Errata to “Waves in oceanic and coastal waters” by L

January 23rd, 2008
“Waves in oceanic and coastal waters”
L.H. Holthuijsen
Cambridge University Press
(2007 edition)
p. 65
Fig. 4.7:
remove crosses of all secondary maxima per wave
p. 76
2nd line:
H i 1 should be H i
p. 79
Eq. (4.2.43)
Pr   D should be Pr   
p. 154
Note 6B
the value of k1  4.14 x 10
p. 161
2nd line
the dimensionless peak frequency
should be
should be k1  4.41 x 10
f peak  f peakU10 g
f peak  f peakU10 g
p. 207
Note 7A:
“Snell’s Law” in title should be “Snel’s Law”
p. 219
Fig. 7.14
line types in legend do not match line types in figure
p. 227
Fig. 7.19
legend: “wave-induced” should be
“wave-induced x -momentum”
p. 235
Fig. 7.20
caption: S yy should be S xy
p. 250
Note 8B
the value of k1  4.14 x 10
p. 254
Note 8C
in the last expression,
should be k1  4.41 x 10
tanh  kd  should be
tanh 2  kd 
p. 255
Note 8D
The FRF spectrum was published by Miller and Vincent
 5  f 4 
 
  as the argument in the exponential
 4  f peak  
function. However, this is algebraically wrong
because the frequency f peak is only the peak frequency
(the frequency where the spectral density attains its
  f 4 
maximum) when the exponent is   
  (as shown
  f peak  
in the book; see footnote 8 on p. 158).
p. 291
Eq. (9.3.15)
The value 0.001 should be 0.01.
u z
in the figure box should be reversed,
so that  z   z . Similarly,  x   x
p. 320
Fig. B.2
The sign of 
p. 349
“Battjes, J.A., T.F Zitman ..” should be
“Battjes, J.A., T.J Zitman ..”
p. 382
“Navier-Stokes equations 242, 319” should be
“Navier-Stokes equations 239, 319”