hordern trophy winners have a ball

April 7 2005
Angus provided the winning Hordern Trophy pair at the Sydney Royal show. This award
is recognised as the premier interbreed accolade in the nation and each breed is
represented by its grand champion bull and grand champion female.
And to make the win quite unusual, both champions came from Michael Ball’s Comfort
Hill Angus, Sutton Forest, NSW.
His grand champion bull, Comfort Hill EXT293, was supreme beef exhibit at Canberra
2005 and sold at the Sydney show sales for the equal top price of $12,000.
The grand champion female was Comfort Hill Karen X172, the senior and grand
champion female and supreme Angus exhibit at Canberra 2005. Comfort Hill Princess
Y91 was junior champion female.
For the first time in the Angus ring at an Australian Royal show, a Korean owned animal
won a major award.
NBAR Bando 5175 Y54 from the Korean owned Goulburn, NSW, property ‘Norwood’,
was junior champion bull and was in utero of a cow purchased at a Kenny’s Creek sale
for $8750. This bull has been selected as one of 12 bulls in Angus Australia’s Young Sire
Program aimed at accelerating the genetic advancement of the Angus breed in Australia.
The bulls were selected on EBVs, phenotype and genetic variation and will be joined to
around 2000 cows to not only utilise their superior genetics but to quickly generate high
accuracy performance figures.
The McLeish family from Coonamble, NSW, exhibited the reserve champion female
Outwest Dynasty Samola Y1 and the reserve junior champion bull Outwest 1407
Yarraman Y16.
The Waitara Partnership from NSW, provided the reserve junior champion female
Waitara 41-93 Vegas Z8.
Greg Fuller from Bylong, NSW, exhibited the reserve senior champion bull, PC
Explosion X502.
Electronic photographs available on request.
From: Angus Australia. Media contact Geoff Phillips phone (03) 9431 1522 or 0411
413 599, fax (03) 9431 1864, or email geoffphi@ozemail.com.au.
You can find all the Angus Society’s press releases on www.angusaustralia.com.au