Program Assessment Committee Final Report to the Academic

Program Assessment Committee
Final Report to the Academic Senate 2009-2010
Marion Geiger, Faculty at Large
Olaf Hansen, CoAS
Kathy Norman, CoE (Chair through March 2010)
Toni Olivas, Library
Alberto Ribas-Casasayas, CoAS
Bruce Louis Rich, CoBA
Linda Shaw, Chair (from March 2010), CoAS
David Barsky, Provost’s Office (to January 2010)
Gerardo Gonzalez, Graduate Studies and Research
Karen Irwin, Provost’s Office
Jennifer Jeffries, Provost’s Office (from February 2010)
Marie Thomas, Learning Outcomes Assessment Faculty Fellow
Accomplishments This Year:
PAC did considerable work this year to develop and revise the Program Review
Policy and Guidelines for implementing program reviews. We asked the Executive
Committee of the Academic Senate for preliminary consideration and feedback on
the policy and guidelines and will be asking other groups on campus (e.g.,
department chairs) for their review and feedback in preparation for bringing the
Program Review Policy before the Academic Senate in AY 2010-2011. In the
meantime, we anticipate that several of the programs that will be undergoing
program review in the next academic year will wish to conduct their reviews using
the proposed new policy which will provide another source of feedback enabling
revision of the Policy prior to sending it to the full Senate for approval.
PAC revised its charge in the Academic Senate Constitution.
PAC also considered and wrote letters in response to the following completed
Program Reviews: Human Development (B.A.), Communication (B.A.), Literature
and Writing Studies (M.A.), and the College of Business Administration (B.A. and
PAC Agenda for AY 2010-2011
PAC will make final revisions to the Program Review Policy and Guidelines and
submit them to the Academic Senate for consideration and approval.
PAC will consider and respond to program reviews from Women’s Studies, Political
Science, and Social Science.
PAC anticipates that the following programs will engage in Program Review during
the 2010-2012 review cycle: Liberal Studies (B.A.), Biological Sciences (B.S. and
M.S.), Computer Science (B.S. and M.S.), and History (B.A. and M.A.). PAC will provide
support to for these reviews as outlined in the proposed Program Review Policy.