H.1.4.11 Ecological Relationships Test

Name: _________________________
H.1.4.11 Ecological Relationships Test
1. What factors control Population?
2. What is the significance of these factors?
3. What is a Population?
4. Why do species live in populations?
5. What is meant by Competition?
6. What do plants and animals compete for?
compete for _________________________________________________________________
compete for _________________________________________________________________
7. Name two different types of competition
8. What is meant by and give an example of contest competition?
9. What is meant by and give an example of scramble competition?
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Name: _________________________
10. What are adventitious roots?
11. How does competition affect population size?
12. How do animals survive competition?
13. How do plants survive competition?
14. What are adaptive techniques?
15. Distinguish between predation and predator.
predation: ________________________________________________________________
predator: _________________________________________________________________
16. List some effects of predation
17. List some adaptations of predators
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Name: _________________________
18. Give three adaptations of predators
19. List some adaptations of prey
20. Give three adaptations of prey
21. Explain what is happening at each of the numbered locations on this graph.
Explanation of graph
2. ______________________________________________________________________
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Name: _________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
22. What is meant by parasitism?
23. Explain symbiosis
Give examples of symbiosis
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