Mental-Emotional Health notes - Elliott

Mental-Emotional Health Unit
Healthy Behaviors are taking care of yourself, physically, mental-emotionally, and socially.
Total Health Concept- “The Umbrella of Health”:
Physical Health
Mental-Emotional Health
Social Health
Physical Health is your body.
Social Health is having positive interactions with others.
Mental-Emotional Health is the condition of a person’s mind and the way that a person expresses feeling.
This includes:
1. Being comfortable with yourself
2. Feeling good about your relationships with others
3. Being able to meet the demands of life
Extrapersonal Communication is communicating with others.
(Classwork: Student Search Activity and Getting To Know You Activity)
Intrapersonal Communication is communicating within yourself.
Having a Positive Self-Concept is the feeling of being a worthwhile person.
*This is the most important indicator of mental-emotional health.
(Classwork: What Is Good Mental-Emotional Health? Activity and Who Am I? Activity)
Four main motivations (reasons why we do something) that underlie (or cause) most health behaviors:
Positive Examples
Negative Examples
with something you
Social Pressure
Going to After-School Tutoring because your
just because a
best friend is going.
person tells you to.
Smoking because you feel stressed
Importance of your family, beliefs in
Smoking isn’t “that” bad for me if my
Attitudes and Values
types of religions, saying no to
dad does it.
premarital sex
Decision not to drink and drive, getting Ignoring medical information until a
regular medical check-ups
problem occurs (diabetes, high blood
(Classwork: My Personal Coat of Arms Activity – Put your name across the top of the Coat of Arms.
Use the remaining 4 squares for each of the four Motivations. Draw a picture to describe what you are
experiencing for each Motivation.)
(Classwork: Health Habit to Change Activity – What habits do you have? Are some good? Are some
bad? What is a health habit that you would like to change about yourself? Remember health is Physical,
Mental-Emotional and Social. Use the worksheet to answer the questions about your health habit. Use
complete sentences.)
The Decision Making Model: 6 Steps
Define the problem
 Clearly describe the situation
Educate yourself
 List possible actions
 Share list and ask for advice
 Take responsibility for the problem
Consider all options
 Carefully evaluate each option to see which are safe, reliable, legal, respectful to self and others
Identify your choice
 Decide which action is responsible and most appropriate
Design a plan and act accordingly
Evaluate your decision
 Did it work? If not try another solution.
Calculated Risk
A Calculated Risk is a chance a person takes after carefully thinking about the possible consequences.
What to do if you have made a wrong decision:
Take responsibility and admit you have made a wrong decision.
 “It is my fault! I did it. I screwed up. Don’t blame them.”
Do not continue actions based on wrong decisions.
 “I am not going to do that again. That was the last time I make that mistake.”
Discuss the wrong decision with a responsible person.
Make restitution for harm done to others.
 “How can I make this up to you? How can I fix this mess? I am sorry, how can I make this
Stress Management:
Stress is the response of a person’s mind or body to stressors.
A Stressor is a physical, mental-emotional, social or environmental demand.
General Adaptation Syndrome – the body’s response to stress.
Alarm Stage
-heart rate increases, breathing increases,
muscles tense
-the body prepares to meet the demands
of the stressor
Resistance Stage
-Pulse and breathing return to normal
-Muscles relax
Eustress occurs - SUCCESSFUL coping or
healthful response to the stressor
Exhaustion Stage
-Body fatigues from overwork
Distress occurs - UNSUCCESSFUL coping
or harmful response to the stressor
Life Events and Daily Hassles cause Distress in young people.
Examples of Life Events
Divorce in the family
Death of a friend/family member
Money problems
Abuse issues in the home
Illness of a friend/family member
Examples of Daily Hassles
Physical appearance
Watching or playing in a game
Test and other schoolwork
Work related problems
Stress Management Skills:
Talk with a responsible person, parent or other trusted adult.
Use responsible decision making skills.
Getting enough sleep.
Participate in physical activities.
Using a time management plan.
Writing in a journal.
Eating a well balanced diet.
Spending time with family and friends.
(Classwork: Time Management Plan Activity – Use the Weekly Time Schedule to fill in your activities
for the week. Don’t forget school, practice, TV, computer, sleep, meals and chores. Use the Time
Management Chart to figure out how much free time you have. Do you use your time wisely?)
Depression is the feeling of being sad, unhappy, discouraged and hopeless.
Depression is the leading health problem in the U.S.
 Teenage girls have the highest incidence of depression.
Symptoms of Depression:
 Loss of sleep
 Loss of appetite
 Loss of energy
 Loss of concentration
 Loss of enthusiasm
 Sadness
 Anger
 Withdrawal from others
Dealing with Depression:
 Spend time with family and friends.
 Spend time with other adults that may help you.
 Practice stress management skills daily.
Suicide is the intentional taking of one’s life.
Indications of possible suicide:
Drastic change in personality.
Withdrawal from family and friends.
Loss of interest.
Difficulty getting along with others.
Giving away prized possessions.
Use of chemicals such as alcohol and marijuana.
Verbal or written statements about suicide or death.
Suicide Prevention Strategies:
Recognize the signs of suicide.
Always take the person seriously.
Respect confidentiality.
Notify a responsible adult.
Suicide hotline 410-749-HELP, emergency number 9-1-1.
Stay with the person until help arrives.
Person will need continued support and encouragement.
(Classwork: The 5 Stages of Death and Dying - “After Jimmy” – What symptoms of depression do you
notice in Jimmy?
The 5 Stages of Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler Ross
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Look for each stage in the movie. What indications of possible suicide do you notice?)