F F - F Fahrenheit degrees. F - F female. F

F - F Fahrenheit degrees.
F - F female.
F - F phenylalanine.
F & E - F & E flexion & extension.
F(hor) - F(hor) horizontal ground reaction force.
F-actin - F-actin filamentous actin.
F-BKP - F-BKP femoral-below-knee-popliteal bypasses.
f.b. - f.b. foreign body
F.H. - F.H. family history.
F/H - F/H family history.
F/I - F/I fever due to infection.
F/U - F/U follow-up.
F7 - F7 factor VII gene on chromosome 13q34-qter.
FA - FA failed appointment.
FA - FA Fanconi's anemia.
FA - FA fluorapatite.
FA - FA forearm.
FAA - FAA Federal Aviation Agency .
FAAN - FAAN Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria.
FAAP - FAAP F-actin image analysis program.
FAAP - FAAP Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
FAAP - FAAP free amino acid pool.
FAAP - FAAP functional activity of plasminogen activators in plasma.
FAAP - FAAP N-formylaminoantipyrine.
Faap(s) - Faap(s) fatty acid activation protein(s).
FAAU - FAAU functional activity of plasminogen activators in urine.
FAB - FAB French American and British classification scheme for leukemia.
FABERE - FABERE flexion abduction external rotation and extension.
FABP - FABP fatty acid binding protein.
FACC - FACC Fellow of the American College of Cardiology.
FACES-II - FACES-II Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales Version II.
FACFAS - FACFAS Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.
FACOG - FACOG Fellow Of The American College Of Obstetrics And Gynecology.
FACOI - FACOI Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Internists.
FACP - FACP Fellow of the American College Of Physicians.
FACS - FACS Fellow of the American College Of Surgeons.
FACS - FACS fluorescence-activated cell sorter.
FACU - FACU Federal Agricultural Coordinating Unit.
FAD - FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide.
FADIR - FADIR flexion adduction and internal rotation.
FADIRE - FADIRE flexion adduction internal rotation and extension.
FAI - FAI Foot and Ankle International (Journal).
FALT - FALT follicle-associated lymphoid tissue.
FAMS - FAMS functional assessment of multiple sclerosis.
FANA - FANA fluorescent antinuclear antibody test (see also ANA).
FAO - FAO United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization.
FAOP - FAOP Florida Association of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
FAP - FAP familial adenomatous polyposis.
FAQ - FAQ frequently asked questions.
FAS/ITP - FAS/ITP Foreign Agriculture Service/International Trade Policy.
FASIG - FASIG Foot and Ankle Special Interest Group.
FAWC - FAWC Farm Animal Welfare Concil (UK).
FB - FB Fb fingerbreadth.
FB - FB foreign body.
FBC - FBC full blood count.
FBD - FBD Familial British dementia.
FBD - FBD feather and beak disease (a bird disease).
FBD - FBD fibrin binding domain.
FBD - FBD fibrocystic breast disease
FBD - FBD Flow-BOLD (blood oxygenation level-dependent) -Dependence.
FBD - FBD food-borne diseases.
FBD - FBD forearm bone density.
FBD - FBD functional bowel disorder/distress.
FBD - FBD functional breathing disorder.
FBI - FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations.
FBP - FBP filtered back-projection.
FBS - FBS fasting blood sugar.
FBS - FBS Finnish Bone Society (EFFO Member Society).
FC - FC finger counting.
FCA - FCA fracture complete angulated.
FCAPM - FCAPM formal college approved postgraduate meeting.
FCC - FCC Federal Communications Commission.
FCC - FCC fracture complete comminuted; fracture compound
FCCC - FCCC fracture complete comminuted compound.
FCCP - FCCP Fellow of the American College Of Chest Physicians.
FCD - FCD fracture complete deviated.
FCE - FCE food conversion efficiency.
FCI - FCI flow cytometric immunophenotyping.
FCM - FCM flow cytometry.
FCMC - FCMC family-centered maternity care.
FCOVD - FCOVD Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development.
FCR - FCR flexor carpi radialis.
FCS - FCS fetal calf serum.
