Success in college

How to Succeed in College
The following is an "idea" list of behaviors that are likely to assist the student to succeed
in the university environment. Neither exhaustive nor prioritized, it is included to assist
in the identification of ideas for class discussion and personal goal setting by the student.
1. Find a resource person (advisor, officer of a student organization, campus
leader, Orientation faculty member, etc.) and get to know that person.
2. Meet other students before and after class and during lunch and breaks.
3. Identify reasons for being enrolled as a student; formulate student and career
4. Learn what campus resources are available. Try to learn the "system" of the
university (both the regional campus and the campus that you may be
transferring to).
5. Know the campus library.
6. Purchase a calendar and manage your school and work time. Time
management is essential to success.
7. Assess the hours needed to work to be economically solvent. Limit hours
worked. (Full-time student = no more than 20 hours per week) Schedule
fewer hours of work at the peak times of the semester, i.e. mid-terms, final
exams, assignment due dates.
8. Assess personal learning styles. Based on this assessment, pattern study
9. Develop critical thinking skills. Ask "Why?"
10. Keep contact with an academic advisor.
11. Choose professors who use active student involvement in the learning process.
12. Manage stress; identify what times may be more stressful during a semester.
13. Manage your health (rest, diet, exercise, leisure activities).
14. Attend class.
15. Get involved in campus activities.
16. Have fun!
17. Take risks. One of the greatest fears that students express is public speaking.
Challenge yourself to speak before the class or a group.