 Plastic A4 Envelopes, 2 A4 Refill Pads (Wide Feint), markers
2 packs of dividers, 1 4GB Memory Stick, 1 A4 Scrap Book, 1 A4 Sketch Pad and 1 A4Ringbinder (2
holes not 4 holes)
Expenses :
* Art & Craft
* Book Rental:
(Maths, Novels,
Religion, Science, Environmental Studies,
Geography, History)
* Homework Diary
* Mathletics
It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterisk (€45.35) could be paid directly
to the secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Purchase of Books
All books are available from “The Wise Owl Bookshop”, Stillorgan, 01-2836477 or online . Some of the books may be available second hand from “The Wise Owl” book
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday, July 31st .To avail of FREE BOOK
COVERING, place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg when placing your order.
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s NS will be placed on and can be found
by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using code 6nse5c. (fifth class)
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name.
Ms Malone
St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry
June 2015
The following is a list of books your child will need in SIXTH CLASS for the school year 2015/16
Gaeilge :
Fuaimeanna agus Focail do Ranga 6
English :
Spellbound 6 (C.J.Fallon)
*****Correction made*****
Grammar Workbook for
Senior Classes (Folens) retain from 5th class
World Wise 6 (C.J. Fallon)
New Wave Mental Maths 6 (Prim Ed)
Maths Assessment Tests 6 (C.J.Fallon)
Maths Set
Large Blank Map book (C.J.Fallon)
Recorder (Please ensure that it is in good condition)
Music Book from the beginning - Book 3 and CD
The following will be collected from the pupils and retained for 6th Class.
Irish/English Dictionary, English Dictionary, Facts and Tables, Atlas, Calculators, Ring Binder, A3
* Art & Craft
* Book Rental :
(Gaeilge, History, Geography,
English ,Novels, Mathletics, R.E)
* Homework Journal
Copies & Stationery:
5 x No 11, 120 page copies
2 x C3 120 page maths copies
1 scrapbook (for confirmation)
(at least 40 pages).
10 new dividers and polypockets.
2 plastic A4 envelopes
2 A4 Refil Pads
2 HB pencils, 2 blue/black ink pens,
3 red biros, 1 green biro, eraser, sharpener,
30cm ruler.
2 large pritt sticks, colouring pencils, markers
2 highlighters.
1 USB key (retain from 5th Class)
1 Graph Book (32 pages)
(please label all above clearly)
It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterisk (€45.35) could be paid to the
secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Purchase of Books
 All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan, 01-2836477 or
online . Some of the books may be available second hand from
“The Wise Owl” book shop.
 Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday, July 31st.To avail of
the FREE BOOK COVERING place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg
when placing your order.
 Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s will be placed on and
can be found by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using the
code 6nse6c.(sixth class)
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name.
Ms McConnell.
St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry.
June 2015
All books must be covered and names clearly marked on the outside front cover!
The following is a list of the books your child will need in THIRD CLASS for the
school year 2015/16
English :
Write on Cursive Writing Workbook 1 (Folens)
Spellbound 3 (C.J.Fallons)
******Correction made*****
Chambers New School English Dictionary (C.J. Fallon)
Mathematics :
Mathemagic 3 (C.J. Fallon)
Times for Tables (Edco) Retain
New Wave Mental Maths 3 (New Edition)
Table Toppers 3 (C.J. Fallon)
Bun go Barr 3rd Class ( C.J. Fallon)
Fuaimeanna agus Focail do rang a 3 (Folens)
Recorder from the beginning Book 1 with CD (Retain)
Recorder from the beginning Book 2 with CD
Please retain recorder
Copies :
10 88 page writing copies with margin,
1 soft pencil case containing:
2 X 120 page writing copies with margin
6 HB Pencils
1 Notebook
2 Erasers
2 x C3 Maths Copy 120 page
1 Container Sharpener
A4 Ring Binder with plastic pockets and 10 subject dividers
30 cm Ruler
1 nature Study Copy (32 pages)
2 large Pritt Stick
1 green pen, 1 red pen, 1 black pen
1 packet of Colouring Pencils
1 Packet of Markers
* Art & Craft:
* Rental Scheme:
Books available in school :
(science, environmental studies,
additional English readers, Atlas,
language and mathematics
workbooks, religion books,
History & Geography ).
*Homework Journal
It would be appreciated if the amount marked with an asterisk (€43.35) could be paid directly
to the secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Purchase of Books
All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan. 01-2836477 or online . Some of the books may be available second hand from “The Wise
Owl” book shop.
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday, July 31st.To avail of the FREE
BOOK COVERING place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg when placing your
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s NS will be placed on and can
be found by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using code 6nse3c.
(Third class).
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name
Ms. Seoighe
St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S. Enniskerry.
June 2015
All books and copies must be covered and LABELLED CLEARLY with child’s name.
Please do not write subject on copies.
The following is a list of the books your child will need in FOURTH CLASS for the school year 2015/16.
English :
Spellbound Book 4 (C.J.Fallon)
*****Correction made*****
Write On Book 2 (Folens)
Gaelige :
Fuaimeanna & Focail Rang a 4 (Folens)
Mathematics :
New Wave Mental Maths 4 (Prim Ed)
Recorder from the Beginning Book 2 & CD
New full-colour edition. Recorder labelled and in good condition.
Copies :
6 x 120 page A11 copies
2 x 88 page A11 Copies
2 x 40 page A12 copies
1x Nature Study Copy
1 x 120 page C3 Maths Copy
1x A4 Refill Pad
soft pencil case
4 HB pencils
2 red pens, 2 green pens, 2
black pens, 2 blue pens.
Container pencil sharpener
2 large Pritt Stick-labelled
Colouring pencils
30cm ruler
1 X A4 Ring Binder
10 subject dividers
20 poly pockets
A4 Plastic Document Wallet.
Please label all clothing and equipment clearly with your child’s name.
* Art & Craft
* Book Rental: (English novels, Irish novels, History, Geography, Science, Religion)
* Homework Journal
* €3.35
It would be appreciated if the amounts marked with an asterisk (€43.35) could be paid directly to the
secretary’s office on August 31st 2015.
Ms O’Connell
Purchase of Books
All books are available from The Wise Owl Bookshop, Stillorgan. 01-2836477 or online Some of the books may be available second hand from “The Wise
Free book covering on orders placed online only before Friday, July 31st To avail of the FREE
BOOK COVERING place the following code in the voucher box fbcmg when placing your
Book lists for St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s will be placed on and can be
found by selecting – book lists, Wicklow and then the school or by using the code 6nse4c.