FCT - FCT Federal Capitol Territory.
FCU - FCU flexor carpi ulnaris.
FD - FD familial dysautonomia.
Fd-MIV - Fd-MIV Friend derived murine immunosuppressive virus.
FDA - FDA Food and Drug Administration (US).
FDA-BAM - FDA-BAM Food & Drug Administration-Bacteriological Analytical
FDC - FDC follicular dendritic cells.
FDI - FDI first dorsal interosseus (muscle of the hand).
FDIM - FDIM fluorescence digital imaging microscopy.
FDIO - FDIO first dorsal interosseous (muscle).
FDMA - FDMA first dorsal metacarpal artery.
FDP - FDP fibrin degradation products.
FDP - FDP flexor digitorum profundus.
FDP - FDP fructose-16-diphosphate.
FDS - FDS flexor digitorum superficialis.
FDV - FDV Four dimensional visualization.
Fe - Fe iron.
FEA - FEA focal epileptic activity.
FEB - FEB fever.
FECG - FECG fetal electrocardiogram.
FECS - FECS Federation of European Cancer Societies.
FEF - FEF forced expiratory flow.
FEKG - FEKG fetal electrocardiogram.
FEL - FEL familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
FeLV - FeLV feline leukemia virus.
FeNa - FeNa fractional excretion of sodium: (UNa x PCr/PNa x UCr) x 100; <1 in
prerenal azotemia and 1 in intrinsic renal azotemia.
FEP - FEP free erythrocyte protoporphyrin.
FER - FER flexion extension rotation.
FERC - FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
FES - FES functional electric stimulation (Cleveland FES Center).
FES - FES functional electrical stimulation.
FES - FES functional endoscopic sinus.
FES-LCE - FES-LCE functional electrical stimulation (FES)-induced leg cycle ergometer
FESSH - FESSH Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand.
FEV - FEV forced expiratory volume.
FEV1 - FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second.
FF - FF forward flexion.
Ff - Ff free fraction.
FFA - FFA for further appointment.
FFD - FFD free from disability.
FFM - FFM Five-Factor Model of personality.
FFROM - FFROM full free range of motion.
FFS - FFS failure-free survival.
FFS - FFS fee-for-service.
FFS - FFS Five-Factors Score (a prognostic scoring systems).
FFT - FFT forward flexion: fingertips to toes.
FGF - FGF fibroblast growth factor.
FH - FH family history.
FH - FH follicular hyperplasia.
FHLH - FHLH familial histiocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
FHR - FHR fetal heart rate.
FHS - FHS fetal heart sounds.
FHT - FHT fetal heart tones.
Fib - Fib fibroblasts.
FID - FID flame ionization detectors (chromatography).
FIGO - FIGO International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Federation
Internationale de Gynecologie et d’Obstetrique).
FIMS - FIMS Federation Internationale de Medecine Sportive (International Federation
of Sports Medicine).
FIN - FIN finasteride.
FINCEN - FINCEN Financial Center.
FiO2 - FiO2 fraction of inspired oxygen.
FISH - FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization.
FIT - FIT Fracture Intervention Trial.
FITC - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate.
FIX - FIX fixed arm support.
FJRM - FJRM full joint range of motion.
FL - FL flank.
FL - FL flexion.
FL - FL fluid.
FL - FL follicular lymphoma.
FL - FL fully lactating.
FL-LC - FL-LC follicular lymphoma large cell.
FL-M - FL-M follicular lymphoma mixed small cleaved and large.
FL-SC - FL-SC follicular lymphoma small cleaved.
FLD - FLD frontal lobe dementia.
Flex - Flex flexion.
FLEX - FLEX flexion.
Fli1 - Fli1 Friend leukemia integration 1 gene.
FLX - FLX flexion
FMD - FMD family medical doctor.
FMD - FMD foot and mounth disease.
FMF - FMF Foreign Military Funding.
FMH - FMH fetal-maternal hemorrhage.
FMR-1 - FMR-1 fragile X mental retardation 1 gene.
FMRP - FMRP fragile X mental retardation protein(s).
FMS - FMS fibromyalgia syndrome.
