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Envoyé le : Mercredi 23 juillet 2014 15h31
Objet : [euproject] Searching new strategies for efficient use of resources
Searching new strategies for efficient use of resources and
environmental protection during the 3rd MEETING in Poland of the
LDV partnership project
The third meeting of the European Leonardo da Vinci project “INOVES” took
place in Krakow, Poland, on 13-16 July 2014. The team project coordinator, SC
TRAINING CONS 2005 SRL Iasi, Romania participated in the meeting, along with the
project teams from the partner countries: National Agricultural Advisory Centre in
Brwinow, Poland, IMPULSA IDEAS SL, Spain, Bolu Provincial Directorate of
Environment and Urbanization, Turkey, USIT Association, Spain, Department of
Biology, University of Florence, Italy, District Governorship of Sultanhisar, Turkey,
Vocational High School of Mechanical Techniques, Sliven, Bulgaria, Association
„European Values Institute”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The partnership project is developed in the frame of Lifelong Learning
Leonardo da Vinci Programme, its’ main objective being to develop innovative
methods and strategies in educational and vocational training field about the efficient
use of resources and sharing this practices among partners.
The project addresses to the teachers, trainers, tutors working in the field of
resource usage and environmental protection and in similar professions in training
centers/ institutions or schools.
The motivation of this partnership is to inform more our target group about the
initiatives foreseen by EU Commission to promote the efficient use of resources in
Europe (Flagship initiative under Europe 2020 Strategy, Brussels, 26 th November
2011) and customer empowerment (institutions, population) to determine them to
consume products that save resources, appealing to innovation and economic
efficiency and to combine the efficient use of resources with the benefits of
environmental protection and of a healthy life.
Through our activities and the help of the partners who work on environmental
factors we can determine our target learners be aware how the environment is vital
and how its’ resources can be used efficiently and more ecologically. By this way,
firstly we can increase the awareness of our addressees on this matter and after that
of the target group in local, national and international dimensions.
On the first day of work in the project, the activities aimed:
 presentation of the project programme and of the participants of the meeting;
 presentation of activities developed by partner institutions from the precedent
meeting till July 2014;
 to share positive experiences in European projects and the field of the project by
the partners;
introducing the vocational education systems the partners apply in their
 reports on/ about intermediary evaluation of the project and the dissemination
made by partner institutions.
After finishing the discussions for the 1st day of the project, all partners
participated to a Guide tour of Krakow.
On the second day of work in the project, the activities aimed:
to present the stage of INOVES project by the coordinating institution
(objectives and outcomes, tasks, deadlines);
 to establish the following steps to accomplish the project, the immediate tasks
and to set deadlines for partners involved.
Also, on the second day we filled in the evaluation questionnaire and we
distributed the certificates for every participant at the meeting.
But an important moment of the second meeting day was the technical visit
organized by Polish partner to an ecological farm from Iwanowice. Ecological and
education farm “Janówka”, farm managed by Jan Pajdzik. Mr. Jan started small
ecological plant and animal production in 1999. His farm is almost 5 hectares wide.
Now, he is certificated as ecological producer. The farm includes fruit trees: plums
and apples, some type of berries and vegetables. Animal production includes poultry
breeding and dairy cattle. Mr Jan is a participant of the education farms network. He
hosts groups of pupils and students from schools in his farm. This farm represents a
balance in farming and proves that small farming is able to be efficient. Here, in the
first part of the visit, we saw ecological methods used in organic farming and for
organic plant protection.
The most important part of ecological methods organic farming is biodiversity
of insects and how to prepare insecticides made/used for plants; special plants which
have influence on insects. It’s important also to protect birds, because birds are
natural predators for small animals like mice. Mister Jan Pajdzik explains to visitors/to
us the mechanical ways to destroying herbs.
In the second part of the visit, we saw animals’ husbandry. He has only free
caws, daisy “cutlets” which live very long. They don’t eat any artificial products in their
food. In the same way, they keep poultry. He has many species of apples,
strawberries, cherries.
Another planned visit in our programme was to The National Research
Institute of Animal Production in Kraków-Balice. The National Research Institute
of Animal Production in Kraków-Balice, founded in 1950, is the largest institute in
the agricultural sector serving the whole country. The Institute is engaged in research
and development work, which comprises the breeding of all species of farm animals
and the entirety of animal production issues. This activity is directed at the current
and future needs of production of safe food under animal and environmentally
friendly conditions as well as the use of farm animals for biomedical purposes. The
Institute’s research programme covers 6 areas, which are regarded as strategic for
the changing needs of animal production:
Genetics and breeding of farm animals;
Development of the methods for biotechnology of reproduction of male and
female farm animals;
In situ and ex situ conservation of farm animal genetic resources;
Animal cytogenetic and molecular genetics;
Animal nutrition and feed science;
Technology, ecology and economics of animal production.
Finally, all partners agreed that the meeting in Krakow, Poland has
constituted a real important progress in the development of our project because it
permitted a better knowledge of the partners, sharing of good practice among
partners (we must remark here the good practices shared to us by our partners from
Bolu and Sultanhisar, Turkey, or those from Sliven, Bulgaria). Special emphasis was
placed - during the meeting - on the practical knowledge of specific innovative
strategies for the protection of the environment and resource efficient use by the host
country (and this thing was accomplished by the technical visits organized by our
Polish partner), but also on clarifying and understanding the steps to be followed for
each partner to succeed better realization of tasks in the project and the achievement
of the initial objectives.
Moreover, in the final assessment of the meeting, participants were asked to
make feedback on the meeting just to improve things along the way and to achieve a
final larger impact.
The city of Krakow, where the meeting was held, it is an important cultural
centre of Poland, with many museums, churches, monuments, universities, libraries.
The visits in the historical city centre, to the Wawel Castle, to the University
Jagellonia, to Saint Peter /St Paul church,to Saint Mary church- helped the guests to
discover the culture and history of Polish people. Tasting the traditional Polish dishes
in a beautiful restaurant of the region, we have completed the project meeting in
Poland with beautiful moments and impressions.
Author: PhD Elena ANGHEL, S.C. Training Cons 2005 S.R.L, Iasi, Romania
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