Board Summary - Hubbard County

APRIL 7, 2010
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1. Approved the agenda as submitted.
2. Approved the minutes of the regular 03/17/10 board meeting, as submitted.
3. Approved payment of the bills and auditor’s warrants for 03/19, 03/26 and 04/01/10, as submitted
including the payment to MARCO, Bemidji, MN for sales tax in the amount of $ 393.94 for the copy
machine purchase approved on 03/17/10.
4. Reported results of the “Passport Day in the USA” held on 03/27/10: completed 43 passports and
booklets along with taking 44 pictures. The Recorder issued several birth certificates also.
5. Approved payment of final assessment in connection with the 2008 – 2009 IRS payroll audit in the
amount of $2,202.09, by auditor’s warrant.
6. Approved the following license applications, upon completion of proper paperwork: 3.2 NonIntoxicating License (Beer) – Fair Haven’s Golf Course, Straight River Township;
Liquor/Wine/Sunday Liquor Licenses – North Point Lodge, LLC dba North Point Lodge, Henrietta
Township and Bad 2 the Bone BBQ, Lake Alice Township; Off Sale Liquor License – Bad 2 the
Bone BBQ, Lake Alice, Township and Set-up & Display: The Barn, Henrietta Township and The
Hilltop Inn, Hubbard Township.
7. Presented the General Revenue Cash Balance Report, Revenue and Expenditure Reports effective
8. Approved payment of the following, by auditor’s warrant per board action on 02/03/10: Thielen
Motors, Park Rapids, MN in the amount of $27,695 for NRM Sheriff’s vehicle for trail patrol; Park
Rapids Ford, Park Rapids, MN in the amount of $22,393 for NRM vehicle; and to Motor Vehicle for
$20 for documentation fee and $1,505.55 for sales tax and license on purchases listed above
9. Approved timber sale parcels, as presented and recommended by the Land Commissioner,
scheduled for 05/04/10.
10. Approved transfer of cabin lease #35 located in Section 13, T142N, R35W, Clover Township from
Dale Grover to Kevin and Tom Grover, as recommended by the Land Commissioner.
11. Approved Forest Riders Snowmobile Club landowner permission form for grant in aid snowmobile
trail on tax forfeited land, as recommended by the Land Commissioner and authorized the Land
Commissioner to sign same.
12. Approved Amendment #1 to Grant Agreement for Farris Park NR 96-016, as recommended by the
Land Commissioner and authorized the signature of same by the Chair.
13. Accepted low quote of M R Sign Company, Inc. Fergus Falls, MN. in the amount of $19,645.10 for
signs and posts that meets specifications and low quote of Knife River Materials, Bemidji, MN in the
amount of $19,637.25, plus tax for culverts, bands and end sections, as recommended by the
Public Works Coordinator, to be paid from budgeted monies.
14. Approved Arago Township utilization of the county’s ground concrete as parking lot base in
consideration for Recycling Shed placement, as discussed.
15. Authorized filling of three temporary, non-certified solid waste positions for up to six months, per
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proper procedure, as presented.
16. Reviewed transfer station maintenance issues that will need to be addressed in the near future and
MPCA Stormwater Rule changes and the effects on Hubbard County facilities.
17. Approved payment to DLT Solutions in the amount of $833.60, by auditor’s warrant, representing
sales tax on purchase of AutoCad software authorized on 03/03/10, to be paid from the Recorder’s
Compliance fund.
18. Authorized NRM personnel overtime, as needed during the tree planting and site preparation
19. Reported Highway Department, comp time accrual in the amount of 1090.35 hours.
20. Accepted the LEC donations, as presented.
21. Approved 2010 B & W Safety Grant in the amount of $25,601, as recommended by the Sheriff.
22. Adopted resolution recognizing National Telecommunicator’s Week, April 11 – 17, 2010.
23. Adopted a resolution approving the changes to the Northwest Regional Radio Board Joint Powers
Agreement, as presented and recommended by the Sheriff.
24. Approved B&W purchase of NRM ATV pickup (2006 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, extended cab 61/2’)
in an amount of $7,150 per Kelly Blue Book to be paid from designated departmental funds.
25. Approved purchase of 1 Motorola P25 digital compatible mobile radio from Roger’s Two Way Radio,
Inc., Bemidji, MN (state bid) in the amount of $2,841.24 for NRM ATV pickup to be paid from
designated department funds.
26. Approved purchase of 2010 Chevrolet pickup stripe package for ATV officer vehicle from Grafix
Shoppe, Eagan, MN in the amount of $400 including S & H, to be paid from designated
departmental monies.
27. Approved purchase of 1 Stiga STS275 table tennis table, by low quote, from in the
amount of 599.00 plus sales tax to be paid from inmate canteen account.
28. Informed the Board of Road Deputy, J. T. Harris resignation effective 03/31/10 with position to be
filled per proper procedure.
29. Chris Broeker, Director of Community Health reported that the H1N1 vaccine continues to be
available and presented information regarding the number of county vaccinations completed and
the county’s ranking within the state and country for vaccinations completed.
30. Reviewed County Health Ranking Study results provided by the University of Wisconsin.
31. Reported Assessor’s Office personnel utilization of 57 hours of overtime for period of 01/01/10 to
32. Approved purchase of 2 replacement desktop PC towers in the amount of $764 each plus sales tax,
as recommended by the Technology Coordinator and the purchase of three wireless office headset
systems with lifter jack sets, by low quote, for the assessor, auditor/treasurer and recorder, in the
amount of $219.99 each plus sales tax and no shipping recorder’s to be paid from the Recorder’s
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Compliance Fund.
33. Distributed the local Township Board of Appeal & Equalization meeting schedule.
34. Approved payment to North American Salt Company in the amount of $56,405.97 by
commissioner’s warrant.
35. Approved addition of the Emergency Management Officer to the Safety, Emergency Management
and Technology Committees.
36. Approved Environmental Services purchase of three PC’s, as recommended by the Technology
Coordinator, to be paid from the Recorder’s Compliance Fund.
37. Approved purchase of service (POS) agreement with Michael Plante to complete the Law Librarian
services for the period of 04/01 to 12/31/10, as presented.
38. Approved the social services bills, as presented.
39. Authorized the Recorder’s attendance of Fidlar Technologies 3rd Annual National User Group
Meeting in Rock Island, IL 05/18 to 05/20/10 with meals and transportation in Rock Island provided
by Fidlar and minimal expenses to be paid by the county from tech fund monies, as presented.
40. At 12:42 p.m. a public hearing was held regarding the reinstatement/adoption of the Septic System
Standards Ordinance #28. The public hearing was closed at 12:46 p.m.
41. Rescinded Ordinance #38 and approved the reinstatement of Ordinance #28, as presented to be
effective upon publication.
42. Approved the 2010 Natural Resource Block Grant - SSTS funds grant agreement, as presented and
authorized the Chairman to sign same.
43. Approved POS contracts with SSTS inspectors, Bruce Otto and Al Winterberger for period of
01/01/10 to 12/31/10, as recommended by the ESO, and authorized the Chairman to sign same.
44. Reported the annual SSTS contractor meeting is scheduled for 04/22/10 at 6:00 p.m. in the
courthouse basement meeting room.
45. Provided AMC Legislative Conference report and a Historical Society update was presented.
46. The meeting was adjourned at 1:22 p.m.