FMSI - FMSI Federazione Medico Sportiva Italiana (Federation of Italian Sports
Medicine) (ItalianMedSport).
FN - FN fibronectin.
FNA - FNA fine needle aspiration.
FNAB - FNAB fine-needle aspiration biopsy.
FNH - FNH focal nodular hyperplasia.
FNP - FNP family nurse practitioner
FO - FO fecal output.
FOBT - FOBT fecal occult blood testing.
FOC - FOC flight of colors test.
FOP - FOP fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.
FORE - FORE Foundation for Osteoporosis Research and Education.
FOS - FOS Finnish Osteoporosis Society (EFFO Member Society).
FOS - FOS full of stool/constipated.
FOSA - FOSA Federation of Spine Associations (AAOS Specialty Societies).
FOSIT - FOSIT Fosamax International Trial.
FP - FP fluticasone propionate.
FPA - FPA fibrinopeptide A.
FPB - FPB fibrinopeptide B.
FPB - FPB flexor pollicis brevis.
FPD - FPD fibrin(ogen) degradation products.
FPIA - FPIA fluorescence polarization immunoassay.
FPL - FPL flexor pollicis longus.
FPL - FPL functional profile length.
FPM - FPM full passive movements.
FPMA - FPMA Florida Podiatric Medical Association.
FPT - FPT farnesyl protein transferase.
FR - FR fracture.
FR - FR frequency of respiration.
FR - FR full range.
FRBB - FRBB fracture of both bones.
FRC - FRC fibroblastic reticulum cells.
FRC - FRC functional residual capacity.
FRCP - FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
FRCP(C) - FRCP(C) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada.
FRCSI - FRCSI Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
FRJM - FRJM full range of joint movement.
FROM - FROM full range of motion full range of movement.
FS - FS frozen section.
FSB - FSB Formosan Society of Biomechanics.
FSC - FSC forward angle light scatter (flow cytometry term).
FSC - FSC fracture simple comminuted.
FSCAI - FSCAI Fellow of the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions.
FSCC - FSCC fracture simple complete comminuted.
FSCCL - FSCCL follicular small cleaved cell lymphomas.
FSCPC - FSCPC fast-setting calcium phosphate cement.
FSD - FSD functional sensory deficit.
FSE - FSE fast-spin-echo.
FSGS - FSGS focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis.
FSH - FSH follicle stimulating hormone.
FSN - FSN Foreign Service National.
FSOs - FSOs family members and significant others.
FSS - FSS frozen shoulder syndrome.
ft - ft Foot feet (measure).
FT - FT low-molecular polypeptide factors of thymus.
FT-IR - FT-IR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.
FT4 - FT4 free thyroxin.
FT4I - FT4I free thyroxin (T4) index.
FTA-ABS - FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test.
FTD - FTD frontotemporal dementia.
FTI - FTI farnesyl transferase inhibitor.
FTI - FTI free thyroxin index.
FTIR - FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared.
FTKA - FTKA failed to keep appointment.
FTND - FTND full term normal delivery.
FTNM - FTNM The French TNM Group.
FTR - FTR fast-twitch red (skeletal muscle).
FTSG - FTSG full thickness skin graft.
FTT - FTT failure to thrive.
FTW - FTW fast-twitch white (skeletal muscle).
FTW - FTW fat weight.
FTW - FTW first time wheezing.
FTY - FTY fat yield.
FU - FU follow-up.
FU(5-) - FU(5-) 5-fluorouracil (treatment regimen).
FUBAR - FUBAR Fowled Up Beyond All Recognition.
FUO - FUO fever of undetermined (or unknown) origin.
FVC - FVC forced vital capacity.
FVII - FVII factor VII.
FVIIa - FVIIa activated factor VII.
FVIIAg - FVIIAg factor VII antigen.
FVIIc - FVIIc factor VII coagulant activity.
FWB - FWB full weight bearing.
FX - FX Fx fracture.
FXBB - FXBB fracture of both bones.
FXS - FXS fragile X syndrome.
FY - FY fiscal year.
FYI - FYI for your information.