Peer Correction Checklist

Peer Correction Checklist
Below is a list of a few critical points that you should look at when
proofreading a paper. Go through each point and then check it off in
the space provided.
Punctuation and Capitalization
______a) The first word in a sentence should be capitalized and the last
word in each sentence should be properly punctuated.
______b) Make sure all commas are used correctly throughout the
composition. (ex. After introductory clauses, in a series, or in compound
______c) Capitalize all proper nouns and adjectives. (ex. Mexican rice,
Atlanta, Georgia)
______d) Add semicolons if needed throughout the composition.
(Remember semicolons join two independent thoughts without a
______e) If quotations are used, make sure they are used correctly.
______f) Make sure colons and hyphens are in their correct spots.
______g) Add apostrophes in contractions and words that show
II) Paragraph and Sentence Structure
______a) All sentences should be grammatically correct. They should
have a subject and a predicate.
______b) Check for run-on sentences. Add commas and conjunctions to
sentences that need them or split the sentence into two independent
______c) All new paragraphs should be indented.
______d) Check for run-on paragraphs. Make sure the paper is split into
paragraphs that each states a point of interest.
______e) Remove unnecessary or repeat sentences.
______f) Double space after each sentence.
______g) If a sentence begins with two or more prepositional phrases,
you should use a comma after the introductory phrases.
III) Word Usage
______a) Change descriptive words that are used repetitively.
______b) Make sure all adjectives and adverbs are used correctly.
______c) Make sure the subject and verbs agree in each sentence.
Birds fly, not birds flies)